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Mustafa Juma

With over 20 ODM Party aspirants from Kibra constituency having already expressed interest in the seat that was left vacant following Ken Okoth’s death, political temperatures are already rising with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) having gazetted November 7, 2019 as the day when the Kibra Parliamentary by-election will be held.

In a gazette notice dated August 16, IEBC said each political party intending to participate in the Kibra by-election has until August 26, 2019 to submit names of candidates set to take part in the nominations.

The nominations, according to IEBC, will be held on September 9 and 10.

The campaigning period for the November 7 Kibra by-election will commence  on Monday, September 9 and cease on  November 4 — 48 hours before the polls.

“Campaign time shall run from 7 am to 6 pm during the campaign period,” said IEBC.

The aspirants on Sunday convened a meeting at Kamukunji grounds in Kibra to chart a way forward on how to win the seat amid speculation that the ODM party could impose a candidate on the electorates.

The group has vowed to reject any such attempt by the ODM Party, insisting that the preferred candidate should be a resident of Kibra constituency.

The ODM party National Executive Council (NEC) is expected to convene a meeting next week to come up with a strategy on how the party candidate will be picked.

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The life of celebrated Kikuyu maestro John Ng’ang’a Mwangi popularly known as John De’ Mathew was tragically cut short on Sunday in a grisly car crash.

His sudden death on the night of August 18 2019, came after his car rammed into a trailer while driving his Nissan Navara pick-up near Blue Post Hotel Thika.

De’ Mathew had attended a fundraiser in Thika town which was in aid of his fellow Kikuyu artist Peter Kigia’s child’s medical bill.

He was pronounced dead at Thika Nursing Home where he was rushed for treatment.

The country’s top leadership led by President Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga sent their condolences to the man they described as a brilliant and talented artist who enlightened the youth on culture and current affairs.

He stands as the most influential artist from Central Kenya with 375 songs and 50 albums.

De’ Mathews was born in Gathiru-ini village, Mukurwe-ini sub-location, Gatanga Constituency in Murang’a County over 50 years ago.

He was the son of Mathew (Hence De’ Mathew) and the late Wanjiku.

He is the fourth born in a family of eight kids.

De’ Mathew schooled in Mukurwe-ini (now Githambia) Primary School before proceeding to Naaro Secondary in Kandara and later Igikiro Secondary School.

He worked in the streets of Nairobi before venturing into his music career.

He hawked vegetables at Nairobi’s Soko Mjinga market, then sold meat in Kariobangi and later left to Nakuru where he sold plastic shoes (Sadak).

The benga artist composed his first song while still in Standard 7.

He was introduced to full-time music career by Timona Mburu and Joseph Wamumbe who helped him to release his first single “Jenifer” in December 1986 and in August 1987, he released “My Dear Nduku”, produced by Albert Gacheru (Wa Maitu).

“My Dear Nduku” was the hit that brought him to the limelight of the music industry.

His (own) favourite songs are “PIN Number” and “Muoyo Ti Kibandi”.

His best selling song was “My Dear Nduku” and “Njata Yakwa” which he performed with the current Murang’a Women Rep. Sabina Wanjiru Chege (who he says was never his girlfriend but just a pillar in his music career).

 “I have seen you grow as a person and in the music industry,” Chege posted on her Facebook page.

However, piracy started eating up their resources in 1992.

The Benga Kikuyu legend was married to two wives and had three kids.

De’ Mathew found himself on the wrong side of the law in July 2012 together with two other Kikuyu artists who were charged with hate speech.

The other two were John Muigai (Muigai wa Njoroge) and  Mark Kamande wa Kioi.

John was among the loved Kikuyu artists who used his music career to pass messages to the community.

De’ Mathew’s death comes hardly a year after the death of another iconic Kikuyu benga musician Joseph Kamaru, who was from the same county of Murang’a.

Kamaru died at the age of 79 on October 3, 2018, at MP Shah Hospital in Nairobi, where he was receiving treatment.

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Legislators allied to Deputy President Dr William Ruto seem to have already started issuing warnings that Ruto’s team is carefully profiling people opposed to his candidature.

