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Mustafa Juma

Karen Hospital has advised the Directorate of Criminal Investigations ( DCI) against detaining Keroche Breweries Director Joseph Karanja in a police cell.

In a letter issued on Thursday 22 August, 2019, the hospital says he has a serious heart condition.

According to Dr Gikonyo of Karen Hospital, Joseph Karanja has undergone a life saving surgery and keeping him under police custody will greatly endanger his life.

Joseph Karanja and his wife Tabitha Karanja were on Thursday afternoon arrested over alleged Sh14.4b tax evasion following orders from the Director of Public  Prosecutions Noordin Haji.

The public prosecutor had on Wednesday ordered the arrest of Keroche Breweries Limited proprietors over allegations of Sh14 billion tax fraud.

The entrepreneurs through their lawyer James Orengo had on Thursday morning moved to court seeking to stop DPP Noordin Haji from prosecuting them for 10 counts of tax evasion.

The couple spent the night holed up in their office in Naivasha as DCI and KRA officers camped at the gate.

Thursday afternoon, court issued a search and arrest warrant to DCI officers seeking to arrest the couple who had locked themselves in their factory in Naivasha.

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Sometime back, Keroche borrowed Ksh 5 billion from
Barclays Bank of Kenya to modernize its factory. With such a loan, it’s always a good practice for the bank to require some political assurance as security for its investment.

Tabitha Karanja wrote to Pres. Kibaki to honour an invite and open modernized factory on completion. Kibaki agreed to be the guest of honour.

Powerful people in State House saw this schedule on the then President Kibaki’s itinerary. They didn’t like it. Tabitha was a threat to their wealth.

That opening of Keroche’s new factory by Kibaki was silently removed from the President’s itinerary. Tabitha was not aware.

The late Jeremiah Kiereini together with Ministers Amos Kimunya and the late John Michuki teamed up to stop Tabitha. Mrs. Kimunya was a major distributor of EABL products while Kiereini was a key shareholder of the same.

Michuki hated new money influences in Kiukuyuland.

Tabitha Karanja realized she was alone when she tried to confirm with the State House comptroller Hyslop Ipu. Mr. Ipu just indicated to Tabitha, “I am not aware of what happened and can’t confirm the president’s availability.”

Tabitha was then in front of State House asking for a personal audience with President Kibaki to plead her case. She was driving herself.

Tabitha Karanja literally cried in her car as she made calls to all the powerful people close to Kibaki, none who could rescue her. Confused and teary, she was determined to fight on. So she thought of what to do. In the meantime, the hawk-eyed GSU guarding State House chased her from the gates.

She had just driven from Naivasha to State House and was blocked from seeing President Kibaki who was in?

The then President Kibaki’s PA Joe Wanjui confirmed receiving her invite but someone powerful had blocked her from getting the factory opened by President Kibaki.

Realizing that Kibaki’s people had played her, she got in touch with one of her employees who knew Jakoyo Midiwo and asked for an audience with Raila.

Tabitha didn’t have access to Raila then.

Jakoyo linked her to Raila. Raila was then not well aware of what Keroche was.

Tabitha met Jakoyo at Serena Hotel and Jakoyo drove her to Karen’s residence of Raila.

On the day of the unveiling of the new factory, Raila was also to grace an event in Kisumu.

But he agreed to pass by.

He asked if they had a helipad as he could pass by on his way to Kisumu. He told them that he could spend a maximum of 15 minutes. It was 48 hours to the d-day

Sensing “mwanya”, Tabitha asked Raila what he needed for the helipad as she can prepare that.

Tabitha Karanja prepared a helipad for Raila’s chopper within 36 hours.

Raila graced the occasion and instead of spending only 15 minutes, spent 3 hours. Raila loved the investment

That’s where the friendship of Raila Odinga and Tabitha Karanja emanated from. That’s how Tabitha knew and became friends to Raila.

Today, Keroche has a factory capable of producing 24,000 crates of beer or 600,000 beers in a single day.

