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Mustafa Juma

Jubilee Party Secretary-General Raphael Tuju has defended President Uhuru Kenyatta’s 2018 truce with ODM leader Raila Odinga which has been seen as the main issue causing rift in Jubilee Party.

The ruling party has been experiencing disagreements and public exchanges between rival members and warring factions.

Speaking in Siaya, Tuju said that the party remains strong and intact despite having given indications of internal problems over the past few months.

“We are working for the common good of our country. Our party manifesto espouses national unity. This is what handshake is all about,”

Tuju made the remarks when he represented Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiangi during the official opening of Kipaji Talent Centre in Rarieda, Siaya county on Thursday.

The Cabinet Secretary without portfolio was responding to concerns by forces allied to Deputy President William Ruto who have been cautious of Raila’s involvement with Uhuru.

He lamented that some people are yet to embrace the handshake, which he noted has been of great importance to the country on matters unity.

“It’s therefore sad that some people loathe the handshake, which has brought the much-loved peace we enjoy today,” said Tuju who also condemned the attacks on President Kenyatta by Ruto’s forces lately, terming him a national leader and symbol of unity who should not be associated with tribal groupings.

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Kenyans have strange habits which sometimes can be difficult for foreigners and even local people to understand. Many foreigners find some of our habits strange at the onset but after they spending quality time here, the habits become a norm for them. Either you are here on a vacation or a stay visit, these strange habits will always find a way to influence you.
Here are some strange habits you are likely to see in Kenya:

1. Bargaining while making a purchase

You may pay for goods or services without bargaining when you come to Kenya the first time. However, it does not take long for you to start haggling like Nigerians when you want to buy anything. The trader would hike the price to an unreasonable amount and it is expected that you bring this price down and it would take time to come to a compromise.

2. Jubilation when electricity come on

With the error of capitalism that brings up monopoly even in business firms, electricity going off has never been news to us. They will force rationing of power to us and there’s nothing much we can do. When the electricity goes off there are hisses and moans but when the light comes on, there is this excitement and shouts. Most of us his because we know the company shall take ages before they come repair a faulty line, and this means darkness shall be embraced in yourhom for a while. If you are new here, it may irritate you initially, never to worry, because soon you may find yourself jubilating too.

3. Lack of respect for those in authority

Have you seen how we stay in traffic for long hours? Our drivers cannot even listen to our police sometimes.  We talk down on the government, the presidency regardless of the venue. We have opinions on what our leaders should or should not do. If you respect the authority you seem naive and weak, if you can’t deal with them you run or dodge in the nearest corner.

4. Flashing – You call people and hang up

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Photo: Courtesy

When you call someone and you cut off the line before the person picks up; Kenyans call this ‘flashing’. If you are new here, you may believe that it is a missed call from a friend especially when you are far from the phone. It is often intentional because the caller does not have enough phone credit to call or talk and it is expected that you call them back. When you finally understand this concept of flashing, you may find yourself doing it.

5. Shouting when making calls

As Kenyans, we have this habit where we don’t know how to talk in low tones. Even when we are giving stories, some of us can only do it at the top of our voices. This habit can be more pronounced if you make use of a public transport system or you are on some major streets.

6. Walking barefoot in the house

Image result for kenyan barefoot around the in house
Photo: Courtesy

You arrive at some homes and find out that there are lots of shoes outside the door and soon, you may start following suit. You will instantly remove shoes and get comfortable walking that way. For men, they walk in their socks, even when the house some extrapair of slippers they will still not wear them.

7. Impatience

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Ahh…This is a strange habit you may pick fast if you are new in these streets. Have you seen how we create funny routes to avoid traffic and you would wonder what the rush is all about? Even at ATM booths, in malls, in banking halls you name it, we are always in a rush. Most Kenyans are always in haste that they do not want orderliness. One day, you may find yourself trying to cut corners too.

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Deputy President Dr William Ruto on Thursday met the Harambee Stars sports captain, Victor Wanyama at his Karen office, Nairobi.

