Mozzart New Boreholes a life changer for Lorogon and Kalodicha communities of Turkana County
Two new boreholes dug in Lorogon Primary School and Kalodicha Primary School in Turkana County have spread optimism as they will open a window of opportunities and make life better for the respective communities.

The water projects that have been fully funded by gaming firm Mozzart to the tune of Ksh 5.5 million were officially commissioned on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th August.
Calister Edichan, a village elder in the Lorogon community, said the water project would ease the burden on kids and women who previously spent time water hunting.

“They will now have more time to study and that is very important. The women in this community also have a huge burden lifted off their shoulders as water is now easily accessible. We are very grateful and cannot thank Mozzart enough,” Edichan said.
Judy Eregai, the Turkana South Sub County water administrator echoed Edichan’s sentiments and asked Lorogon and Kalodicha residents to take care of the two projects.

“Water has been a very big challenge in Turkana. We had made a request of 13 boreholes to serve most of the wards and thankfully Mozzart has dug two. These projects will help ease the burden and on behalf of the County Government of Turkana, I would like to thank Mozzart,” she said.
“As the county Government, we will help the people of Lorogon and Kalodicha in taking care of these projects because they are very important to the community,” She added.
“It hasn’t been easy for the kids and other people in the community in their pursuit of water due to the insecurity in this region but now that will be a thing of the past. Pregnant women, old women and school-going children really had a hard time but that is now over,”Lorogon Primary School Matron Mary Achua said.

Mariam Asekon, the Kalodicha ward administrator also thanked Mozzart for the project saying it has “put a smile on their faces after years of suffering.”
Mozzart Country Manager Sasa Krneta revealed that the covid-19 pandemic is what motivated the organization to launch the “ACTION 100 WELLS FOR KENYAN COMMUNITIES” project.
“The importance of safe water was emphasized at the onset of the Covid pandemic and we realized that it was huge challenge for Kenyan communities to get water. We are a strong organization because of Kenyans and we therefore felt it was the right time to support these communities,” he said.
“So far, the 10 boreholes we dug in different counties will truly impact the communities positively and that gives us motivation to continue with the project. We promised Kenyans 100 fresh water points and that is what we will deliver,” he added.
Mozzart Marketing Manager Okoth Ochieng’ while re-emphasizing the need to help the Turkana Community as they experience the Water shortage also underpinned that Turkana is the first County to receive two wells.
“Turkana people have been affected greatly by the shortage of this life giving resource for many years, and it is a deserved blessing for the community to be the first to receive more than one Borehole as part of Mozzart’s ambitious countrywide Water Project. So far, the other counties we’ve been to have only received one borehole each. Our goal is to drill a Borehole in at least each of the 47 counties, and we are proud that Mozzart is the first company in our Industry to improve the Lives of Communities in Turkana County through Corporate Social Responsibility.”
Apart from the boreholes, Mozzart has been involved in other CSR projects most notably donating crucial medical equipment to hospitals, sponsoring various sports entities and donating sports equipment to grassroots teams.