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Mustafa Juma

There was chaos in Kangemi, Westlands Constituency on Thursday morning as youth stormed a training session for 2019 census enumerators.

The youth who interrupted the session claimed that there had been irregularities in the selection of enumerators in the region.

Police were forced to lob teargas canisters to disperse youth who had stormed census enumerators training in protesting ‘flawed’ hiring.

Westlands MP Tim Wanyonyi reported to the scene as police lobbed teargas to disperse the rowdy crowd.

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Populous Mt Kenya region is open to forming a political alliance with Opposition leader Raila Odinga ahead of the 2022 elections, Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has said.

Ms Waiguru said a wind of political change has hit central Kenya under the leadership of President Uhuru Kenyatta, throwing open the region’s choice of a presidential candidate in the 2022 General Election.

“If it is Raila, he should know that the region will want a piece of his government,” Waiguru said in an exclusive interview on KTN News’ PointBlank.

Waiguru, who has had a frosty relationship with Raila, described the Orange Democratic Movement leader as ‘someone who understands the significant role that women play in Kenya’s politics.’

The cocky relationship between Raila and Waiguru hit rock bottom in 2016 after the opposition leader linked her to the multi-million shilling scandal at the National Youth Service (NYS).

Waiguru, who was at the time a powerful minister in charge of Devolution, Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs, responded to Raila’s claims with a legal suit which she dropped after their hostilities ended last year following a meeting at the opposition leader’s Nairobi Capitol Hill offices.

“We discussed some serious politics. Of course we first settled the history we had together,” Waiguru said during the interview.The prevailing rapprochement between Raila and Waiguru began in November last year after she withdrew the suit and announced the launch of a new friendship,” in the interest of national development.”Raila’s political dalliance with Waiguru became even clearer last month after the former PM accompanied President Uhuru Kenyatta to the governor’s wedding in Kirinyaga last month.

Waiguru tied the knot with Nairobi lawyer Kamotho Waiganjo in a traditional wedding that was attended by prominent politicians and businessmen.

“In politics, formations happen. Those who showed up at the wedding were there either to confirm their membership to emerging political formations or friendship,” she said.

Asked whether she had made up her mind on a joint political formation with Raila ahead of 2022 elections, Waiguru said it was too early to decide.“It was not really about future formations, but to support Mr Kenyatta’s decision to shake hands with Mr Odinga. You know this country was not in good shape after the 2017 elections,” she said.

Waiguru said she had assured the ODM leader of her unwavering support for the handshake through ongoing activities of the Embrace Kenya team.

Waiguru delved deeper into politics of the day with a strong opposition to Dr Ekuru Aukot’s Punguza Mizigo referendum Bill that seeks to reduce elective positions among other key constitutional changes.She said the Bill risks locking out women from adequate representation in the political arena, ‘an issue Raila himself is against.’

“Raila understands the challenges women are facing. He has spoken firmly about it even during the funeral of Joyce Laboso (the former Bomet Governor),” Waiguru said, insisting that women must have representation at the executive level.

Waiguru’s warming up to Raila stands in stark contrast with past speculation that she was angling to be Deputy President William Ruto’s running mate in 2022.

The governor was, however, categorical that her new dalliance with Raila does not mean she was turning her back on the DP who did not show up during her wedding.

She said attendance of the wedding was voluntary and the absence of Dr Ruto should not be misinterpreted to mean a souring of the relationship between them.“Being a member of the Jubilee Party, we have to separate matters concerning the party from those of the handshake. President Kenyatta is the party leader and Dr Ruto is the deputy party leader,” she said adding that “when time comes, we will make a decision on the direction the party will take.

“Ultimately, Kenyans will determine who will run the country. It is not an individual’s decision.”Waiguru insisted that in the meantime, she will continue to position herself as the voice of Mt Kenya region ready to take the mantle of leadership if considered in 2022.