The discussion centered around identifying and grooming football talent in Kenya.

“Strengthening the sports industry through adequate resource mobilisation and infrastructure development is key to ensuring youths excel in sport and earn a decent living,” read part of a post by the Deputy President on Facebook.

Ruto stated that he would support efforts that promote scouting and sporting talent.

The DP also endorsed the forthcoming Wanyama Roya Cup tournament, in which hundreds of boys and girls are expected to compete in a three-day youth tournament.

He noted that winners would be awarded uniforms, medals, certificates of participation and cash prizes.

Wanyama had been accompanied by some of his family members among them; MacDonald Mariga and Thomas and others.

Reports indicated that the Harambee Stars captain was also critiqued over the national team’s performance at the Africa Cup of Nations in Egypt.

 Kenya lost 2-0 to Algeria, defeated Tanzania 3-2, and lost 3-0 against Senegal in the match.

The team suffered a blow, which saw them back home.

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Maendeleo Chap Chap party leader, Alfred Mutua has reaffirmed his resolve to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta as Kenya’s fifth president and assured the nation he will reveal his coalition partners at the right time.

Dr Mutua also threw a challenge to fellow political leaders to utilize the current time and opportunity in serving Kenyans through promoting transformative development and positive social cohesion.

The Machakos Governor, who joined his Kisumu and Isiolo counterparts, Anyang Ngong’o and Muhammed Kuti, respectively at the launch of model community health program in Isiolo on Thursday urged leaders eyeing the presidency come 2022 to focus on positive development agenda and shun divisive politics.

“I urge my colleagues who also have ambitions to declare as they have but to first concentrate on developing the country and not spend their energies in endless campaigns and stealing of government resources that some are engaged in,” he said.

Mutua noted it was possible for political leaders to state their political ambitions without necessarily tearing the country apart through toxic utterances and divisive politics.

“In 2022 I will vie to become the 5th President of Kenya. There is nothing wrong with that. But I am not consumed by a desperate campaign and politicisation that is slowing down our economic growth,” said Mutua, who is also the Machakos Governor.

Mutua said his priority was to preach unity for all Kenyans and deliver services to the electorate. He warned wananchi against being lured with stolen money.

“We are, however, not touring the country polarizing our people. When the time is right, we will present ourselves to Kenyans and offer the better alternative. However, in the meantime, Kazi ya wananchi kwanza (service to citizens first).

He went on, “They can quietly organize themselves without tearing the country apart. I am personally in serious discussions with critical leaders for a strong partnership come 2022 elections. Our coalition of like-minded and motivated leaders will be one whose interest is Kenyans first.”

He heaped praises on his host, Governor Kuti and lauded his government’s initiative of working towards transforming Isiolo’s health care system.

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Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu has sued the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EAC). Governor Baba Yao wants EACC ordered to return all the documents it seized from his Thome and Runda homes last month.

Through his lawyer Oliver Kipchumba, Waititu says the seized documents include cheque books, log books and land titles.

He also wants the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission prohibited from future searches and seizures without hearing the affected parties.

The governor says on June 23, the EACC raided his homes and conducted extensive searches before taking away documents, among them title deeds and log books. 

“The search warrant was formulated and crafted in a manner that it was designed to be a catch fall trap and instrument that allowed the EACC to turn upside down and ransack my houses and belongings,” he says.

“The warrant, which was issued by a magistrate’s court, does not state the specific offences and crimes the commission is investigating in order to create a connection between the items seized and the offence purported to have been committed,” the court documents read. 

Waititu says the evidence before the court did not constitute and disclose reasonable grounds for the issuance of the order and warrant for search and seizure.

“I am not aware and I have not been informed of the investigations that are being conducted against me and I have not been afforded the right or opportunity to confront the allegations made against me.”

The governor argues that the subordinate court irrationally and unreasonably authorised for search and seizure “with a single sweeping blanket warrant that enabled the commission to carry out simultaneous and multiple areas of search and seizure”.

