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Mustafa Juma

Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has threatened to call upon a mass demonstration to storm the National Assembly if Majority leader Aden Duale does not withdraw a petition by Members of Parliament seeking their salary increment.

The Nairobi County chief has given Duale a 14-day ultimatum to comply with his directive.

This comes barely a day after Sonko launched a scathing attack against Duale over MPs’ greed. The attack came when Sonko and Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria took their Wanjiku crusade to Mombasa.

Sonko through his facebook page on Monday sought for historic support from members of the public, civil society, comrades and religious leaders in storming the National Assembly if Aden Duale does not withdraw the proposed salary and allowances increment

“I do hereby seek for historic support from members of the public, civil society, comrades and religious leaders in storming the National Assembly if Aden Duale does not withdraw the proposed salary and allowances increment at the expense of taxpayers within the next 14 days,” Sonko angrily threatened.

He however asserted that the demonstration will be legal and within the confinements of the constitution.

“We shall comply with all the due constitutional and legal requirements to ensure the success of this demonstration and protect the rights of the people of Kenya,” Sonko assured.

Sonko believes that sovereign power belongs to the people, and only donated to elected leaders as enshrined in Article 1 of the Constitution of Kenya.

MPs are pushing for a salary increment and some, like Suba MP, Millie Odhiambo blamed her constituents for making her go broke, alleging that her salary was stretched to the limit because of contributions and handouts.

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Over a long period of time, unemployment has been a menace among Kenyan youths. Just recently, we witnessed thousands of graduands flock Nairobi’s Eka Hotel for five advertised jobs.

But have you checked out for advertised jobs at the Nairobi County government?

Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has called on qualified Nairobians to apply for 2,687 jobs advertised in his county.

Sonko says Nairobi County had officially gazetted its service board, which had already started working.

He added that the former board had been paralyzed due to lack of quorum, following the resignation of one member and the expiry of term of service of three others.

A part of the gazette notice

The governor called upon qualified Nairobians to apply for the advertised jobs.

“In support of the Big 4 Agenda especially on job creation, Nairobi City County Government is set to recruit fresh staff to revamp service delivery.

“I therefore call upon all qualified Nairobians to be set to join us through a competitive recruitment process,” part of his post read.

Some of the jobs advertised by the governor include; 800 city inspectorate officers, 200 traffic marshalls, 200 fire marshalls, 30 fire drivers, 520 ECD teachers and 275 nurses.

Others advertised are; 165 clinical officers, 64 medical officers, 53 hospital clerical officers, 35 pharmacists, 25 laboratory technicians, 25 social workers, 25 nutritionists, 10 planners, 10 surveyors, 15 road engineers, 10 architects and 225 subordinate staff.

“When these new staff are recruited, it will assist in decongesting traffic in the CBD, enhance fire fighting preparedness, improve medical health services as well as early childhood education improvement,” he highlighted.

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Former TV anchor Esther Arunga has admitted to having lied to Court on the circumstances surrounding her son’s death five years ago , which has seen her set for a sentence on Thursday.

Her mother-in-law has hence broken silence following her scathing testimony.

In a sit-down with Daily Nation on Monday, Rosemeg Wambita teary discounted Arunga’s testimony claiming that it was all a lie.

She further refuted claims that her son was a murdered arguing that if that was the case, the former TV siren would not have agreed to settle down with him for as long as she did.

“That is a lie. I don’t understand what she means since she is the one who said that their son did not die at the hands of her husband.

“Where was she all this time? This is peculiar to me. It is a lie. I don’t understand it,” stated Ms Wambita.

The mother further revealed that she believes her son, since meeting him in 2009, is a God-fearing person and does not believe Arunga’s testimony was entirely truthful.

“When it comes to death, people can change. In this case, I say no. If my son is a murderer, why did she accept to live with a killer?” She posed.

Ms Wambita is, therefore, looking for well-wishers to help her travel to Australia and see her son.

“I’ve not found an opportunity to talk to him since. In vain have I tried to reach out to well-wishers and my MP to help me travel to Australia for I want to know the truth,” she continued.