The competitor is not happy with this. EABL is doing all it can and now using the DCI and ODPP to sabotage it.

To get into the club of billionaires in Kikiyuland, you have to be oathed. Tabitha Karanja is growing balls without being oathed into this club.

She has to be contained. Unfortunate. So unfortunate!!!

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Unidentified gunmen on Thursday fired at the vehicle of Wajir North MP Ahmed Ibrahim Abdsalan and torched his vehicle

According to reports by a local mainstream media, the MP was travelling with census staff when the attack occurred near an abandoned mosque at Masalale.

The lawmaker was, however, rescued from the scene by his security team.

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Francis Wangusi now insists he is still in charge at the Communications Authority defying a decision by the agency’s board to replace him after his term came to an end on Wednesday.

Wangusi said on Thursday he will not hand over to the authority’s Director of Legal Services, Mercy Wanajau, who was named the Interim Director General by CA Board Chairperson Ngene Gituku.

According to reports by several local dailies, Wangusi said that the board rejected Wanjau’s appointment.

“It is sad that a few people with selfish interests are forcing a person to head such a vital government institution,” Wangusi said.

He added that although his term ended on Wednesday, he was not told whom to hand over to.

Wangusi said he only came to know of the new CEO after she was unveiled on Thursday morning to the media.

CA chairman Ngene Gituku on Thursday announced Mercy Wanjau as new Acting director-general in a press briefing that lasted less than three minutes.

Mercy Wanjau is a commercial lawyer, regulatory and governance expert working with the Communications Authority of Kenya as the director Legal Services and board secretary.

She has been involved in designing and harmonizing policy and regulation in ICT sector at the local, regional and international level for over 15 years.

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Former Presidential candidate and ex-Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo has been released on on Sh200,000 bail.

Jirongo was arraigned on charges of giving false information linking the son of former President Daniel Moi to a Sh50 million land fraud case.

He who had been summoned by the court last week was charged with giving false information to a person employed in the public service contrary to the laws.

The court heard that the former law maker informed a police officer at the DCI headquarters Nairobi that he had completed payment of Sh7,000,000 to Jonathan Moi for the purchase of Soy Developers Limited.

The accused is said to given out the information on March 27,2015.

According to court papers, the information uttered was with intent of causing the arrest of Jonathan Moi as an accomplice in the alleged fraudulent purchase of the property.

Jirongo is also charged with obtaining execution of security by false pretenses.

He is also purported to have induced post bank credit limited to accept bank charge registered in the name Soy Developers Limited by false pretenses and with intent to defraud, in order to secure an overdraft facility of Sh50,000,000 to cyber projects International as valuable security on September 25th, 1992 in Nairobi.

Jirongo has been  accused by a different court of making a false document,a bank charge purported to have been signed by Sammy Boit Kogo.


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Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji has ordered the immediate arrest of Keroche Breweries CEO Tabitha Karanja.

Haji also ordered the arrest of Tabitha’s husband, Joseph Karanja, who is also a director at the alcohol manufacturer.

The DPP said Kericho industries were wanted over tax fraud.

More to follow………

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A quarrel between two brothers in a village in Vihiga County has left one of them dead after he was allegedly hit on the head with a blunt object.

Following the incident, police are holding the 45-year-old man reported to have killed his brother on Tuesday.

The two had quarrelled over who should prepare their meal.

The incident happened in Mang’únyuli village in Sabatia.


According to Izava Location Chief Alex Ukiru who confirmed the incident, the suspect, Mr Patrick Simwa, was angered after his younger brother, Evans Alumasa, 30, asked him to cook the food the victim had brought home.

Simwa hit Alumasa on the head killing him on the spot, Mr Ukiru said.

Mr Simwa is being held at Kilingili Police Station as officers launch investigations into the incident that has shocked the quiet village located a few kilometres from Mbale town.


Mr Ukiri said the suspect does not work and spends the whole day at home as his brother fends for him. They were staying in the same house.

