Home Latest NewsEntertainment “Sasa tusispin na Mayengx buda?” why Wamlambez anthem can’t die despite Mutua ban

“Sasa tusispin na Mayengx buda?” why Wamlambez anthem can’t die despite Mutua ban

by Brian Miano

Anywhere you go, shout Wamlambez and definitely you’ll get a reply, Wamnyonyez. These statements have become part of our culture and ain’t nobody can ban us from uttering them anywhere we go be it locally or countrywide.

The most annoying part is, artists release music appealing to the ears of Kenyans only for the hits to get banned for airplay after some time.

I mean this is an indication of high levels of pretense or hypocrisy by those running the MCSK.

Kwani nyinyi ndio saints nini? Recently the head of Kenya Films and Classification Board (KFCB) Ezekiel Mutua went to twitter saying that the song wamlambez Wamnyonyez has been banned but Kenyans didn’t take it quite easy.

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For the longest years now, MCSK has been paying peanuts to artists a clear indication that some fishy business usually goes on in there. Maybe they fill their pockets with artists money which is really annoying considering the amount of time effort they put to come up with a hit song.

For four months now, we’ve been listening to wamlambez Wamnyonyez until the guy decided to throw the bomb terming it as sexually explicit. Why then allow music from abroad to air then ban our own? Look for instance songs Cardi B or Nicki Minaj and other musicians from the international level release,the videos are way to dirty for some audiences. But our song wamlambez, a song which everyone sings the chorus along,from the young to the elderly, someone decided to wake up one morning and banned it!

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Kama siko wrong najua even Ezekiel Mutua himself finds himself humming the chorus in his mind sometimes.

Why should he bring his stress to work? Why would he ban some songs that young upcoming artists have worked on, of which they turn out to be bangers? We as Kenyans haven’t raised issues about the hit song,in fact we like it and we will always dance to it while singing along for a very long time now. Even people in the diaspora are trying to sing it,this shows if Mutua can only stop killing artists dreams,we could be recognized internationally.

Sailors killed it and made a hit song of the year. My fellow country men, Wamlambez Wamnyonyez ain’t going nowhere, it’s here to stay for the longest time. The feeling that it brings when you are at a party or any other social function then the coordinator shouts Wamlambez, the crowd will reply with Wanyonyez and its simply exhilarating.

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