“If you go to our region, people are talking and assessing. President Kenyatta will lead us in making a decision as Mt Kenya on how the political formation will look like.“Whether it is Raila or someone else, the presidential candidates must to know Mt Kenya needs representation at the top. At the moment, it would be preemptive. We are open and are uniting,” she said.

Waiguru said she was sitting pretty having cleared all obstacles that were weighing her down and threatening her positioning as a voice in Mt Kenya region.She cited the clearance of corruption allegations following the loss of about Sh791 million at the NYS during her tenure as Devolution Cabinet Secretary.

The governor, however, maintained that she had serious reservations as to how investigators handled the matter, saying it did not meet her expectations.

“The investigations have vindicated me, but not as I would have preferred it done. Simply put, if you have been investigated, it is made public, you go through swinging doors, press statements are issued saying they are investigating but when they don’t find anything, they keep quiet,” she said.

“When they find that there is nothing, and they do not make it public, they leave room for speculation.”On the flip side, Waiguru said, the allegations had come as a blessing in disguise having catapulted her into her new role as an elected leader in Kenya.

“There were lots of rumours and politicisation of the issues. It was a tough time for me as an individual but if you look at how it eventually got me where I am, I think you sometimes have to go through such challenges,” she said.

Besides, Waiguru said the Supreme Court’s dismissal of a long running petition challenging her election as Kirinyaga governor had relieved her. Ms Martha Karua, her rival for the gubernatorial seat, had until last week fought a long-drawn legal battle seeking to nullify Waiguru’s election.

The governor also revealed that her recent marriage to Mr Kamotho was another step towards earning acceptance in Mt Kenya region.She promised Kenyans to be on the lookout for “a more aggressive Waiguru” that will seek to unite the region and stop it from falling apart.Waiguru lashed out at some leaders she accused of sowing seeds of disunity in Mt Kenya region through false claims of neglect and alleged plot to assassinate DP Ruto.

“There are people working hard to split the region so that we have no voice and representation in the future,” the governor said adding that “assassination claims were meant to isolate Mt Kenya.

CREDITS: Source Link

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Nairobi County governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has responded to a Nairobi County resident Mr Philip Sogoti Chepsat barely hours after he had put an advert in Daily Nation paper urging Sonko to give him the deputy governor job.

However, Sonko did not give Mr Chepsat the job as many had anticipated.

In his response, Sonko maintained that he will keep his promise to the women of Nairobi County.

He said that he had promised to pick a woman as his deputy as soon as the legislation pending in Parliament on nomination and appointment of Deputy Governor is assented into law.

Through a long facebook post on Wednesday evening, Sonko thanked Chepsat for his expression of interest in serving the great people of Nairobi alongside him.

The post read,


Thank you for your expression of interest in serving the great people of Nairobi alongside me as Deputy Governor. Thank you too for appreciating my commitment to openness and transparency.

My office received your earlier communications and we were in the process of writing you a formal regret because like I promised, I shall only be ready to fill the Deputy Governor position once the legislation pending in Parliament on nomination and appointment of Deputy Governor is assented into law.

It is worth of note that as a politician, I believe in keeping my promises to the electorate. And earlier, I committed myself to Nairobians that my nominee for Nairobi City County’s Next Deputy Governor shall be a woman.

Too bad you are not a woman because I intend to keep that promise to my women supporters at all costs because I believe in not only upholding the third gender rule but exceeding it. This is why half of Nairobi County executive members are women.

I wish you had indicated your professional background or work experience for my adminstration to know how better to assist you.

My appeal to you is not to give up on your dream to serve in leadership of Nairobi County but to keep checking up and applying as vacancies come up.

For example, I shall soon be sending home several nonperforming Members of County Executive Committee and Chief Officers who are sleeping on the job and you should be on the standby to apply when the County Public Service Board advertises to fill the position.

Otherwise I wish you all the best in your future endeavours as you continue to enjoy our services as a Nairobi voter and resident.

At Your Service,

Mike Mbuvi Sonko.

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The Music Copyright Society of Kenya has been forced to defend itself following an attack from Kenyan artistes and their fans after it was discovered that they offered Sh2,500 each to the musicians as royalties.