He also claims the subordinate court did not comply with directions elaborately set out by the High Court, anti-corruption and economic crimes division and that the warrants are illegal.

“No reasonable case was made before the subordinate court to enable the court to conclude that there was reasonable evidence of the commission of a crime by me. The search warrants given to the EACC to search my homes are, therefore, illegal because the offences and crimes were not particularised in the warrants,” the court papers say. 

Waititu believes the commission is on a fishing expedition as the search was conducted beyond what was authorised by the court. 

The search and seizure warrant was obtained by the commission on May 22. 

The case will be heard on Tuesday next week. 

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The senate has turned down a call by MPs to shelve plans to sue the National Assembly over 18 pieces of legislation that were enacted without the input of the Senate.

National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi on Wednesday wrote to his Senate counterpart Kenneth Lusaka, asking the House to put on hold its plans.

“In accordance with the provisions of the National Assembly Standing Orders, I hereby implore the Senate to consider, as a first instance, alternative mechanisms of resolving any dispute that may, from time to time, arise between the two Houses of Parliament,” Muturi said.

Lusaka conveyed Muturi’s message to the House on Wednesday.

But Senators rejected Muturi’s call prompting Lusaka to refer the matter to the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee chaired Nandi’s Samson Cherargei. 

Senate Majority leader Kipchumba Murkomen and his Minority counterpart James Orengo said they will move to court next week to seek an interpretation of the Constitution on the roles of the Senate.

“If the Constitution requires us to defend the responsibility and the work of the Senate, we will do that, even if it means going to court or any institution,” Murkomen said.

Orengo said Muturi’s letter was a justification that the leadership of the National Assembly was aware the House was violating the Constitution.

“This letter is good evidence to attach to an affidavit to show the National Assembly was not following the law,” Orengo said.

The Siaya senator said, “Come next week, this matter will be in a different forum and it will be decided. One day, it will dawn on the National Assembly there is something called the Constitution.” 

Senators last week resolved to sue Muturi for “ignoring them when passing laws.”

They said MPs failed to seek their concurrence in passing laws and 83 other bills that are currently before the National Assembly. 

“This process is very important for the Constitution. It has nothing to do with the competition of the Senate and the National Assembly,” Murkomen said. 

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Over a long period of time, most churches in Kenya have been conducting burials on Saturday and Sundays, but to Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) churches in Mumias, Kakamega County, this will be a thing of the past.

With 2022 succession politics gaining momentum, politicians have been camping in different parts of the Country to sway voters towards their support.

The politicians have been using churches as their platforms on Sundays, whilst funerals have been greatly acted as platforms on Saturdays. But will this continue?

ACK BISHOP Joseph Wandera says its Mumias churches will no longer conduct burials on Saturdays and Sundays due to interference by politicians.

There has been also a debate revolving around church donations by politicians.

Last month Deputy President Dr William Ruto vowed not to allow any law aimed at curbing church donations pass as suggested by some leaders.

Ruto spoke at Mumias ACK church where he graced the diocesan yearly prayers. He said those propagating a change of the law were non-religious people who do not value the importance of churches.

He further warned those pushing for the law reforms that it won’t happen in Kenya and they had to move out if they wanted to achieve their agenda.

The DP also cited that politicians engaging in such debates will fail and they and their parties will perish too.

He quoted the bible from Deuteronomy 8.19, saying the nation will continue to be a God-fearing State.

“Any political party or politician that attempts to undermine what God intends by any means including passing legislation that is against the word of God, will perish,” said Ruto.

He took a swipe at leaders opposing his generous donations in churches, saying they lacked gratefulness to God who brought to them the same leadership.

Is this the cause of the decision by Bishop Joseph Wandera to stop conducting weekend burials? And do you think this will stop politicians from politicking over the weekends?

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Police have arrested an 83-year-old woman who was posing as a banana vendor along the streets of Nyeri town top sell bhang to the locals.