In his remarks on Sunday, Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei seemed to conclude that those opposed to Dr Ruto will face unspecified consequences should he win in 2022.

He accused unnamed people of causing havoc against the DP, adding that Tanga Tanga has already marked them for retaliation in 2022.

“Let me finish by saying, those people who have continued to fight DP William Ruto, we are profiling you. When you are fighting the deputy president, you are fighting us.

“Don’t think that the DP does not have his supporters. We see here. Continue abusing him but know that we are marking and profiling you. When that time comes, we shall deal with you. He also have his people, don’t joke,”he said.

Dr Ruto is one of the front runners for 2022 polls. On Sunday in Meru, he said that he’s ready to tackle opposition leader Raila Odinga, who has however not declared interest.

Mr Odinga dismissed an article by Sunday Nation which claimed that he’s contesting. He has since given the publication 24 hours to issue an apology.

Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu took issues with Cherargei’s remarks, demanding to know the people Ruto’s team is targeting in 2022.

Watch the video below.

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ODM party leader Raila Odinga has dismissed reports indicating that he will run for presidency in the 2022 General Election.

His remarks come after, the Sunday nation reported that he would contest for the presidential race in the 2022 election, citing that it was the reason he resolved to work with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Raila, however, in a statement on Sunday expressed his disappointment in the report terming it ‘reckless and irresponsible’.

He said the local daily twisted his calls for grassroots elections in the Orange party to link him to the 2022 presidential race.

“Odinga does not believe that three years into an election expected in 2022, the media should prioritize who is running, who is ahead, who is behind, who is going to win, what are the odds and who will lose,” read the statement.

Odinga said the media should no force candidates into the race rather they should focus on reporting on real and urgent economic, political and social issues.  

“Odinga believes that three years of dissecting poll numbers and forcing candidates into the race rather than focusing on real and urgent economic, political and social issues that the nation needs to deal with ahead of 2022 is reckless, irresponsible and cheap journalism.”

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Residents within Bungoma County and its environs will no longer have to make long trips to Eldoret and Nairobi for high end surgeries.

This is after Life care Hospital Bungoma started providing such services at the facility to save families from the burden of traveling long distances to major cities for the same treatment.

Among those services the hospital is providing include joint replacement, spine surgeries and other high end surgeries for which people were travelling to eldoret and Nairobi for operations but can now be done at facility.

In an exclusive interview with this writer, the hospital management said they were moved by the many calls from residents to have such services to save the many families from the long travels to cities just to treat their loved ones.

“ This is the first of its kind in this area. We want residents of the entire Western Region to access quality health care without care without having to travel for long distances”, said Ashok Mehta one of the managers who spoke to this writer.

The hospital which is 700 meters away from the Bungoma town has also made it easy for Patients with spine injuries have for long had it rough to access proper and effective treatment especially factoring the expenses and agony of time spent while seeking such treatments far away from their homes.

Mehta said the facility will also focus on providing quality pediatrician health care.

As we speak, Lifecare is one of few private hospitals in the expansive Western Region with a resident paedretricain.

Currently, the hospital admits a good number of children and the management projects the admission could rise up as it plans to expand the facility.

“ In line with the government working provide quality health care for the local Kenyan, we are also committed towards ensuring our young kids have accessed good care starting to the point of conception to birth”, remarked Mehta.

The hospital also offers orthopedics, nuero-surgeries and health awareness programs.

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Former Makadara Member of Parliament Reuben Ndolo was on Friday night arrested by flying squad officers at Bustani Gardens along Oledume road in Nairobi.

The former legislature was arrested alongside six other people on allegations of Creating Disturbance and Threatening to Kill.

All suspects are in lawful custody awaiting arraignment on Monday.

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Ikolomani MP Bernard Shinali was on Sunday morning involved in a grisly accident along Kapsabet-Mau Summit road.

Confirming the accident, Butere MP Tindi Mwale wished the MP and occupants of the vehicle quick recovery following the incident.

The vehicle registration number KBY 948A rolled several times on the road in Molo, few kilometers to Nakuru town. It was badly damaged.