The outcry came after popular musicians Khaligraph Jones and King Kaka posted on their social media pages of their M-Pesa messages which showed they received  Sh2,500  for their hard-earned work.

In a series of tweets which they later pulled down, MCSK said they distributed royalties to all their 13,967 members.

“It’s PPP distribution [Performance in Public Places] these are collections from public places for only two months,” MCSK said.

The organisation said it had not received a dime from any broadcasters who exploit music.

“We made a general distribution because if we strictly followed scientific distribution then 70% of the money collected will be paid to the international societies. We all know that Kenyan music receives little airplay. The figures you’d receive would be less,” reads the tweet.

Kenya’s top rapper Khaligraph Jones on Tuesday, took to Instagram to tell off MCSK over the small pay.

The Juu ya Ngori hitmaker even went further to give authorisation for his music to be pirated.

“MCSK Siku Moja Tutakuja Kuwavuruga uko Mbaya Sana, Msijaribu kunitumia izi peanuts tena. In fact, I have given authorization for my music to be pirated, Don’t collect money on my Behalf anymore, Nisiskie mmeshika mtu akicheza Wimbo zangu kwa street, msinitumie izo peanuts zenu tena, The OG shall be respected,” Khaligraph posted.

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Kitutu Chache North MP Jimmy Angwenyi is counting losses after thugs broke into his house and stole valuables among them TV and kitchenette.

It remains unclear if the homestead at Marani was guarded at the time of raid but the MP is among those who enjoy enhanced security due to his position in Parliament.

Mr Angwenyi, an economist by profession, is the Deputy Majority Leader and takes brief on behalf of government in absence of Aden Duale.

Marani Sub County police chief Hilary Tarus said they were zeroing in on the guard as first suspect following the Monday night incident.

“Being on guard during the the time of the incident we believe he holds crucial leads into this theft,” Tarus said on Tuesday.

“We suspect the incident took place between 11 and 12 midnight,” the officer said. “We want to know if this person acted alone or was with an accomplice,” said Tarus.

The veteran MP is yet to issue a statement. It also remains unclear if it was normal robbery or there were plans to attack the MP, who wasn’t around after all.

Mr Angwenyi was first elected to parliament in 1996 after the death of Dr Zachary Onyonka. He lost the seat in 2007 to Richard Onyonka, son to Dr Onyonka.

In 2013, he bounced back after Kitutu Chache constituency was partitioned to North and South, with Richard taking the South seat.

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Philip Sogoti Chepsat has hit the headlines when he applied for the post of the Deputy Governor, Nairobi County which has been vacant since the resignation of Polycarp Igathe on January 1, 2018. 

Through an advertisement posted on Daily Nation, Chepsat has asked Nairobi governor Mike Sonko to give him the position so that he can assist him to deliver on the promises he made to the people of Nairobi when he was seeking election into office.

He has further said that he had applied for the post before but he was not sure whether Sonko had received the same.

“Hon Sonko, I have reached out to you openly because I am not sure if my earlier communication did reach you,” reads part of the advert.

While tendering his resignation letter, Igathe cited irreconcilable differences between him and the county boss when he penned his letter of resignation.

Kenyans on Twitter have however started reacting to Chepsat’s advert asking Governor Sonko to consider him.

Some are saying that Chepsat might be a God sent Deputy Governor for Nairobians.

Do you think Mike Sonko should consider him?

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National Assembly Majority leader Aden Duale has said that he is ready to hang his political boots once Deputy President Dr William Ruto ascends to power in 2022.

Duale hinted at retiring from the politics while appearing in an interview with Citizen TV on Tuesday night.

The Garissa Township MP affirmed that he is fully behind the Presidency of the second in command. He insisted that Ruto, who is considered as one of the front runners in the race for power, has what it takes to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.  

Duale also dismissed claims that he is likely to abandon Ruto before his dreams become a reality.

“I have said in the past, if William Ruto becomes President, I will retire from politics. I can even serve as a clerk in State House,  he said.

