Home Latest NewsLifestyle Here are the 3 False friends in the fight against stress, avoid them!

Here are the 3 False friends in the fight against stress, avoid them!

by Muthoni Kamande

Have you ever been stressed? Well, how did you manage the situation? There are some things that people take to be their close friends when they get stressed only for them to turn out to be false friends.

Well, drug and substance abuse has been a common trend among people in efforts to manage stress. However, there are three common drugs that are abused during this situation.

Some people drink alcohol to relieve stress. They may think drinking is an easy way to relax and forget their problems. But this can be actually very harmful.

It is true that alcohol can stimulate the production of serotonin and endorphins in the brain, which generates feeling of relaxation and euphoria. But over time, alcohol can lead to addiction. Drinking alcohol also disrupts the normal functioning of certain organs, including the brain, pancreas and liver.

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Smoking a cigarette can bring almost instant relaxation since nicotine reaches the brain quickly. The effect, however, is very short-lived, while nicotine can have a long-lasting impact. It is an extremely addictive substance that can lead to a number of health problems. Smoking also inteferes with proper lung function, blood production and circulation.

Many people drink coffee to boost their energy levels throughout the day. The beverage produces this effect thanks to caffein, which has many health benefits when consumed in moderation.
i.e; up to 4 cups a day. However, excessive amounts can affect your pulse rate and blood pressure, making it harder to feel calm and relaxed.

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