The Butere MP however while confirming the accident did not specify which hospital they were rushed to for treatment or the extent of injuries.

Mr Shinali buried his son, Chris Masaka on Friday after he was flown from the US. He was serving in the US Marine and is said to have drowned.

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Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen has been thrown into a deep state of mourning after losing one of his close relatives to cancer.

Murkomen who took to his social media pages to share about the loss reveled that his aunt Salina Komen Arusei had succumbed to cervical cancer.

He also shared a deep memory of his good-hearted aunt who once took very good care of his cousins when things turned tough in life.

Salina Komen Arusei, Senator Kipchumba Murkomen’s aunt. Photo/Courtesy

The Senate Majority leader recounted how he had met his Uncle and aunt just two years before his uncle’s demise in 2017.

His long facebook post read,

Our Aunt Salina Komen Arusei has rested.

Two years ago I shared with you the story of my uncle Komen Kibor Arusei , the only brother of my mother who was born in 1940 and whom we laid to rest on the 7th of August 2017 a day before the general elections. I will recount the story just to put my Aunt’s departure into context.

I only got to know my uncle two years before his demise. He left his birthplace in 1972 way before I was born. But for my Mum, everyone else believed he was forever lost. My Mum used to pray for him unceasingly and she believed in her heart that they would meet again. Mum’s faith was confirmed when four years ago after a long lonely search she “stumbled” upon a person who knew his whereabouts. My uncle was alive. He had a family. He lived somewhere in Trans Nzoia working for a large farm owner on the border of Kenya and Uganda. He married a beautifu Ugandan lady from the slopes of Mt.Elgon and together bore four beautiful children (my cousins),Kiplagat, Abraham, Lydia & Joseph.

When things were tough it’s my Aunt who took my cousins to her home in Kapchorwa, Uganda and took very good care of them.

The beautiful lady, our dear Aunt Salina has now left us after succumbing to cervical cancer. I can’t just imagine the pain and sense of lose that my cousins feel. We are all devastated.

We are however glad that God gave us the chance to meet my uncle and my aunt albeit for a short while. Had my uncle and aunt passed away before we reconnected, it would have been impossible for us to ever linkup with out beautiful family. By God’s grace we shall soldier on with life together.

Fare thee well Aunt Salina.

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After the emergence of two factions in ruling party’s Jubilee, two different women groups linked to the factions have been given birth to.

The Kieleweke faction that spearheads President Uhuru Kenyatta’s development agenda has team Embrace women group and the Tanga tanga group which has hence launched early presidential campaigns for deputy President Dr William Ruto has team Inua mama.

On Friday, the groups held two different rallies. Team Embrace was in Kakamega’s Bukhungu stadium whilst team inua mama camped in Nyeri town.

However, the inua mama rally in Nyeri turned out to be chaotic.

This has forced Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu to react following the chaotic Tanga Tanga rally at his backyard.

The group of women supporting Ruto’s bid had to cancel a rally organised by Nyeri Woman Representative Rahab Mukami, following the chaotic scenes.

Ngunjiri, who has been critical of the pro-Ruto team dubbed as Tanga Tanga, took to Facebook to warn against future rallies in the constituency.

“Am sorry. But #2022 siasa in Nyeri Constituency. At this time is a No,” wrote Wambugu, after forcefully storming the rally that was later called off.

The team had earlier toured neighboring Kirinyaga County where they were hosted by Purity Ngirici. It was the second time a pro-Ruto rally was being disrupted in Nyeri.

Among the leaders present were county MPs Wangui Ngirici (Kirinyaga) Jane Chebaibai (Elgeyo Marakwet) Gladys Boss-Shollei (Uasin Gishu) Beatrice Nkatha (Tharaka/Nithi), Gertrude Mbeyu (Kilifi), Lydia Haika (Taita Taveta) and Faith Gitau (Nyandarua).

According to Wambugu, the women legislators did not say anything of substance apart from uttering abusive statements in their rally.

“THEN OF COURSE – I VISITED THE ‘INUA-WHATEVER’ EVENT THAT SOME FEMALE MPs BROUGHT TO NYERI …But lakini except matusi I didn’t actually hear anything else of substance. But we didn’t interrupt them.They spoke. Then they left. And we left,” he posted.