The lawmaker also said that the 2022 Presidential race will be a contest between Ruto and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga. 

On the referendum, Duale said he is fully behind it but asked for inclusivity of all Kenyans. He reiterated that he will not be part of a referendum that intends to sideline some regions.

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Members of Parliament allied to Deputy President Dr William Ruto have vowed to mount a vigorous campaign to shoot down the referendum bill if “it is pushed down the throats of Kenyans.”

According to reports by a local daily, the lawmakers have warned that they have the wherewithal to mount a massive campaign against the public vote which they claimed is “predicated on selfish political interests.”

“We don’t fear a referendum at all. Let them bring it on,” said Soy MP Caleb Kositany, one of the few politicians in Ruto’s coterie. “At the end of the day, we will respect the decision of the majority of Kenyans. Let us meet at the ballot.”

Kandara’s Alice Wahome said Kenyans who voted for Uhuru and Ruto in 2017 are intact and would reject the plebiscite, despite Uhuru joining “the official opposition”.

“We haven’t crossed over and we haven’t changed our minds. We keep promises,” Wahome stated.

She claimed that President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Raila Odinga might as well have hatched a plot to destroy Ruto’s 2022 presidential ambitions.

“Nobody fears a referendum at all. What we are opposed to is a referendum that seeks to enable a few people to get power. We already know, for example, who wants to be Prime Minister and the two deputies,” she was quoted by the Star

The controversial MP, however, reminded Uhuru that the Ruto allies were not about to abandon the DP.

The warning shot from the DP’s brigade is the clearest signal yet that Ruto could be weighing his options, including a political duel with his boss.

Such a contest will likely leave him thoroughly bruised as the country’s political bigwigs have closed ranks to support constitutional change.

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Opposition chief Raila Odinga’s former aide Eliud Owalo has officially resigned from Orange Democratic Movement (ODM).

While tendering his resignation from the Orange Party, Owalo noted that his political ideology, convictions and belief no longer has convergence or depict any congruence and common denominator with that of the ODM Party.


Owallo has been rumored to be among the 15-member think tank which has been allegedly hired by ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi ahead of his 2022 political gameplan.

In 2013, Owallo worked as Raila’s presidential campaign manager, but the two fell out in the run-up to the 2017 polls after contesting the Kibra parliamentary seat.

Also advising Mudavadi is lawyer Sam Karanja who chaired Jubilee’s Appeals Tribunal.

Owallo is also among politicians eyeing Kibra parliamentary seat that fell vacant following the demise of former MP Ken Okoth who succumbed to cancer.

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Leader of Majority in the National Assembly Aden Duale has termed Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua’s Jubilee rigging claims as sheer lies.

Duale further stated that NARC-K never protested to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission or filed a petition with the Supreme Court on the alleged rigging and electoral malpractices.

“She lost to Governor Anne Mumbi (Waiguru) and must retire from politics graciously. She lacks the moral authority to discuss elections,” added Duale, adding that other losers in the region also claimed to have been rigged out in the Jubilee nominations.

“The highest court in the land (Supreme Court) found there were malpractices in the presidential poll and I believe I was equally a victim as a candidate in Kirinyaga, because the IEBC was unable to offer crucial records demanded of them by the court,” Karua had told K24’s punchline show host Anne Kiguta.

Former Jubilee Party vice chair David Murathe also dismissed Karua’s claims as sour grapes. He added that the NARC-K leader had previously won four times as MP and wondered why she was now protesting over her loss.

“If the election was rigged, how come then Senator Charles Kibiru, who ran as an independent candidate was not rigged out?” he posed, saying Karua was simply seeking sympathy after exhausting court avenues to overturn the Kirinyaga governor poll outcome.

Uhuru Kenyatta’s win in the August 2017 poll was subsequently voided by the Supreme Court on a split decision.

Although Jubilee disagreed with the Supreme Court’s decision, Uhuru and his running mate, William Ruto, agreed to participate in the October 2017 repeat poll boycotted by their main challenger, Raila Odinga of the National Super Alliance (NaSA).

