Home Latest NewsPolitics Obado’s Impeachment Bid Takes a New Twist as MCAs Flee Migori Over Fear

Obado’s Impeachment Bid Takes a New Twist as MCAs Flee Migori Over Fear

by Mustafa Juma

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) bid to oust Migori governor Okoth Obado has taken a twist.

This is after a section of Migori Members of County Assembly allegedly fled the South Nyanza County over fear as tension continues to rise.

According to a report by one of the leading local dailies, a number of MCAs claimed the mission to kick out Obado may fail because of sharp divisions among Orange party MCAs, threats and intimidation as well as fears of a backlash from the residents.

With President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee party plotting to join Raila Orange party in the ouster motion, a number of MCAs are said to have travelled out of Migori, with some claiming they were holding strategy meetings in Kisii, Kisumu and Nairobi in the wake of the developments.

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Migori County Jubilee coordinator Mwita Nyangi on Friday September 4, 2020 asked Jubilee MCAs to support Obado’s ouster motion.

However, a section of Jubilee MCAs have refused to buy the idea. A section of them skipped a meeting organised in Kuria to rally them behind the ouster bid.

Yesterday, the Assembly’s minority whip Joseph Oyoo of Jubilee party dismissed attempts by the party to compel them to join ODM to oust Obado.

The Makario Ward MCA dismissed the party’s coordinator Mwita Nyangi who convened a meeting with other party officials from the county and said they would not support Obado ouster.

Several other MCAs claimed anonymously that the push to oust Obado was ill-informed and would not succeed.

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There are fears that violence may erupt in the county should the leaders fronting for Obado’s ouster proceed with the move and table an impeachment motion against him.

Some MCAs claimed that the fear of violence erupting as a result of the planned exercise exceeds the wrath of the party should they fail to go against the party’s wishes.

One of the ODM MCAs said he had moved to Kisii to escape intense pressure at the county.

Muhuru MCA Hevron Mahira, who reported threats on his life on Wednesday said that he has moved to a safe place within the county.

He alleged that a few hours after reporting about threat on his life, he received more threats from a strange number for supporting the position of his party over Obado’s fate.

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Do you think impeaching Obado will be a walk in the park?

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