Ms Wambita lives in a one-bedroom rented house in Mbeme, Kisumu County.

Arunga had initially told investigating authorities that her son, Sinclair Timberlake, had died after rolling down a flight of stairs in their home in Kallangur, north of Brisbane, in June 2014.

According to reports by Australian media houses, Prosecutor Danny Boyle, established that the boy died as a result of blunt force trauma to his abdomen.

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Kiambu County Governor Ferdinand Waititu is not yet done with his woes. Whilst anti-graft agency investigates him for graft allegations, County’s bizarre budget seems to be haunting him still.

In what seems to be a new scheme by Kiambu Members of County Assembly, Waititu might be impeached before mid next year. 

His close allies are now staring at an oust after 60 MCAs signed a petition of a vote of no confidence against the assembly speaker Stephen Ndichu and his deputy Philip Mubea (Cianda MCA), believed to be Waititu’s close confidants.

“It is not a witch hunt since everyone can see how people in Kiambu are suffering because of corruption, incompetence, nepotism and outright stealing,” Ruiru Biashara MCA Elijah Njoroge was quoted by a local daily.

According to one of the local dailies, the move to impeach Waititu is being supported by his critics in the assembly, former rivals in the last polls and opinion leaders in Kiambu.

Among the issues raised by EACC and DCI include poor services, land grabbing, corruption and outright theft of public resources. It is believed that investigative entities are planning major arrests after a series of interrogations.

In the well-crafted scheme, polls were conducted at the county assembly on Monday to replace committee officials allied to speaker Ndichu. 

Those ejected include majority leader Anthony Ikonya (Kiambu Township) and his deputy Alex Kabuu (Kiganjo). 

Others are chief whip James Mburu (Mwiki) and his deputy Margaret Gatonye. The MCAs also said the committees were being used by the executive to kill the independence of the county assembly. 

“We are not looking into fighting the governor but he must be accountable and allow oversight to be done,” newly elected majority leader Gideon Gachara said.

He added that the newly elected officials want to audit and scrutinise county projects as well as hold relevant officials responsible.

Critics were warned that they were arrogant, suppressed oversight duties and ran the assembly without consulting other MCAs.

“The chief whip must stand firm with the independence of the house and let MCAs do their oversight role. We will clean up the assembly and executive to get the right leaders to lead our people,” Njoroge said.

“Things are not good here. We can see people resigning and others sacked, money being allocated for peacekeeping mission in South Sudan and payments for retired presidents among others yet we had leaders in charge.”

This comes two weeks after the MCAs failed to attend a bonding meeting organised by the county’s top hierarchy at a Ruiru hotel.

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The March 9, 2018 handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his opposition counterpart Raila Odinga has remained to be a history after putting calm on the political tension that was boiling in the Country. But how did it come to be?

Well, as Deputy President Dr William Ruto continues throwing jibe at Jubilee Party Secretary General Raphael Tuju over his links with Raila, Tuju has revealed other unknown details of how the handshake came to be.

In an exclusive interview with one of the local dailies, Tuju narrated how Odinga used threats of secession to force the president into the handshake.

Tuju claimed that Odinga threatened to unify all the areas that supported him in the 2017 General Election and push for autonomy.

“Before the handshake, there were some people who had ignited the secession debate so you ask yourself who would want to lead a nation which part of the population wants to secede,” Tuju continued.

The CS without portfolio went on to explain that the president had no option but to give in to Odinga’s demands so as to keep the nation united.

“The fate of Kenya depended on resolving issues of enjoining all in the government for everyone to feel part and parcel of this country,” he explained.

He further stated that those fighting the handshake were ill-advised as no one would want to lead a divided nation.

Tuju also explained how difficult it was for both parties to have a seat down and resolve the issues due to their insider’s tough stands.

The decision to have the handshake, according to Tuju, was a move to put the nation’s interests before their individual ones.

On Sunday, Ruto threw jibe at Tuju accusing him of being an opposition strategist despite being Secretary General to a ruling party.