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Kenya National Union of Teachers’ (KNUT) top leadership has demanded an urgent special meeting accusing its secretary general Wilson Sossion of complacency and insensitivity even as the union is faced with a serious financial crisis. .

They said they want to discuss issues affecting the union such as allowances and withdrawal of members.

In a letter to Sossion, eight NEC members threatened to convene a meeting if he fails to convene one within the next seven days.

They are Michael Muna, Bashir Odowa, Anne Njoroge, Emily Mito, Modesta Akaki, John Karanu, Javan Wachira and Warda Mohammed.

“We the undersigned being bona fide members of the union and NEC members, and acting in accordance with the law and the constitution of KNUT article VIII part (B) section 2&3, together with all the enabling provisions of the laws of Kenya, do hereby write to requisition an urgent and special NEC meeting within the next seven days to discuss the current state of the union,” the letter reads.

“Please be informed that in the absence of appropriate action on this request, we shall proceed to conduct our request as shall be deemed in accordance with the by-laws of the union and the labour laws of Kenya.”

The NEC members who were hosted by the Kiambu West Knut branch secretary Michael Muna in Limuru town on Monday said unless urgent measures are taken, members are likely to leave it in droves.

Muna said the Teachers Service Commission was all set to kill the giant union, adding that Sossion was not doing enough to salvage the situation.

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Amani National Congress Party Leader Musalia Mudavadi has tapped into political think tanks, some of which previously worked for President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition chief Raila Odinga ahead of his 2022 political gameplan.

According to a local daily, the 15-member think tank includes Eliud Owallo, a management consultant whose firm, Eluid and Associates, has been bagging huge consultancy work in and out of government.

In 2013, Owallo worked as Raila’s presidential campaign manager, but the two fell out in the run-up to the 2017 polls after contesting the Kibra parliamentary seat.

Also advising Mudavadi is lawyer Sam Karanja who chaired Jubilee’s Appeals Tribunal.

He was among the drafters of Jubilee Party election laws as well as rules and regulations.

Others are Eric Wafukho, George Musyoka and David Kabeberi.

Wafukho, a leadership and governance consultant, served on the Nasa Policy, Research and Strategy Team in 2017.

Musyoka, on the other hand, was the 2017 Team Uhuru campaign coordinator for Machakos, Makueni and Kitui counties for the Jubilee Party and President Kenyatta’s presidential campaign.

Kabeberi, an accounting and financial expert, was involved in Kibaki and Uhuru’s campaigns as a political strategist, especially in fundraising

To manage his communication unit, the ANC Party leader recently hired well-known media personality Jimmi Gathu as his new media liaison boss.

The politburo’s mandate is to develop new political strategies and come up with what some insiders have described as a new “unstoppable” Mudavadi”

He has also set up a presidential campaign secretariat on posh Riverside Drive in Nairobi, away from the ANC offices in Lavington.

Having become MP at only age 28, Mudavadi is a wealthy man and can comfortably finance a good political campaign from his personal resources.

He also has deep connections with Kenya’s wealthiest families including ex-President Daniel Moi’s family, which backed his election in 2013.

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Narc-Kenya Party Leader Martha Karua in an has admitted to being the reason behind Deputy President Dr  William Ruto’s firing in 2011.

Speaking during an interview with K24 on a show dubbed Punchline, Karua noted that this was after the then Agriculture Minister had been charged in a court of law for allegedly defrauding the Kenya Pipeline Company of over Ksh100 million.

She stated that she was the one who called for Ruto’s sacking in the national assembly due to the fraud case.

“Despite the case not succeeding in court, I remember asking a question in parliament as a backbencher to get the coalition government to sack him as a minister and they did,” Karua emphatically stated.

Karua further revealed that the case was dropped, not on merit but, because the main witnesses failed to show up to testify.

She also claimed that one of the witnesses had been allegedly bribed by being given a managerial position in a parastatal under Ruto’s agriculture ministry.