Rolls of bhang were found hidden in the suspect’s bag which she used to carry bananas in her daily covert operations.

It is believed that that young men and women involved in the peddling business got their supplies from the apprehended woman.

The old woman is said to have been using her son as the middle-man to assist her in the supply of the outlawed product.

She will be arraigned in a Nyeri court before Resident Magistrate Nelly Kariuki today (Thursday, July 11).

Drug trafficking charges normally attract a higher penalty compared to the accusation of being found in possession of such substances.

With the local authorities reporting that they have enough reason to confirm that she was involved in the peddling of the drugs, the prosecution may decide level charges of drug trafficking against her, as reported by one of the online news websites.

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A man identified as Kimundio Kimanza on Thursday chained himself at City hall, threatening to commit suicide should he not be helped to meet President Uhuru Kenyatta and Nairobi County governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko.

But what could have led to such a decision by Mr Kimanza? Well, According to governor Mike Sonko, Kimanza chained himself at City hall demanding to see President Kenyatta or kill self.

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“Whoever is near city hall. Huyu jamaa ako hapo sai anasema kama haoni President uhuru sai anajinyonga. One word for him ,” Sonko revealed via his facebook page.

But according to Kimanzia, his prophesy had passed and that’s why he demanded an audience with the head of state.

I want to speak with Uhuru because my dream has come to pass. I saw all this and I admire him,” Kimanzia revealed to journalists.

He had placards asking Governor Sonko, Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja and Lang’ata MP Nixon Korir to help him speak with the head of state.

His placard read, “Help me to see Mr President, Governor Sonko, Senator Sakaja, MP Korir.”

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Another placard indicated the reason as to why he wanted to meet the president. The man had a dream that President Kenyatta would become Kenya’s head of state in 2013 which came to pass.

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Discreet 69 years Francis Mburu Mungai is the single controlling the narrative of the controversial ownership of the Ruaraka schools land has deepened after a former associate of the controversial claimant unleashed a dossier exposing numerous multi-billion-land frauds.

In an explosive dossier, Meshack Onyango Dehay, a former ally of the man at the centre of the disputed Ruaraka land Francis Mburu Mungai reveals an intricate web of schemes to siphon the public of billions in fraudulent compensation schemes.

In his 42-paged personal statement sent to investigating agencies, the man denounced by Mburu as an extortionist turns into a whistle-blower and lays bare mind-boggling documentary evidence of rackets being played out by land sharks.

He lists dizzying figures being claimed and paid or planned by the government with the collusion of state officials, through non disclosure of information for multi-million kickbacks.

The dossier hasalready been received by Parliament and is now a privileged document.

Onyango claims Mburu has used the Ruaraka land to mint billions of shillings since the death of its true former “owner”, Phillip Wahome who died in 2004.

He claims that the initial land was LR. NO. 7879/4 and that it was never sub-divided into LR. NO.7879/24 and LR. NO. 7879/25 used by Mburu on numerous occasions to defraud the government.

Onyango claims Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i, Nairobi governor Mike Sonko, Education PS Belio Kipsang’ and National Lands Commission Chairman Mohamed Swazuri among other top state officers are masterminds of the Ruaraka heist.

Early this year, the government paid Whispering Palms Estate Ltd Sh1.5 billion as part of the Sh3.2 compensation claim by Mburu for the acquisition of Ruaraka High School and Drive-in Primary school.

In what reads like fiction, Onyango paints a picture of a systematic plot by Mburu to defraud the State for over a decade. He alleges that Mburu had initially approached the late former Internal Security Assistant Minister Orwa Ojode to aid the scam for kickbacks.

But in what is promising to be a dirty war, Mburu has himself told MPs probing the land that Onyango is among disgruntled extortionists who were salivating for his cash.

The dossier has been sent to Parliament, the EACC, CID and DPP with Onyango seeking a chance to appear before MPs to reveal how top state officers connived with Mburu to steal from the public.

