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Pauline Waswa

Bungoma County Governor Wycliffe Wangamati has distanced himself from allegations of mismanagement of funds meant for the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

Addressing members of the press at the county offices, governor Wangamati expressed his disappointment over the issue terming it as inaccurate and misleading.

This comes after he was accused of buying 600 20-litre jerrycans each at 10,000 Kenya shillings. The governor went ahead to refute the claims clarifying that the county government distributed 368 120- litre jerrycans that were donated to them by well wishers and friends of the county to a few markets in the county.

“Let it be known that we don’t have 600 Jerry cans out there,we have 368 which were donated in a few markets and other public places. Let it also be known that the Jerrycans in question are not 20 litre,they are 120 litres.

“The 600 are the markets we had earmarked to receive atleast a jerican each. I challenge anybody with evidence to contrary or to effect that any officer in my government paid 10,000 Kenya shillings for a jerrycans to bring it forward or take it to EACC,county assembly and other relevant authorities,”he said.

He further noted that the county has received more donations including an assortment of PPEs,training in kind and sanitizer and also urged friends of goodwill to come in and help.

He called upon people to unite instead of creating scandals where there is none to settle meaningless scores.

“It behooves upon all of us leaders and the people we serve to shelve our narrow interests and keep our eyes on the ball and that’s fighting Corona virus in the county. To the people of Bungoma, treat any information contrary to this as rumours, gossip and ill-will,”he said

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Bungoma County assembly health committee is crying foul over what it terms as sabotage from the house leadership and the County Governor Wycliffe Wangamati’s interference in their mandate execution.

Led by the committees chairman Hon George Makari, the members said they had summoned Bungoma County referral hospital superintendent and other signatories who were involved in the alleged misappropriation of over six million shillings meant to combat corona virus in the County.

He said they were perturbed to learn that the committee secretariat were ordered not to appear to facilitate the committees grilling exercise saying definitely the house leadership was involved in the whole saga.

Hon Makari said it was important to have the committee carry out its mandate saying the residents at the grass root level had faith in them before electing them and they are supposed to perform their over sight duty without failure.

Lwandanyi Mca Tony Khaoya expressed his concern saying its evidently clear that Bungoma County Governor has a hand to do with the sabotage saying they are using the Corona virus rules to shield the truth.

“The appetite of looting in the County is very high and it s unfortunate that ordinary citizens have to give out everything they have to access services at the hospital yet someone comes to loot” he lamented

Bungoma township Mca Joseph Maguda adding that the County executive has decided to sideline them in carrying out important County activities saying it has created a bad working relationship.

Kibingei Mca Aggrey Mulongo threatening to initiate an impeachment motion in the house against the speaker saying he has failed to provide an independent leadership that is expected of him.

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Bungoma County has kicked off a local production of face masks.

This is in a bid to ensure that the residents get more masks to protect themselves from the novel Covid-19.

The face masks that are set to be distributed across the county are being produced at Wekelekha Vocational Training Centre.

They have been branded “Made in Bungoma”, and are a product of a licence and certification from Rivertex.

According to Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati, the centre will be making up to 10,000 face masks per week.

In adapting the masks to the community, the masks are reusable after washing and sanitizing, a fact that responds to the challenge of costs associated with the disposable ones.

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Governor Wycliffe Wangamati Inspecting the “Made in Bungoma” face masks. PHOTO/COURTESY

The products will be given out for free to Boda Bodas, Mama Mboga, Matatu operators as well as County Government employees.

Wekelekha is one of the 10 VTCs being upgraded into Centre of Excellence as part of Governor Wangamati’s push to up-scale the training of technical skills in the County.

In January, the Centre started making County uniforms, including those for nurses, ward admins, Sub County admins and Enforcement Officers.

In what tells of the institution’s potential, the Centre delivered naval white ceremonial uniform for a full parade in a record 24 hours.

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Some of the locally made face masks. PHOTO/COURTESY

Kenya currently has recorded a total of 172 confirmed coronavirus cases.

Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe on Tuesday afternoon while confirming the new 14 cases, warned Kenyans of tougher times ahead, as the numbers are expected to grow, should Kenyans fail to adhere to measures put by the government to contain the virus.

