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Mustafa Juma

ODM leader Raila Odinga’s daughter Rosemary Odinga has announced that she will not be part of the August 31, 2019 nomination battle to replace Ken Okoth.

ODM on Sunday had several candidates who were expected to battle it out in search of the coveted ticket for Kibra MP.

“I will not be able to vie in Kibra, but I wanted to come here today to greet and talk to you and to say I will keep interacting with you to the end,” she said.

Ms Odinga was expected to be among the front-runners but a sickness ruled her out in 2017. Kenyans on twitter had already started speculating that Rosemary was set to vie for a vacant Kibra Parliamentary seat, with some demonstrating against the idea.

The Kibra parliamentary seat fell vacant following the demise of Ken Okoth who succumbed to cancer.

Former Embakasi South MP Irshad Sumra has also revealed that he will not contest.

“I am not in the race. I only came because I support Kibra and I love Kibra,”he said at Kamkunji grounds on Sunday.

The unveiled 26 candidates will on Tuesday be vetted in readiness for a nomination battle scheduled for Saturday August 31, 2019.

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ODM leader Raila Odinga has warned Deputy President William Ruto and his allies they risk being swept by a political storm should they oppose constitutional reforms proposed by the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

Raila said the BBI team was currently writing its report which will be made public next month for Kenyans to give further views before the country can go for a referendum which he declared will sweep away Tanga Tanga allies – a reference to Ruto’s camp.

“There are very good views from Kenyans and once the report is out, we will publish it for Kenyans to give their views then go for a referendum. I have seen a storm, there are signs that it will rain. There’s is a storm that will take all the Tanga Tanga people to the ocean,” said Raila amid cheers by the wild crowd at Kamukunji grounds.

Dr Ruto has publicly declared his opposition to any initiative seeking to expand the Executive through the creation of a Prime Minister position and two deputies.

Most of the submissions to the team formed by President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila have suggested expansion of the Executive.

Speaking in Kibra on Sunday, the Opposition chief described some of the views collected by the team as “very good” and asked Kenyans to back amendments to the 2010 Constitution.

He further asked people to ignore the Punguza Mizigo Initiative by Ekuru Aukot’s Thirdway Alliance which is currently before the 47 county assemblies.

“Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) is already writing its report and it will be made public next month. If they recommend a referendum, we will go for it. Those bringing other initiatives should be ignored,” said Raila. 

The former premier spoke when he unveiled 24 aspirants seeking the party ticket in the Kibra by-election.

A Report Story by The Standard

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Deputy President Dr William Ruto’s camp, led by ODM “rebel” Aisha Jumwa, has suffered another blow after two of its erstwhile backers, Kilifi North MP Owen Baya and Women Representative Gertrude Mbeyu, rejoined ODM leader Raila Odinga’s camp ahead of Kilifi mini poll set for October 17.

The Ganda ward seat fell vacant following a successful petition challenging the election of then-ODM candidate Abdul Omar. Mr Reuben Katana, who ran on a Kadu Asili ticket but lost, filed the petition.

Mr Omar, a close ally of Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa, has since decamped from the Orange party and will contest for the seat as an independent candidate.

On the other hand, Mr Katana has rejoined ODM and secured its ticket to contest the seat. Mr Joseph Kiponda alias Giuseppe’s will vie on Jubilee Party ticket.

In an interview with Daily Nation on Friday, Gertrude Mbeyu vowed to make sure the ODM candidate wins the by-election.

“I am an ODM member and I will support our ODM candidate to win the seat. As we speak now, I am from an Embrace rally in Kakamega. The team is coming to Kilifi at the end of this month,” she said.

Ms Mbeyu accused Ms Jumwa of chasing her out of the Ruto camp on grounds that she had “no votes” to offer the DP.

“If a friend tells me that I don’t have any vote to enable the DP to win the 2022 General Election, then let it be. But I want to tell the friend that she will be in for a surprise,” she said in a statement.

“I am embracing Raila and the President in supporting the Handshake, so my duty as an ODM member is to make sure that my candidate wins the Ganda by-election.”

A report Story

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A census enumerator attached to Maseno, Kisumu County, has been hospitalized after she was on Saturday night gang raped and robbed by unknown attackers.

Confirming the incident, Nyanza police boss Dr. Vincent Makhoha said a hunt has since been launched for the attackers.

According to Dr. Makhoha, the woman was ambushed outside her gate after she had been dropped off by her supervisor following completion of the exercise.