”The suspect was angered when his brother asked him to cook food. He told his younger brother off, saying he was not his wife. Alumasa slapped him prompting the suspect to retaliate by hitting him on the head using a blunt object,” said Mr Ukiru.

He noted that the two are not married and do not have children.

”The land where they are living was bought by their father and they stay in the same house. Simwa does not do any work and depends on his younger brother to fend for him,” he said.

The body of the dead man was taken to Vihiga County Referral Hospital mortuary in Mbale.


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Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has banned all non-academic events in schools during third term to curb examination malpractices.

He was speaking at the launch of CBC teacher training session in Machakos.

“I want to be crystal clear that nobody in both private and public institutions will be allowed to interfere with the candidates as they prepare for their examination… So there will be no events in schools, no fundraising, no prayers or any other activities,” Magoha said in Machakos on Wednesday.

Other adjustments will see primary and secondary schools close early to allow standard eight and form four candidates sit national examinations in November.

Magoha said November will exclusively be an examination month, with the rest of learners in primary and secondary schools closing on October 28.

“We know that these events have in past been used for other purposes and this is what we are trying to avoid,” Matiang’i said.

KCSE candidates sitting this year’s examination also sit as a fourth lot of students to take the examinations under new stringent rules to curb cheating.

He added that this will improve preparation for KCPE and KCSE. This year’s KCPE will start from November 1 to 3, while KCSE will run from November 7 to November 30.

Knec data shows that 1.78 million candidates were registered to sit the 2019 examinations, whose registration deadline was February 15.

Of these, 1,089,671 were KCPE candidates while 698,935 students registered for KCSE, from all the 10,304 centres.

The KCPE exams will take place between October 29 and 31.

Rehearsal will be done on October 28 while the 2019 KCSE examination will take place between October 21 and November 27.

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Gatundu South MP, Moses Kuria, is never short of controversies and this time Kenyans are on his neck again.

The firebrand legislator, on Wednesday, asked Kenyans to travel to their rural homes in preparation for the upcoming census.

Kuria quoted the Bible from the book of Luke 2:1 which narrated how Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jesus, travelled to their place of origin for a census.

A screengrab of  some of the comments
A screengrab of some of the comments

He further asked Kenyans to “follow in the footsteps of the sacred family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus” he added that “you should be counted where you come from.”

This request did not go down well with Kenyans and the MP was on the receiving end of attacks.

Most people noted that he was asking them to commit their time and money for an exercise that would get to them where they were anyway.

“I live far from home, my question is, who will cater for my travel expenses?,” Joyce Libra asked.

“Why should I use my fuel just to be counted and I would still be counted in the bar where I will be,” noted one Mwangi wa Wambui.

Another netizen questioned the motive behind Kuria’s advice, noting that Kenyans had fallen for the same trick during the last General Election, where leaders from Central Kenya coined the phrase, “Kumira Kumira” (a clarion call for people to turn out and vote).

Screenshot of more comments
Screenshot of more comments

“2017- ‘Thuraku thuraku, register yourself as voters in Nairobi, we safeguard our properties’. 2019- ‘Thuraku, thuraku, go home and get enumerated from your villages’, who is getting fooled here?” questioned Njenga Wambui.

Some even interrogated Kuria’s intention of using a Bible quote, claiming he was out to manipulate the masses.

An imager of Kuria's statement

CREDITS: Source Link

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As the period scheduled by the government for the 2019 national census draws near, several politicians have come out to call upon Kenyans to travel to their rural homes for the exercise.

Among the political leaders pushing Kenyans to travel to their rural homes is Muranga Senator  Irungu Kang’ata.

Speaking at a local station on Tuesday, the senator said it is wise for people to go back to their rural areas to be counted for the sake of distribution of resources.

“If a county has more people then that county receives more funds,” Kang’ata said.

“If we don’t boost numbers in our rural areas thus funds will not get to the people thus no development in these areas.”

The senator went on to say if people go back to their rural areas for the census it will help in the distribution of resources.