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The High Court has temporarily stopped an impeachment motion tabled against Kirinyaga County governor Anne Waiguru, pending petition determination.

The High Court was on April 6 expected to rule whether the Kirinyaga County Assembly will continue with its sittings.

MCAs Maureen Muthoni and Raphael Kariuki wanted the court to stop the sittings in bid to stop the spread the virus. The MCAs, through lawyer Steve Ogolla,argue that in the absence of urgent and exceptional business directly related to the Covid-19 pandemic, there is no rational justification for the assembly to resume sittings.

The county reps’ decision to move to court was informed by the action by the assembly speaker to recall them from recess to discuss the impeachment motion against governor Waiguru.

In the impeachment motion filed on Tuesday last week, the MCAs  accuse the governor of gross violation of the Constitution by among others not delivering the annual state of the county address to the assembly.

Muthoni and Kariuki argued that reconvening the assembly in the middle of the coronavirus crisis poses a real and imminent danger of new infections to the MCAs, staff and the public that interact in the assembly.

 Ogolla submitted before Justice Weldon Korir that the court should direct the speaker to ensure adequate arrangements have been put in place to protect the members, staff and public from coronavirus infection.

The two fear that reconvening the assembly in the middle of the coronavirus crisis poses a real and imminent danger of new infections.

 According to them, the assembly was adjourned on March 18 over the coronavirus situation in the country.

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A security officer attached to one of the Cabinet Secretaries, and two Kenya Defence Forces were on Sunday night arrested when police raided a bar during dusk to dawn curfew.

They are among other 12 people that were arrested on Sunday night at a bar located along Kangundo road;

A Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) detective was also arrested along the other three officers.

The officers were taken to Buru Buru Police Station and were also accused of being drunk and disorderly.

The two Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) soldiers are both rank of Warrant officers.

The Ministry of Health in its daily press briefings has reiterated the need for Kenyans to adhere to the government directives on the Covid-19.

Appearing at the press conference on Sunday, April 5, Transport Cabinet Secretary James Macharia put matatu and boda boda operators on notice, warning  that they would face severe consequences if they failed to observe measures on safety and hygiene.

Macharia stated that matatu operators found contravening the directives will be arrested, charged and have their SACCO licences revoked, in addition to having their vehicles impounded.

Boda boda riders, required to wear masks and carry only one passenger in addition to observing sanitation measures, were threatened with similar actions.

“We have observed that the set directives are not being strictly followed, for example, most matatus are still overloading, hence not observing social distancing. They are also not observing standards of hygiene as per the set guidelines,”

“This directive applies to all public transport vehicles and the offenders will be charged in a court of law in line with the Public Health Act, for deliberately spreading the virus,” he stated.

As of Sunday, April 5, Kenya had a total of 142 confirmed cases of Covid-19, with four recoveries and four deaths.

The cases are so far spread across seven counties, with the government urging Kenyans to strictly adhere to measures meant to ensure physical distancing to curb its spread.

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There is an uproar among Members of County Assembly in Kirinyaga after the assembly’s Majority leader James Kamau Murango received a letter from Jubilee Party Secretary General Raphael Tuju, ousting him from his post.

It is said that Mr Murango received the ouster letter after he presented complaints about governor Anne Waiguru to Jubilee Headquarters in Pangani, Nairobi.

Kirinyaga MCAs who had on Thursday tabled Waiguru’s outer motion are now up in arms, expressing their disappointment in Jubilee.

In his dismissal letter, Tuju also notes that after complaints, the party found that apart from two issues of disbursement of funds for bursaries and women projects the rest of the issues raised by the MCA were personal.

Murango is also accused of being part of a cohort of mainly independent MCAs who addressed the mass media on notice of motion to impeach Waiguru.

‘It is no longer tenable for you to lead Government business in the county assembly, we find this behaviour of refusing to listen to the party headquarters to be gross misconduct as articulated in artcle 13 of the party constitution’ the letter said

Speaking on Thursday, Wamumu ward MCA John Bapstita Kanga and Tebere ward MCA Gudson Muchina said the Jubilee party has no power to dictate who is supposed to be majority leader in Kirinyaga.

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Bungoma County Governor Wycliffe Wangamati on Thursday March 19, 2020 suspended all County operations in the County as part of the efforts to stop spread of Coronavirus.

