Home Latest NewsLifestyle Man shares how he bypassed the president’s security to hand him letter

Man shares how he bypassed the president’s security to hand him letter

by Romelu Lukaku

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to beat the laws of nature and become invisible to the human eye? To many, this may sound impossible. But you might have heard about Kenyan politician Raila who vanishes in mysterious ways in case
of danger.

So, you could be asking yourself, “How can I become invisible?” We have all theanswers for you. After six months of unemployment, Caleb Simala’s* (name withheld to protect his identity) life had taken a nosedive. From a salary of KSh 70,000 to nothing, he was struggling to make ends meet.

Misfortune struck early this year when a Form Three girl walked into his office and started a very inappropriate conversation.
Simala was a teacher at a mixed secondary school in Ukambani where he had worked for 10 years. He was a charismatic maths and physics teacher.

After lessons, students would follow him to his small office in the physics lab for further explanations.

Raunchy student on the prowl

One evening, at around 5pm, as students left for home, a girl, whom he says seemed to have had a crush on him, approached him.

“She pretended she wanted a brief explanation of a maths question, but she later started touching me. I tried to push her away, but she said she would scream. I kept her away. Unfortunately, on that day, a parent who had visited the school to talk to the principal walked in and found the girl trying to come closer. She was outraged. I tried to explain, but nobody understood,” Simala narrated.

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The parent got furious and reported the issue to the school head and the district education office, and the poor teacher was interdicted on grounds of performing an indecent act with a student.

As he languished in stress, he read about a man who had been freed from jail after a girl he was accused of defiling confessed that she had been coerced by her mother to lie.

How Mugwenu Doctors helped release prisoner

The businessman had been in prison for nine years before his wife contacted Mugwenu Doctors for help. They cast their spells of releasing wrongly convicted prisoners, which pushed the girl to confess, and he was released after prison authorities reinvestigated the case, thanks to the intervention of Mugwenu Doctors.

Simala took the leap of faith and contacted Mugwenu Doctors on +254740637248 and they sympathised with him.
They cast protection spells upon him and a good luck spell and told him to appeal his case.

That week, when the president visited Ukambani, Mugwenu Doctors told him to take that chance and seek an audience with him. But how was he going to do that?

The president is heavily guarded with multiple rings of soldiers armed to the teeth. Mugwenu Doctors gave him a ring and explained that it would make him invisible and enable him to walk past security.

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On that day, he drafted a letter, which was blessed by Mugwenu Doctors. He then walked to the Thanksgiving ceremony where the president was and waited for his address.

He put on his magic ring and, just as he was promised, he was able to walk past the detectives and hand his letter to the president without any hassle.

The officers were only able to see him after he handed over the letter, but the president warned them not to mishandle him.
The president read his letter and directed the TSC to re-investigate the case.

The student who had caused all the trouble came forth during the investigation and confessed that she indeed was the one who put the teacher in a compromising situation.

Simala was rehired, and the commission apologised for not being thorough in its probe and being swayed by public opinion to make a verdict.

The teacher, however, requested to be transferred to a boys’ school. “I don’t feel very comfortable with girls around me. They make me remember that bad ordeal. What would I have done, were it not for Mugwenu Doctors? I am now back at work. Thanks to them,” he said.

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How to get power to be inviable like Raila

Do you want to have the power to be invisible and escape from your enemies? Whether you are a politician, preacher, businessman or anyone, you can achieve this with the help of Mugwenu Doctors.

They are the experts in casting spells and using herbs and magic rings to solve any problem you may have.

Mugwenu Doctors can also help you with:

  • Spells to win court cases
  • Spells to win tenders
  • Spells to get jobs after being fired
  • Herbs for losing weight
  • Money bags
  • Business spells
  • Pregnancy and fertility spells
  • Love spells
  • Spells to win bets and lotteries
  • Spells to destroy evil eye and black magic

Here is a detailed list of spells and services you can get from Mugwenu Doctors.

How long does it take for spells from Mugwenu Doctors to work?

Spells from Mugwenu Doctors work on the same day they are released or within 24 hours. They are trustworthy and appreciate clients’ confidence. They only share stories of clients who have consented.

They have over 25 years of experience in the art of casting spells and treating stubborn diseases, among them reproductive problems.

Don’t wait any longer. Contact Mugwenu Doctors today and see the difference in your life.

Mobile number: +254740637248
E-mail: mugwenudoctors@gmail.com
Website: www.mugwenudoctors.com

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