The former Justice Minister had earlier resigned from the coalition government as she claimed that she felt like a misfit in Mwai Kibaki’s cabinet.

In the same interview, Karua alleged that the DP’s security officials were heavily involved in her being rigged out of the Kirinyaga Gubernatorial position.

She was then asked to pick a leader to vote for if she had an option of Raila Odinga and William Ruto.

“Without even thinking about it I would pick Raila Odinga,” the former presidential aspirant concluded.

Watch the interview in the video below.

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Officer in Charge of Lamu Police Station (OCS) has been arrested following a tough order issued by Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang’i.

The Interior Cabinet Secretary over the weekend angrily pledged to zero down on drug traffickers.

The police boss has been arrested for facilitating the release of a suspected drug trafficker.

He was arrested alongside three other junior officers—all based at Faza Island.

According to the Inspector General of Police (IG), Hillary Mutyambai, the suspect who was allegedly found with Cannabis Sativa had been arrested late Sunday by a team of officers from the Border Patrol Unit.

The suspect was however released for unknown reasons.

“We want to know under which circumstances he was released because they claim he escaped. That explanation is very suspicious in itself. We are now looking for the suspect who escaped” Mutyambai stated according to Capital FM.

He further revealed that the two officers from the Border Patrol Unit who had effected the arrest had been summoned to write statements as officials contemplated undertaking an administrative action against the officers in custody.

On Sunday, Matiang’i, launched a special operation to flush out criminal activities in Mombasa. 

The outspoken CS identified drug peddlers as the key reason behind the rise of the infamous killer gang,wakali kwanza, that has been enjoying a reign of terror at the coast.

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A section of Rift Valley leaders on Sunday held a closed-door meeting at Senator Gideon Moi’s Kabarak home. The meeting was chaired by the Baringo Senator who is keen to run for Presidency, alongside CCM party leader Isaac Ruto, who has since cut ties with Deputy President Dr William Ruto.

Joint rally between CCM and KANU, Building Bridges Initiative, plight of farmers and Kerio Valley insecurity dominated leaders meeting.

By 11am, leaders had started trickling in for the unique meeting, ideally bringing together those opposed to Deputy President William Ruto’s leadership and candidature for 2022 polls.

The closed-door meeting that ensued has been mooted as Moi’s bid to solidify his home support, with an eye on the 2022 general elections.

Leaders present at the meeting were Elgeyo Marakwet Governor Alex Tolgos, former Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto, Moiben MP Sila Tiren, Nominated MP Wilson Sossion and Kanu Secretary General Nick Salat.

Former MPs Zakayo Cheruiyot, Musa Sirma, Frankline Bett, Businessman Bundotich Buzeki and Tiaty MP William Kamket, were also present at the meeting.

The Baringo senator has been steadily garnering support, in his bid to weaken Deputy President William Ruto’s grip on the vote-rich region.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga are keen to have the constitution changed through the BBI initiative, which has however been met with resistance from DP William Ruto.

Both Moi and Isaac Ruto are keen to thwart DP William Ruto’s influence in Rift Valley. Initially, Isaac Ruto had given a hint of working with DP but has since leaned towards Moi.

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Former Foreign Affairs assistant minister Dr Hezron Manduku died on Saturday night in a Nairobi hospital after battling a disease for over a decade.

The family has confirmed his death, which was also immediately acknowledged by Nyaribari Masaba MP Ezekiel Mochogu.

“Mzee has peacefully rested. He served our people with humility and courage. We thank God for helping him this far. It was a good battle,” he said on Sunday.

Dr Manduku was first elected in 1992 on a KANU ticket after beating Prof Sam Ongeri, the current Kisii senator. In 1997, he lost to Ongeri.

But in 2002, he recuperated Nyaribari Masaba seat under Ford People, then under Mzee Nyachae, who had contested for presidency.

In 2007, Dr Manduku lost again to his rival Prof Sam Ongeri. He reverted to his business. He is the proprietor of Hema school and Hospital.

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