He added that the suspects were hiding in a thicket near the woman’s gate and pounced on her immediately she was dropped off.

The police boss further stated that the County Statistics Department has been ordered to immediately suspend the supervisor who dropped the woman due to negligence.

The supervisor as well as police officers who were deployed in the area to offer security for the census team have also been summoned to record statements with the police in Maseno who are probing the incident.

However, this is not a first police case being investigated in 2019 census exercise.

Last week, a census supervisor was arrested in Nyamira for allegedly misusing gadgets for the exercise that kicked off on Saturday evening.

Gilbert Maranga, the ICT census supervisor at Kemera is said to have been issued with a census tablet and power bank but went missing.

Lensa Apondi, the census coordinator in Nyamira, told police on Wednesday that the supervisor could not be located.

He recorded a statement at Sengera police station and officers were deployed to search for the ‘missing’ officer.

According to Nyamira county commissioner Amos Mariba,  the officer was found at Princess Pub in Kisii and arrested.

However, none of the gadgets were in his possession at the time.

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Kenyans have flocked social media urging the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to help trace gospel artist and former Milele FM radio presenter Geoffrey Kwatemba who was kidnapped in Nairobi on Saturday night.

Kwatemba had attended his fellow artist Doreen Otipo’s song launch in West Pokot before being abducted on his return to Nairobi by unknown people.

According to the latest reports, the assailants are demanding a ransom of Ksh500,000 for his release.

Kwatemba has worked for various media houses including, KBC Radio Taifa 92.9FM, Sauti Ya Mkenya, Mulembe FM, Sayare Radio, Biblia Husema Broadcasting and Sema Radio 88.9FM.

He currently works as Machakos County government communication officer.

He has released a number of songs among them; Yangula, Omwoyo, Yananga, Yohana, Khwekanile, Umeinuliwa, Tafuta Bwana, Hakuna Mwingine, Nena na Moyo, Obuyanzi, Niwe Wenyene, and Sasa Narudi.

Below are some of the reactions from concerned Kenyans.

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President Uhuru Kenyatta has revealed fallen Kikuyu musician John DeMathew’s hand in his International Criminal Court (ICC) case.

Speaking during the late musician’s burial in Mukurwe, Muranga County on Saturday, the head of state said DeMathew lent him a helping hand when he was facing crimes against humanity at the ICC.

President Kenyatta, however, did not indicate how  the musician helped him during the case.

This followed Uhuru’s implication in the 2007 post election violence which left hundreds of Kenyans dead and thousands displaced.

The Head of State added that DeMathew also played a major role in his campaigns, before his election in 2013, and reelection in the 2017 polls.

“John De’Mathew supported me as a person. During the ICC cases and during the campaigns. (John De Mathew alinisaidia sana kama mtu binafsi, nilipokuwa kwenye kesi ya ICC na baadaye nilipokuwa nikitafuta kura),”

He lauded him as man who committed himself to bring people together, adding that reports about his death really shocked him.

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Murang’a County Representative Sabina Chege apparently shares a similar characteristic with Deputy President Dr William Ruto.

Speaking during Kikuyu benga musician, the late John Ng’ang’a famously known as John DeMathew’s burial ceremony in Gatanga, Murang’a County on Saturday, Chege declared herself the original hustler in the presence of the DP.

“I your excellency the Deputy President when you see today I am called the County Women Representative, I started far. As you are called hustler, I am the hustler original because I started when I was still a very young girl and today you have seen that I sang with John De’ Mathew. I was an actor in a program called Tausi and later met John DeMathew when I was a broadcaster

“(Mimi your excellency the Deputy President ukiona leo naitwa Mama wa kaunti, nimeanza mbali. Ukiitwa hustler, mimi ndio ule hustler original kwa sababu mimi nilianzia nikiwa msichana mdogo sana na leo umeona niliimba nyimbo na John DeMathew. Mimi nilikua actor wa tausi nikawa mtu ambaye alikua wa michezo ya kuigiza, na kutoka hapo nikiwa broadcaster nikakutana na John DeMathwew),” she said.

She further denied having had romantic encounter with Benga maestro John De Mathew’s who was buried on Saturday.

A local publication claimed that Ms Chege had love relationship with the musicians, who was involved in an accident along Thika Road last week.

But speaking at Murang’a on Saturday during the burial, Chege accused the media of disrespect, arguing that the information was propaganda.