But in his response, Tuju stated that he did not wish to engage the DP in a public spat.

“I refuse to be drawn into a public argument with the deputy president, or engage him through the media, because he is my boss.

“I am committed to supporting President Uhuru Kenyatta’s efforts to unite the country, through bold steps like the BBI, the handshake, the fight against corruption and the Big Four agenda,” cited the CS without portfolio.

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The famous Industrial Area Prison in Nairobi has been put under pressure to provide answers over mysterious death of a man they had locked up.

Family of the deceased Mark Nyamweya has demanded answers from the Prisons department over the death of their 27-year-old relative.

According to reports by one of the local dailies, Nyamweya died at the Prison last Tuesday after he failed to pay Sh200 fine. He could not pay the money to secure his release.

Nyamweya, alongside five others, were arraigned in Makadara and charged with being drunk and disorderly.  He pleaded guilty and was fined Sh200, with an alternative sentence of seven days in custody.  He was locked up.

His relatives say the circumstances surrounding his death were suspect. 

Family spokesman Nelson Mageto on Saturday said Kayole’s Soweto police and Industrial Area Prison should come clean on Nyamweya’s death.

He questioned why his nephew was arrested with 42 others but only six of them were arraigned.

He took issue with the Soweto police for failing to inform them of his arrest. They were not aware that Nyamweya had been arrested and arraigned until they were informed of his demise, he said.

A police source from the prison said Nyamweya died after developing stomach problems. “He felt bad, complained of stomach problems. He vomited and had diarrhoea before he died.”

The relatives were informed of the death by an officer from the prison who traced the club in which the deceased was arrested with the help of James Ongondi, who had been detained with Nyamweya. 

They were booked under OB NO 21/6/7/2019 at 11am.

On Nyamweya’s condition, he said, “A police officer brought him some drugs and water, which he took at around 12am on Tuesday. At 4am, he again started groaning in pain. He cried until around 5am. We banged the door, but no officer responded.” 

He said an officer brought porridge for Nyamweya at 6am. He took it and later died.

The relatives questioned the nature of the drug that was administered to Nyamweya, who diagnosed him, with what ailment and why the prison’s administration could not take him for emergency services.

His brother, Daniel, said they grew up orphans and Nyamweya had only stayed on Soweto estate for two months. He previously lived in Mathare North slum.  

The family has sought help from the Independent Policing Oversight Authority, with claims the officers at the station were not cooperative.

In a letter, the authority has sought documents from the Soweto police station boss.

“The complainant requests for OB Number, extract and charge sheet as regard his nephew Mark Nyamweya who was arrested on July 8. He was committed to Industrial Area Prison and was found dead on July 9. Please accord him necessary assistance,” the letter dated July 11 reads.

It was signed by IPOA’s complaints management officer.to IPOA so their investigators do their job.

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A Jubilee lawmaker belonging to Kieleweke faction has accused Deputy President William Ruto of fighting’ the government in public podiums like he was in the opposition.

The Nyeri Township MP Ngunjiri Wambugu says Ruto is weakening President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government.

“Governments are not popular. However those who publicly attack a government are those who want it to lose favor with the public, and become illegitimate. This is usually done by the opposition so as to weaken the government in power in readiness to beat them at elections and take over,”

In a Facebook post on Sunday, Wambugu said it was no longer a secret that the DP and his allies in the Tanga Tanga group were out to weaken Uhuru’s administration following their sustained attacks on people he (Uhuru) appointed to help him deliver on his election pledges.

Ruto’s team has been calling for resignation of three Cabinet Secretaries led by Peter Munya of Trade and a number of Principal Secretaries including Interior’s Karanja Kibicho over claims they were planning to eliminate the DP.

“They are attacking Cabinet Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, and now the ruling party’s Secretary General! Clearly they want to weaken the government – why?” the first-time MP posed.

He made the remarks moments after Ruto launched an attack on Jubilee Party Secretary-General Raphael Tuju claiming he has shifted his loyalty from the ruling party to the opposition.