“Resources will be distributed according to the number of people in an area and the need of a specific county,” he said.

The senator went on to say that he hopes the numbers will be legit and that the results will not take long before they are released.

‘The validation process should be legit and according to the law,” the senator said.

Garissa County Woman Representative Anab Subow has also made a passionate appeal to Garissa residents as the census fast closes in.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, the outspoken legislator emphasised on the importance of participation in the decennial exercise.

She said that participation would pave the way for an increase in the allocation of resources to the county as the allocation of resources would be pegged on numbers.

“I urge the people of Garissa County who live or work outside the county to travel to Garissa for the upcoming census. Equally, I also urge all those in Garissa to come out for the census and be counted on the nights of 24th and 25th August. Through the census, the national cake and resources will be shared, more funds will be pumped to our county and constituencies and the national job sharing will be considered by our respective population,” read her post.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics will start counting people on the night of August 24 and continue up to August 31, 2019. 

Mobile technology will be used for both cartographic mappings as well as enumeration. 

KNBS has banked on the digitalised census to avoid the dispute that marred the 2009 process.

KNBS director-general Zachary Mwangi told a local daily in an exclusive interview that such disputes will not be witnessed this time due to the data safety mechanism that has been put in place.

” We are confident because we have tested this device. We have experienced personnel. Our tea has learned how to do the digital census. The technology has been tested as late as April,” Mwangi said.

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Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei has been arrested at his Eldoret home over alleged incitement remarks he made at the weekend against critics of DP Ruto.

Police, on Tuesday, surrounded his house after the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), summoned the legislator.

Cherargei had called for the profiling of people who were talking ill of the deputy president.

The senator is shown declaring that any threats to Deputy President William Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid would be dealt with accordingly.

Cherargei did not mince his words, as he put in black and white that people allied to the DP Ruto were currently profiling those opposed to his presidential bid, adding that such individuals would face their wrath when the appropriate time presented itself.

Muendelee kutusi DP lakini mjue we are marking you and we are profiling you, ikifika wakati, tutawashughulikia, loosely translating to, Keep on insulting the deputy president but just know that as part of his loyal supporters, we are marking and profiling all his detractors and at the opportune time, we will deal with all of you.

This was viewed as highly inflammatory, thereby explaining DCI’s move to bring the senator in for questioning.

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A Deputy President Dr William Ruto remark over the weekend has deeply landed his ally in hot soup. On Tuesday morning, police surrounded the house of Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei after the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), summoned the legislator.

The senator made the remarks in a funeral at Olessos regardig DP Ruto’s presidency. He has until Wednesday August 21st to record a statement at the DCI offices in Nandi East.

He was expected to present himself for questioning on alleged hate speech remarks.

In a viral video doing rounds online, Cherargei had called for the profiling of people who were talking ill of the deputy president.

The senator is shown declaring that any threats to Deputy President William Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid would be dealt with accordingly.

Cherargei did not mince his words, as he put in black and white that people allied to the DP Ruto were currently profiling those opposed to his presidential bid, adding that such individuals would face their wrath when the appropriate time presented itself.

Muendelee kutusi DP lakini mjue we are marking you and we are profiling you, ikifika wakati, tutawashughulikia, loosely translating to, Keep on insulting the deputy president but just know that as part of his loyal supporters, we are marking and profiling all his detractors and at the opportune time, we will deal with all of you.

This was viewed as highly inflammatory, thereby explaining DCI’s move to bring the senator in for questioning.

Wale watu wanaendelea kupiga vita naibu wa rais, we are profiling you. If you fight the DP you are fighting us, usifikiri deputy hana watu wake, sisi watu wake tuko hapa, loosely translating to, those of you who keep slating DP Ruto just know that we are putting down each of your profiles. Don’t be fooled into thinking that the DP doesn’t have his own footsoldiers, we are right here,” he added.

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Nairobi Women Representative Esther Muthoni Passaris has put Dagoretti North MP Simba Arati on the spot that his office block was not convenient for women to walk around. 