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Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have arrested two Chinese Nationals with 800 litres of ethanol and over 3000 litres of local brews Chang’aa and Busaa at their residence in Green Park Estate-Machakos.

The two were arrested on Friday following an operation by Machakos detectives triggered by a tip-off from the Members of Public.

During the operation, a Liquor Processing Plant was also found in their homestead.
Search within the residence of the two suspects; Wang Yalan and Wang Haijian also led to the recovery of several sacks of Sorghum and Rice, Drums of sorghum mixtures kept to Ferment and several huge Water Tanks.

The duo are currently in police custody and the recoveries have been secured as exhibits.

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President Uhuru Kenyatta has announced the end of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) for pupils who will undergo the newly introduced Curriculum Based Curriculum (CBC).

was speaking during the third national Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) conference held at the KICC.

“There would be no examinations in standard 6, which shall ensure that we now have 100 per cent transition from primary through to secondary school,” he declared.

The head of state also revealed that the task force formed by CS George Magoha had come up with recommendations stating that the lower secondary, which is grade 7,8 and 9 should now be domiciled in the secondary schools.

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A group of women leaders dubbed Team Embrace which was formed to support ODM leader Raila Odinga’s handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta made a triumphant entry to Kakamega on Friday.

The women who call themselves daughters of Raila arrived in Wycliffe Oparanya-led County for a mega rally held at Bukhungu stadium.


They boarded an airplane at Wilson Airport in Nairobi before being treated to a thunderous reception in Kakamega after their arrival.

The women legislators drawn from Jubilee’s Kieleweke faction and Raila’s ODM were then picked from Kakamega Airstrip in high-end vehicles with an escort from hundreds of boda boda riders.


On their arrival at Bukhungu Stadium, Isukuti dancers received them with their famous Isukuti dance which is associated with the Isukha community.

The team compromises of pro-handshake women leaders majority of them Women Reps, Senators and governors.

According to their team leader Gladys Wanga, the rally will be among many that are set to be conducted with the ultimate goal being promoting peaceful coexistence among Kenyans.

Gender and Youths Chief Administrative Secretary Rachael Shebesh and Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru are also among team leaders.

Elsie Muhanda, the Kakamega County women Representative and two other nominated Senators were the hosts of the event. 

See the photos below.

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DCI detectives have impounded 446 bags of counterfeit sugar packed in 50kgs sacks from Ventures Green Store in Kayole.

Five suspects who were caught repackaging sugar on Thursday night were also arrested.

Police said the sugar is suspected to be from the western region and was indicated ‘not for sale’.

The five suspects identified as Hassan Ibrahim, Geoffrey Mutua, Moses Murigi Irungu, Elkana Waro Omache and Nancy Wanja Kitonga are in police custody waiting to be arraigned.

Samples of the seized sugar have been collected for further analysis.

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2022 succession politics is becoming hotter as more candidates continue throwing themselves in the race, with Makueni Governor Professor Kivutha Kibwana being the latest.

This is after the second term County chief affirmed his interest in the 2022 top most political seat in front of Deputy President Dr William Ruto.

Prof Kibwana was speaking during the Turkana Annual Cultural Festival in Lodwar on Thursday.

Kibwana was responding to a recent story written by one of the popular Newspapers in the country indicating the people who will run for presidency in 2022.

Kibwana faulted the Newspaper for only publishing the faces of six individuals among them DP Ruto and opposition chief Raila Odinga considered to be the main contestants while leaving out him.

Last year, a section of Kenyans took to social media asking Kibwana to consider running for the Presidency in the 2022 general elections.

In a message sent after Madaraka Day celebration, Kivutha had indicated that “Kenya needs a third liberation. A liberation for economic independence, rooting out corruption and development of the grassroots economy.”

Kenyans were quick to respond to the Makueni County boss urging him to offer himself for the post of President in the coming elections.

Watch the full video of Prof Kivutha Kibwana’s speech in Lodwar below.

