Home Latest News Governor Muthomi Njuki awarded the overall best performing governor.

Governor Muthomi Njuki awarded the overall best performing governor.

by Ireri Steve

Mizani Africa a renowned and established survey organization in Africa has made marks that to the very best should ease tension at times when the country is absconding in political hysteria. Citizens reading this report are bound to keep believing in their leaders despite the number of scandals they have been mentioned in lately.

His Excellency Governor Muthomi Njuki won the overall best governor among the 47 after a survey was conducted at the county levels. In the report ,the governor thrashed other notable governor leaders in the country marking him the most effective.

In the top seven category were other leaders like Prof Anyang Nyongo and Governor Ann Waiguru who took positions five and two respectively. Still in the survey , Member of parliament Babu Owino was awarded the sixth best performing MP.

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Tharaka Nithi county governor scored 79.7% ,which was the highest grade scored amongst the 47 governors. The opinion poll was conducted throughout 47 counties in Kenya with the period of data collection having been done between 5th March 2020 -5th December 2020. The leaders ranking conducted by mizani Africa secured a confidence level of 95% with the demographics being split as illustrated below.
A demographic representation showing the ages and genders of people who responded to the survey. Photo credits-google +screen alignment-Ireri Steve.

Following the current situation where most leaders are fighting to win clean in serious scandals they have been mentioned in, the report saunters as a reliever to citizens gravid with the scandalous hysteria.

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