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With 2022 drawing near, different political leaders with interests in succeeding President Uhuru Kenyatta have been seen to have already started campaigning.

Deputy President Dr William Ruto leads in early campaigns despite warning from the head of state. This has prompted the emergence of two factions within ruling party Jubilee, the team kieleweke and Tanga tanga.

But will these campaigns add any value come 2022? Well, the country could be headed for a parliamentary system of government with the Prime Minister being head of government, if proposals by the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) that mirror recommendations in the Bomas draft are implemented.

According to one of the local dailies, the preliminary report was reportedly shared with the principals last week and the team will retreat to write the final report next month.

The Standard reports that preliminary report proposes a Cabinet appointed from among MPs of not more than 20 ministers, including two deputy Prime Ministers, reintroduces deputy ministers, raises allocations to counties to 45 per cent and recommends a reduction of the number of MPs to 209 from 416.   

The 12-member team tasked to propose measures to end ethnic antagonism every election year, wants the President to be elected by a three-tier Electoral College through a secret ballot for a non-renewable term of seven years.

Alternatively, the team proposes that the election of the President be by direct adult suffrage through a secret ballot on the Tuesday immediately preceding the 21 days before the expiry of the term of the sitting President.

The President shall be the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces. 

According to BBI, the national executive authority of the republic shall be exercised in accordance with the Constitution by, or on the authority of, the President and the Prime Minister together with the rest of the Cabinet.

“The President shall exercise the powers and perform the functions of that office on the advice of the Cabinet unless this constitution states otherwise,” the proposal reads in part.

The team suggests that the President shall appoint and may dismiss the Cabinet, including the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Ministers and the ministers.

Other officials appointed or fired by the President are deputy ministers, judges of the superior courts and any other State or public officer who is appointed by the President.

The team proposes that the deputy president shall be the principal assistant and shall not serve for more than two terms.

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Gusii Members of Parliament allied to Deputy President Dr William Ruto have told Interior CS Dr Fred Matiangi to resign if he is interested in politics.

Speaking at a at a fundraiser at Sironga SDA Church, the MPs said Matiang’i should not go round on a CS flag while trumpeting politics.

“As leaders, we respect him, but he should not go round on a CS flag while trumpeting politics. Let him climb down from his office and join politics,” said South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro.

Also present were MPs Joash Nyamoko (North Mugirango), Vincent Kemosi (West Mugirango ), Shadrack Mose (Kitutu Masaba), Oroo Oyioka (Bonchari), Innocent Obiri (Bobasi) and Alfa Miruka (Bomachoge Chache).

Ruto allied MPs have always been at odds with the interior CS, arguing that the powerful CS was indirectly fighting the second in command.

Their differences started when Matiang’i was elevated to the powerful post of chairing the cabinet, which was viewed as a plot to deny Ruto powers.

The MPs also urged the government to hire unemployed graduates as census clerks.

They said they have information that some school principals and doctors have applied for the jobs.

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Nairobi County Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko on Sunday took the team Wanjiku campaigns to Mombasa alongside the Gatundu South Member of Parliament Moses Kuria.

Sonko who dumped his security details to enter Mombasa aboard a matatu received a warm reception with youths chanting his name.

While addressing the really, the Nairobi County chief took a swipe at National Assembly Majority leader Aden Duale. Sonko sent a stern warning to the Garissa Township lawmaker over his support for the increment of MPs salary by 100% including night allowances.

Sonko accused Duale of advocating for his own interests while the people of Garisa are suffering with lack of water and poor infrastructure.

Sonko told Duale to instead think about how the people who elected him can access good Hospitals , schools,roads and other essential infrastructures.

He further warned Duale to stop questioning the whereabouts of the revenue collected by County governments, directing him to go and read the audit books from the office of the Controller of budget.

He told the lawmaker to keep off devolution.

“Aden Duale nakwambia hii pesa ya Ugatuzi apana ya mama yako, hii pesa ya ugatuzi apana ya ngamia zako huko Garissa,” said Sonko.