While speaking at Simba Arati’s constituency, Passaris decried the poor state of the office block that made her expensive shoes spoil.

“I am telling Simba Arati that his office is not for women. You should put slabs so that women can walk comfortably in high heels. 

“I had difficulty walking and it also spoils our shoes Simba, they are very expensive and the economy is not doing so well. 

In his response, Arati defended himself by faulting Passaris for choosing the wrong shoes. 

“You’re the only one with high heels, these people prefer walking in flat shoes,” he stated to which the woman rep responded “Its is because they have gotten used to it here. 

Watch the video below that starts at 13:30 minutes

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The First and Furious film maker The Rock has married his long-term girlfriend Lauren Hashian – in a secret ceremony in Hawaii on Sunday.

The 47-year-old announced the news on Instagram to his 154 million followers.

The pair have been dating since 2006, when they reportedly met while he was filming his movie The Game Plan, and have two children together – Jasmine, born in 2015 and Tiana in 2018.

His photos were liked more than seven million times within three hours of posting.

Being one of the biggest film stars in the world, The Rock (real name Dwayne Johnson) was congratulated by Hollywood A-listers when he posted about the surprise wedding.

Ryan Reynolds, Karen Gillan, P Diddy, Jessica Chastain, Nicole Scherzinger, Scooter Braun, Nick Jonas and Naomi Campbell were among the stars who have commented on his photos – so far.

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President Uhuru Kenyatta has appointed Gershom Otachi Omanwa as the new National Land Commission chairperson.

The President on Monday also appointed nine members to the commission – four women and five men – with former Labour CS Kazungu Kambi among the appointees.

Otachi will take over from his predecessor Muhammad Swazuri whose term came to an end in February after a six-year term.

Other members to the Commission include Esther Murugi Mathenge, James K. Tuitoek, Getrude Nduku Nguku, Reginald Okumu, Hubbie Hussein Al-Haji, Alister Murimi Mutugi and Tiya Galgalo.

The National Assembly is expected to approve the names appointed by Uhuru before being directed to the relevant Departmental Committee.

Former MPs, MCAs and governors had sort to be considered in recruitment for NLC members.

They have filed a case in court challenging the NLC Act that bars them.

Former Members of Parliament Association (FOPA) Kenya claims Section 8 (3) of the NLC discriminates greatly against them as it stops them from applying for recruitment as members of the NLC.

They include former MPs, senators, MCAs and governors.

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ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna has accused Deputy President William Ruto and his allies of thriving on politics of propaganda and hate.

While making reference to Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei’s Sunday’s speech, Sifuna claimed that Dr Ruto survives on politics of blackmail and hostage.

On Sunday, Cherargei warned that Dr Ruto’s team had profiled and identified those opposing the DP, suggesting unspecified consequences should they win State House race in 2022.

“Let me finish by saying, those people who have continued to fight DP William Ruto, we are profiling you. When you are fighting the deputy president, you are fighting us.

“Don’t think that the DP does not have his supporters. We see here. Continue abusing him but know that we are marking and profiling you. When that time comes, we shall deal with you. He also have his people, don’t joke,” he said.

In a tweet, Sifuna said that it was not ‘news’, adding that no one will be forced to support Dr Ruto. He further said that many Kenyans will be ready to be killed if that is the plan.

“It is not news that Ruto and his henchmen believe in politics of hate, ethnicity, blackmail and hostage taking. We know he knows no other way… But politics is persuasion. Now one will be forced to bend to Ruto’s will. You can’t kill us all. Let Cherargei know that,” he wrote.

Earlier, Uasin Gishu Woman Representative Gladys Shollei had dismissed Cherargei’s remarks, terming them uncalled for and primitive.

“The Statement made by Senator Cherargei is quite unfortunate. I know for a fact that, it is his personal position. As a supporter of Deputy President Dr William Ruto’s candidature for President, I distance myself from this statement,” she said.

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