The second term legislator said she worked with De Mathew’s as a producer and their working relationship was professional. She had appeared in one of songs as video vixen.

She said had she sired with the deceased, the child would have attended the funeral to pay tribute to the fallen musician at his ancestral home.

“I was not involved in any romantic relationship with the Late De’Mathew. Yes, he was my good friend, but not a lover. I respect myself, I respect De’Mathew’s family.”

“If we, indeed, had a relationship, which yielded a son, then that child would be here today for his father’s burial. I am a married woman, who has children, and I respect my husband and my children. I, therefore, urge the media, [especially blogs], to refrain from publishing fabricated allegations. The media should, instead, be sensitive and respectful to De’Mathew’s family,” said Chege.

Watch the video below:

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President Uhuru Kenyatta and First Lady Margaret Kenyatta were among the first Kenyans to be enumerated in the 2019 National Population and Housing Census exercise that kicked off on Saturday evening.

In a brief address after the enumeration exercise, the President reiterated his earlier call to Kenyans to participate in the national exercise so as to provide the government with appropriate data for purposes of planning national development programs.

“Mine is to say that I have formally gone through the process. We’ve completed that exercise with my family,” the President said.

“Once again I reiterate that this is an exercise that’s geared towards helping us plan for your future. It is an exercise that is geared towards better utilization of your taxes to ensure that they get to the people. You cannot plan if you do not have the right statistics,” he added.

Present during the exercise was Treasury CS Ukur Yatani who said the exercise had taken off smoothly across the country.

“The exercise has taken off in every part, every enumeration area of this country and so far we are registering good progress. We have not had any major hitches anywhere,” the CS Yatani told the President.

Others present were the Principal Secretary for National Planning Torome Saitoti, Treasury Chief Administrative Secretary Nelson Gaichuhie, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Board Chairman Peter Kiguta and Nairobi Regional Coordinator Wilson Njega.

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Details have emerged of some 90,000 teachers who have pulled out of the Wilson Sossion-led Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut).

This follows an ongoing tiff between the union and the teachers’ employer, TSC.

According to the Standard, the fear of being locked out of the ongoing promotions and the looming deduction to recover monies paid to KNUT members following implementation of Collective Bargaining Agreement two years ago is behind the mass exit.

The local daily further understands that the matter has further been complicated by primary school heads, who lead institutions with majority membership of Knut, disowning the union’s push to fight for them, further isolating the union.

Secondary school heads and the rival Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) have openly sided with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), casting Knut as a lone ranger in championing teachers’ issues.

According to Sources within Knut leadership ranks who spoke to the daily on Saturday, the likelihood that TSC may not honour any meetings with the Knut leadership to push for teachers’ benefits has further driven away members.

The tutors’ employer deregistered Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion from the teachers’ roll, arguing that the teachers’ code of conduct and ethics required them to maintain political neutrality at all times and not act in a manner that may compromise or be perceived to compromise their neutrality.

The decision to strike Sossion off the roll has split Knut leadership down the middle, with a crisis meeting called last week to plan for his ouster in the special National Executive Council (NEC) meeting postponed to next Thursday.

“We are in a tight corner as a union because we are unable to even run operations at the branches. But we have one last chance to rescue the union from collapse this week during the NEC meeting,” said a high-ranking Knut official.

The number of members who have exited Knut could be higher as more teachers continue to exit the union citing stalled benefits of the Third Phase of the Sh54 billion Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Last month, TSC ran a parallel payroll, locking out all the 190,000 Knut members from the benefits of the CBA signed in 2016.

TSC said it was complying with an order issued by Judge Byram Ongaya that set aside Career Progression Guidelines rolled out in 2017 and reverted to the old Schemes of Service to guide promotions of all teachers under its payroll.

The Commission adopted career progression guidelines in 2017 to enable the implementation of the job evaluation exercise and the CBA that were signed in 2016.

It also emerged that the impending recovery of the monies already paid to Knut members after implementation of the 2016 CBA has further necessitated the mass exit.

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2019 census exercise has kicked off across the country with deputy President William Ruto and Opposition leader Raila Odinga being among the first ones to be enumerated .

Ruto and his family members took part in the count at his official residence in Karen, Nairobi shortly after 6pm

The DP urged Kenyans to participate fully in the exercise, saying it would aid government to plan and make key policy decisions in allocating resources.

Mr. Odinga was enumerated at his Karen residence in the company of his family.