The seemingly angry Sonko further cautioned Duale to be careful about 2022.

” Mimi nakwambia Duale ukiendelea hivo, kutaka kujiongezea mshahara na wananchi Garissa hawana maji, ukiendelea hivo 2022 utaenda kuchunga ngamia bila underwear,” Sonko said.

Watch the full video here.

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For close to two months, Bomet Governor Joyce Laboso has been away since she left the Country on May 29th this year for the United Kingdom to seek medication. The Bomet County chief was then later transferred for further treatment in India.

There have been a lot of speculations over her ailment only for her to silently enter the Country on Sunday morning without any awareness of her County’s senior officials.

“Governor Joyce Laboso has today arrived from India where she has been undergoing medication…she has greatly improved, let us continue praying for her quick recovery,” Majority leader at the County Assembly Josphat Kirui posted on his social media pages.

The governor, Kirui said will, however, not resume her duties as expected but will continue receiving her treatment at a local facility in Nairobi.

She was accompanied by her husband Edwin Abonyo and close family members who had been together in India.

Sources however indicated that Laboso’s return was planned in a such a way to avoid a lot of attention.

Several leaders from the Country had however visited her while she was away for treatment.

Among those who visited the governor at the London hospital were ODM leader Raila Odinga, Chief Justice David Maraga and Kericho Governor Paul Chepkwony.

Former governor Isaac Rutto and Chepalungu MP Gideon Koskei also left the country to visit her.

Last week Laboso’s deputy assured residents that she would be discharged from the hospital sooon.

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Mandera County Police Commander Jeremiah Kosiom has revealed that two Cuban doctors abducted in Mandera four months ago are still alive in Somalia but have since been moved to a forested area.

Suspected Al-Shabaab militants abducted the two medics after ambushing their convoy in April this year, killing one of their guards after gunfire exchanges.

Since then, little is known about the government’s efforts to rescue Dr Landy Rodriguez (a surgeon) and Dr Herera Correa (general practitioner).

But according to the police boss, search and rescue mission has been intensified in the war torn country. However, he ruled out exact date when the two are expected to be freed.

“Efforts are ongoing to rescue the doctors but I don’t know when they will be released. What I know is that they are alive wherever they are,” said Mandera police commander

In April, elders from Mandera crossed over the border to negotiate on their release. After days of struggling, they eventually met the doctors in the outskirts of El-Adde.

“Those we met at El-Adde denied abducting the doctors but admitted holding them in one of their hideouts. We were mistreated there,” one of the elders told the Nation.They returned after two weeks in El-Adde. 

“We eventually met the doctors but after a tough time. They (Somali elders) warned against sustained military attacks on their camps in search of the Cubans and we agreed on condition that the doctors are not harmed,” said the elder.

A recent security report showed that the doctors were moved to Halaanqo forest near Barawe town where they were allegedly converted to Islam.

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R. Kelly has been arrested on child pornography and other charges, the New York Times reported, in the latest criminal investigation into the R&B superstar dogged by allegations of sexual misconduct.

The 52-year-old, whose legal name is Robert Kelly, was taken into custody by federal agents in Chicago late Thursday, the newspaper said.

Federal prosecutors have issued a 13-count indictment against the singer, which also includes enticement of a minor and obstruction of justice charges, the newspaper reported.Kelly has a decades-long history of abuse allegations, especially of underage girls.

He was acquitted in a child porn trial over a decade ago, and had maintained a steady fan base and continued to perform.

Prior to Thursday’s arrest, Kelly was on bail for a slate of charges in Chicago, including five felony counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault.

If convicted of the most serious charges in that case, Kelly would face mandatory sentences of six to 30 years in prison on each count.

In a March interview, Kelly vehemently denied the charges and said he was “fighting” for his life.”I didn’t do this stuff,” Kelly told CBS News.

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Radio presenter and comedian, Felix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o, has recounted how he was lured to leave Hot 96 FM, where he was co-hosting the breakfast show with Jeff Koinange.