He now claims that his life is in danger following the expose.

“By a copy of this personal statement I request both the honourable speakers of the National Assembly and the Senate and their respective investigative committee to order that I be given personal security,” Onyango states.

EACC spokesman Yasin Amaro yesterday confirmed to the Star that the agency had indeed received the letter from Onyango and investigations were ongoing.

Lifting the lid on alleged behind the scenes maneuvers, Onyango says another mega scandal is in the offing at the Office of the President with the connivance of the Attorney General’s chambers which the courts plan to rubber stamp.

He says the taxpayers are staring at the loss of Sh141 billion through Petition No. 376 of 2015 and a further Sh840 million for the Ruaraka chief’s camp and Administration Police headquarters.

Onyango at the same time flags what could soon unfold as the country’s most choreographed scam involving the ministry of Transport and Infrastructure as well as the Nairobi County government.

He claims that a plot has been hatched by top ministry officials and high-ranking Nairobi county government officers to fleece taxpayers of a staggering Sh4.2 billion through a bus park to be constructed as part of the controversial Rapid Transport System.

The estranged ally who affects strong political connections says there is a plan to approve compensation to Mburu so that the county can put up a bus park on a fictitious 20-acre allegedly on the LR. NO. 7879/4 Ruaraka land.

Detailing how influential tender barons are working with top state officers to swindle billions, Onyango claim that another earthshaking scandal is unfolding along Ngong’  road at a “breath-neck speed(sic).”

He says there are plans to acquire LR. NO.7656 along Ngong’ Road at a cost of Sh13 billion and another Sh9.6 billion for Chakama Ranching Company Ltd land in Kilifi.

Onyango says the Kilifi land, now under the name of Mburu’s firm, New Agricultural ltd, was grabbed from the “poor owners.”

The businessman claims that negotiations are also at an advanced stage for Nairobi County to pay Mburu’s firm Afrison Export Import Ltd a claim of Sh24 billion despite a court order that absolved the devolved

Mburu’s companies were initially demanding Sh6.7 billion before the amount was scaled up to Sh12 billion, he says.

“Francis Mburu had put forward a proposal to governor Mike Sonko on how to share the loot once the figure is agreed upon before we had our disagreements in February 2018,” said Onyango in his letter.

Regarding the compensation of the Ruaraka land, Onyango claims that prior to the disbursement of the initial payment Sh1.5 billion, Nairobi county wrote off the land rates that stood at Sh700 million and replaced them with Sh12 million.

According to Onyango Sh170 million was to be paid as kickbacks but only Sh85 million had been paid to those involved by February this year.

“Before I left, the Nairobi City bosses were to be paid not by Whispering Palms Estates Ltd but through another related company called Champion Kenya Ltd.” he said.

Separately Onyango claims, Matiangi was to pocket Sh300 million, Swazuri Sh400 million, Kipsang Sh100 million and former Attorney General Githu Muigai Sh250 million.

“It can be seen that the initial correspondence on this claim was between Francis Mburu, Dr MuhamadSwa zuri and CS Fred Matiangi.

They have been the key drivers of this fraud,” he alleges. He, however, claims that Kipsang was initially unwilling to play ball despite pressure from Matiangi.

However, Mburu allegedly went through Ainabkoi MP William Chepkut whom he says is a close relative of the PS.

“Mburu gave him a proposal that he would pay Hon. Chepkut Sh100 million if he talked to and convinced Dr. Belio Kipsang to release Sh1.5 billion that had already been sent to the Education Ministry.”” he claims.

“It was after Hon Chepkut took Mburu to PS Belio Kipsang and Mburu promised to give Dr Belio Kipsang Sh100 million that the PS wrote to the National Land Commission CEO Tom Aziz Chavangi on the 15th January 2018 on this matter.”

“The alleged investigations by the Senate PAC and PIC Committees currently going on is a public relations exercise aimed at covering up for the thieves.”

He claims some senators already met with the authors of the fraud.

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