Former President Daniel arap Moi was enumerated at his Kabarak home in an exercise led by Nakuru County Commissioner Erastus Mbui.

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi who was also enumerated during the exercise called on Kenyans to cooperate with census officials to make it a success.

Other leaders who took part in the exercise soon after the launch include Governors Anne Waiguru (Kirinyaga), Ole Lenku (Kajiado) and Mohamud Mohamed Ali (Marsabit).

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Kenyans are gearing up to participate in the 2019 national census, which kicks of on Saturday evening. While Kenyans are keeping an eye on government’s directive of having all bars and clubs closed by 5:00 pm on Saturday, there are other things that they should be careful with to avoid heavy fines and jail.

Did you know some of the actions that might land you in jail during the census exercise?

Well, National government spokesman Cyrus Oguna emphasized that households should provide accurate information in the exercise or risk getting fined or jailed.

“It is important for households to provide the accurate information. It is illegal not to do so and you can face a jail term of six months or a fine of Sh500,000 or both,” he said.

The ‘Big Count’ starts on Saturday at 6pm. The counting shall continue until August 31.

After the night of August 24 and 25, people will be counted with reference to where they were on those two nights. That then becomes the reference night.

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A businessman from Juja Farm, Kiambu County is distraught after his wife of 26 years with whom he has five children ran way with a local pastor who oversaw their wedding.

John Kanyua could not come to terms as to why someone who supported them during their young days and even signed their marriage certificate could take away the only person he treasures and their five children.

He thinks he was blindfolded not to spot the said bishop’s admiration of his wife, Leah Wambui all those years, as the signs were clear for all.

It all began when they started attending the bishop’s Joy Springs Church in Juja Farm, and slowly out of admiration of their work, he fronted Leah to become an assistant pastor at the Church.

The pastor’s wife is also livid. “I strongly objected the appointment, but he was determined to have his way. I confronted Leah and threatened her not to play games with my husband. She looked innocent, and I gave in,” said Agnes Wangivi, the pastor’s wife of 34 years and mother of three.

Slowly, their friendship blossomed and he could invite her for family dinners though in the absence of her husband.

“This is when I started questioning their friendship. I confronted Kanyua to keep his wife away from my husband, but he seemed blindfolded. My husband developed cold feet on his family and ran away to Leah in 2015,” she added.


Kanyua says that it got out of hand as the Bishop would visit his house in the morning and would spend the entire day locked with his wife inside the house until he sought interventions from the local administration and members of the clergy.

“This fueled the issue further as the pastor later ran away with my wife and children and rented a house in a nearby market where they live,” he said.

Leah’s parents have since contacted Kanyua to accept repayment of the dowry he paid to them, to pave way for the new wedding of their daughter, an offer he refused.

The pastor has also told his children that he was preparing to marry another wife and that he had separated with their mother.

Despite the predicaments, Kanyua still pays school fees for his children and from his kiosk, sends foodstuffs to their children where they live with the pastor.

“This is unacceptable and I wouldn’t sit back and watch someone take my family. If the government does not intervene, I will choose my ways. It has taken me a lot to grow the family all those years. I will not allow the wedding to continue. I can also seek legal redress. Let her stop soiling her name and ask for forgiveness, then I will take her back,” said Kanyua.

To Wangivi, she could not understand why her husband got tired of her, despite the challenges they went through to build their lives in their younger years.

“We have gone through a lot when we started the church to grow it. To have all the property we have, we went through a lot, and then someone wants to throw it away by marrying a stranger. I can’t allow this,” said Wangivi

The bishop and Leah were not available to comment.

CREDITS: A report Story by KNA via Nairobi News

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Deputy President Dr William Ruto has continued to poke holes in areas believed to be his rivals’ strongholds ahead of his 2022 political gameplan.

On Friday, businesses came into standstill in Luanda as Dr Ruto made triumph entry to Mumboha grounds, within the expansive Vihiga County which is believed to be ODM leader Raila Odinga’s stronghold and the home for ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi.

The DP graced a women’s empowerment programme in Luanda.

It was the third trip to the county which is headed by ODM governor Wilberforce Otchillo. Thousands lined up to have a glimpse at Dr Ruto, who had earlier graced an event at Chesumei constituency.


Dr Bonie Khalwale, one of his chief campaigners, lauded the attendance, which he admits that was unique given the voting patterns of Western region.