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At least five MPs have been barred from travelling to the US in a move that signals their failure to meet the multiple criteria – many of them criminal – that the world’s most powerful nation has set for denial of travel visas.

The MPs alongside five parliamentary staff were denied US visas last month when they sought to travel as part of the large Kenyan delegation that was to attend an international conference in Tennessee.

The list of those affected by the US action includes a first term MP as well as those serving their second and third terms in Parliament. US authorities are known to deny foreigners visas if they have sufficient information pointing to their involvement in drugs trade, linked to extremist groups or are beneficiaries of the proceeds of crime.

MPs, who had their visa applications rejected, are from the National Assembly and the Senate, while the affected parliamentary employees were from the clerks’ office and from the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC).

Largest delegationSpeakers Justin Muturi (National Assembly) and Ken Lusaka (Senate) led the Kenyan delegation, the largest that attended the State Capitol meeting.

It has also emerged that more MPs were initially in trouble with the visa application but some were cleared after high-level intervention.

“Some applications were rejected. We contacted the consular services to lodge a complaint. Some were reviewed while others are still undergoing review,” said a source familiar with the travel plans.

Foreign missions do not ordinarily discuss individual immigration statuses of visa applicants, but some of the affected individuals have since spoken to their friends about their exclusion from travelling to the US.

A legislator from the Coast region told a senior parliamentary staff that the US authorities had linked him to extremist activities of outlawed groups terrorising locals.

The US says in its official website that it denies foreigners travel visas if there is evidence that they have breached sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as well as on health, criminal and security related grounds.

The INA establishes the types of visas available for travel to the US and the conditions that must be met before an applicant is issued the vital travel document.

Situations that disqualify applicants for US visa are found in the INA, and other immigration laws.The US embassy in Nairobi states on its website that an applicant’s current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, may render ineligible for a visa but one can seek a review when visa application is denied.National Assembly clerk Michael Sialai said he was not aware of any legislator from the National Assembly who was denied a visa.

“The visa application is a personal matter and it is, therefore, difficult to know to know the grounds of denial,” said Mr Sialai.

Senate Clerk Jeremiah Nyegenye gave a similar response. Sialai said that whenever an MP or staff wishes to travel out of the country on official duties, the institution facilitates the application for the relevant visa.

“The office of the clerk formally introduces such applicants but the decision to issue a visa lies solely with the country being visited,” he said, adding that any challenges with application are usually communicated directly to the individual.

Ineligible applicants“In the case of the recent NCSL conference I am not aware of any member of the National Assembly that was not issued with visa to travel,” Sialai said.

The INA also contains provisions for certain ineligible applicants to apply for waivers of their ineligibility.In the event of a waiver application, the applicant maybe ineligible for a visa based on one or more of the INA laws. Besides, the category of the visa applied for often determines the availability of a waiver of ineligibility.

 “The consular officer interviewing you will tell you if you may apply for a waiver and will provide detailed instructions for how to apply,” the embassy says on the website.

When the consular officer determines that the applicant is ineligible to receive a visa, the visa application is denied and the applicant is informed both verbally and in writing of the reason for denial.US visa regulations require applicants to be interviewed by a consular officer at a US Embassy or Consulate.

After relevant information is reviewed, the application is approved or denied, based on standards established in law.

“While the vast majority of visa applications are approved, US law spells out many grounds upon which a visa application may be denied,” the embassy says.

“An application may be denied because the consular officer does not have all of the information required to determine if the applicant is eligible to receive a visa, because the applicant does not qualify for the visa category for which he or she applied, or because the information reviewed indicates the applicant falls within the scope of one of the inadmissibility or ineligibility grounds of the law.”

CREDITS: The Standard

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Detectives from Directorate of Criminal Investigations( DCI ) have arrested Nicholas Mugo Mwangi popularly known as DJ Moh Spice following a gun drama displayed during a birthday party of his colleague.

The arrest took place at Space Lounge on Wednesday night . During the arrest of the popular entertainer, a Steyr Pistol and 174 rounds of ammunition were confiscated.

He was arrested at Space Lounge along Ngong road.

The DCI confirmed the arrest news via their social media pages on Thursday morning.

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