He was speaking at Milele FM on Tuesday, where his fellow presenter Alex Mwakideu was marking one year since joining the station.

One week after Mwakideu started his job, he headhunted for a co-host and made a decision that Jalang’o was the best fit.

“I remember you called me and said there’s work you want done here. I didn’t look back. I said let me come and we can get down on it,” recounted the comedian.

Milele FM is not the first station where the duo has worked together.

“You know Alex and I worked together for a long time and we bonded well then we parted ways..we are soon going on-air together again so for us to see if the bond is still there, “Jalang’o posted on his Instagram, breaking the news that he was joining Milele FM.

They had collaborated on Radio Maisha. The breakfast program was quite popular and had an impressive online trail under the #AlexNaJalas banner.

Jalang’o was first to exit in 2018, after he got an offer from Hot 96, leaving Alex Mwakideu struggling to pair up with Nick Odhiambo who could not perfectly fit into the Swahili audiences.

The popular comedian and MC made is first radio career at Kiss 100 before moving to Radio Maisha where he worked for more than five years.

Before joining Radio Maisha, Mwakideu had worked at Mombasa’s Baraka FM from 2000 to 2010.

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Socialite Vera Sidika hit the headlines after she changed her color skin from light to black.

This move left her fans wondering why she decided to make such a move.

Kenyans became so harsh on her after she released her second single, Mimi, which she claimed to be the same person in whatever color.

Social media flooded with mixed reactions towards the song. Here are some of them;

Dennis Musembi I better sit at home and count my wife’s stretch marks rather than listening to a chameleon

Kay Myga Sexual Transmitted (STT) from otile. Who doesn’t know that…?  Tanasha Donna also suffering from the same, hamisa mobetto, next is zari.

Nim Chomsky It’s only in kenya where people wake up and decide they can sing, get in the studio and record a song ASAP, then release it.

James Ndungu since this post does not concern me,let me pass my greetings to wanjohi wa kigogoini,mureithi wa kang’ara,thu ya ngoma


Zahra Mohammed I need my bundles back 


Mary Awish I knew this restoration to factory mode was a publicity stunt 

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Kenya is among top five countries illegally enjoying streaming English Premier League (EPL) matches denying soccer clubs billions of shillings in revenues.

The study by AI-powered sports sponsorship and marketing technology firm GumGum Sports and global authority on digital piracy Muso was commissioned by an undisclosed elite EPL club.

It found China, Vietnam, Kenya, India and Nigeria enjoyed the billion-shillings content for free benefitting advertisers but not the clubs.

“Piracy audiences have too long been disregarded as offering no real value to rights holders and distributors, but the reality is that these huge audiences still see the same shirt sponsors and commercials as people watching the game via a licensed channel,” stated Muso co-founder and chief executive Andy Chatterley.

Mr Chatterley said sports rights owners now understand that uncaptured audiences help drive value for advertised products. The CEO said they are embarking on a study to establish the value of uncaptured piracy audiences globally to enable club managers to understand better before inking future sponsorship deals.

EPL is a major driver of the multi-billion-shilling betting industry in Kenya that last year raked in Sh204 billion in revenues with a paltry Sh4 billion paid as taxes to the Kenya Revenue Authority.

Telcos also benefit from fees earned from paybill transactions conducted by betters placing bets via the mobile payment platforms.

On Wednesday, the government withdrew licences for 27 companies affecting 12 million accounts saying the firms had failed to pay taxes while 19 companies had licences withdrawn.

Eight other firms had decisions on whether the licences should be renewed or not deferred to facilitate further scrutiny.

GumGum and Muso studied eight matches spanning the 2018-19 season where they discovered a total of 7.1 million viewers enjoyed illegal streaming.

Illegally streamed audiences in the US and the UK stood at position 10 and 11 respectively with each match generating over Sh129 million in lost sponsorship value.

Of the seven deal placements analysed, the majority of value came from field-side LED (rotating digital creative) and kit (front-of-jersey) sponsorship placements.

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