“Today I saw so many people at @WilliamsRuto’s rally in Luanda, Vihiga that I almost thought I was at Malinya Stadium where I call ALL the shots. Western, thank u for being part of the dream of the New Kenya,” Khalwale tweeted.

The DP, who has been accused by his opponents of premature campaigns, maintained that he’s focused to help President Uhuru Kenyatta deliver.

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Homa Bay county commissioner Harman Shambi has urged night runners to suspend operations during the census which runs between August 24 and August 31.

“The census exercise needs to cover all Kenyans. I appeal to night runners, if there’s any, to suspend their work,” Shambi said.

Addressing journalists on Friday in his office, Shambi also called for suspension of evening and night prayers during the census.

“Night prayers are out of bounds, just like clubs and bars which will be closed this Saturday and Sunday evening. We don’t expect people to hold any gathering that can interfere with the census,” Shambi said.

He warned alcohol consumers against resorting to drinking chang’aa after bars are closed.

The county commissioner assured residents living on Victoria Island that modalities had been put in place to ensure they are counted.

He said they had hired speed boats which will be used to transport equipment from the mainland.

“Let the island residents not feel they will be left out. We have the requisite modalities in place to enable them to be counted like their counterparts on the mainland,” Shambi added.

He warned masqueraders against taking advantage of the census to perpetrate crime.

The administrator said security officials will be patrolling the county to ensure everybody is safe.

“There are people who may attempt to masquerade as census officials to perpetrate robbery and other forms of crime. We will catch up with them,” he said.

CREDITS: The Star Digital

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A Nairobi court has freed Keroche Breweries owners Tabitha Karanja and husband Joseph Karanja on Sh10 million and Sh 2 million cash bail respectively after denying Sh14.4b tax fraud charges.

The Court has given them seven days to deposit the cash bail in court.

Appearing before Nairobi Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi, Mrs. Karanja pleaded not guilty on behalf of Keroche Breweries.

The court noted that the couple’s bail terms would be different taking into consideration Mr. Karanja’s health.

“Joseph Karanja is to pay cash bail Ksh. 2million within seven days while Mrs. Karanja should pay Ksh. 10million immediately or deposit Ksh. ” Magistrate Andayi said.

The third accused– Keroche Breweries– was ordered to pay Ksh. 10million cash bail within seven days failure to which all the directors will be arrested.

The Magistrate added that the couple are investors of the country and there was no evidence showing that they pose a flight risk.

He however noted that if they wish to travel they will have to confirm with the court and ensure it does not affect subsequent hearings.

Earlier, the Prosecution had declared that they would not oppose their release on bail but asked that the court to consider the Ksh. 14billion under investigation.

“Consider if found guilty the sentence is of a fine double the tax evaded or to an imprisonment of ten years or both,” Alexander Muteti said.

He further asked the court to direct that the two surrender their passports and not leave court jurisdiction.

According to him, the accused persons have been aware that the taxman required clarification on the matter as they were summoned to the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) offices.

“She (Mrs. Karanja) made an appearance before KRA and as per the letter before the court, KRA went out of their way to engage them,” the Prosecutor added.

He insisted on the gravity of the offence saying it is a condition the court should consider when setting bail.


However, Senior Counsel James Orengo who is representing Keroche, said the Ksh. 14billion is in dispute and there is a statutory process for settling any dispute in relation to tax demand.

The advocate noted that the company directors are presumed innocent and there was no evidence tabled in court showing that the Ksh. 14billion be taken into account in determining bail.

He further opposed the Prosecution’s request to have the couple deposit travel documents saying it won’t be necessary because of the enterprise they run.

The lawyer also revealed that Mr. Karanja cannot be kept in custody due to health reasons.

“He has recently undergone a surgery…police were able to release him before 10 last night (Thursday). Despite his medical condition and being granted a free bond he has been able to appear in court,” Orengo said.

The case will be mentioned on September 2 and the pre-trial hearing on September 24.

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Keroche Breweries Limited Director Joseph Karanja has been released from police custody on request by his doctor. His wife Tabitha Karanja will be arraigned tomorrow Friday.

Karen Hospital had advised the Directorate of Criminal Investigations ( DCI) against detaining Joseph Karanja in a police cell.

In a letter issued on Thursday 22 August, 2019, the hospital says he has a serious heart condition.

According to Dr Gikonyo of Karen Hospital, Joseph Karanja has undergone a life saving surgery and keeping him under police custody will greatly endanger his life.

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