According to Governor Wangamati, only the Departments of Health, Finance and Office of the Governor shall remain open from tomorrow Friday, March 20, 2020.

Speaking in Mabanga in a meeting that briefed senior officers of the Provincial Administration on a raft of measures to stave the threat of Coronavirus, Governor Wangamati said he had suspended all County operations except strictly essential services.

“Henceforth, unless otherwise called upon, all County employees in departments other than the three shall work from home,” Governor Wangamati directed.

The Governor also banned all market days in the County for the next 30 days.

Governor Wangamati said only markets serving small communities and neighbourhoods will be allowed to operate.

Addressing a sitting that was also attended by the County Commissioner Dr Abdi Hassan, Governor Wagamati also directed that any burials in the County take place in under 24 hours.

He also said such burials shall provide running water and soap to all those in attendance.

The Governor also suspended all church functions including weddings, night prayers and crusades.

He called on the residents to remain vigilant, lookout for the following signs and seek immediate medical help from the nearest medical facility in need be:

• Dry Coughing

• Sneezing

• High Fever

• Breathing difficulties

• General body pains

Further, residents are called upon to observe the instructions of health officials.


• Wash your hands with soap regularly – at least for 20 seconds at every given moment with soap and running water.

• Practice high level of personal hygiene

• Avoid the shaking of hands and hug

• Avoid any body contact – always keep at least a metre from the next person.

• Avoid public gathering of whatever kind. Keep off weddings, churches, and keep burials short and small.

• Avoid partaking of any cold food or drinks

• Avoid unnecessary movements

• Practice etiquette while in public, like ensuring you sneeze or cough into a handkerchief of folded arm.

• Ensure to sanitize shared facilities.

• Adhere to instructions and advice given by authorities.

• All public facilities from hotels to malls are directed to provide running water and soap for public use.

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Judicial Service Commission (JSC) members led by the presiding judge in Machakos high court George Odunga, on Wednesday March 4, 2020, engaged members of the public at Bungoma law courts, to sensitize on the matter of protection against domestic violence rules.

Domestic violence may result from abuse ranging from physical, economic and emotional, verbal or psychological abuse.

Judge Odunga noted that the present legislation does not provide for the protection before the offence is committed but the act now provides for the people to come to court for protection orders so that it can’t be waited until the act of violence is completed.

With the issue of domestic violence being rampant in most parts in the country, the discussion comes in to create a better platform where the victims can seek justice easily.

Judge Odunga issued out outlines on how the cases shall be handled.

He stated that such issues are supposed to be handled at the residents magistrates court and so people are advised whenever they need  the services to report the matter to the police who will assist them to fill out a prescribed form 1 titled ‘information on domestic violence’.

The police will further be required to hand in the filled prescribed form to court within 24hours.

The victim can further apply for a protection order  which is a court order in domestic violence case whose purpose is to safeguard or protect the victim once a case has been reported.

The protection order may consist in a prohibition, restraint, residence, custody, compensation or restitution.

A party dissatisfied by a protection order may apply to court for its variation or discharge.

Judge Odunga also advocated for settling of domestic matters at home noting that family matters involves children and it would be so important for reconciliation to be encouraged and for them to live harmoniously.

‘Our intention is not to break families but to ensure that families live in peace. It’s only that sometimes we have to issue protection orders while we are still determining the matters otherwise the act provides that where appropriate alternative dispute resolution mechanism like mediation has to be respected,” he said.

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Legendary Musician from Bungoma County is dead.

Famous for his songs including Siauma, Endika, Sekali ka mulala among others, Bungoma County residents will remain to celebrate Samwel Namatete.

He met his abrupt death at Bungoma referral hospital on Monday 2nd March 2020 soon after being admitted in the facility’s ward 2.

Bungoma County musicians chairman Kasembeli Watila said the late had fallen ill at Eldoret on his way to Bungoma after a perfomance in Nairobi.

He added that he was taken by a well wisher to health centre and treated before his family arrived and took him to Sirisia hospital for further medication.

Mr. Kasembeli noted that condition worsened and had to be transferred to Bungoma referral hospital but unfortunately he passed on soon after being admitted.

He hails from Kulisiru village in Sirisia constituency and has been eulogised by many as a hard working musician who through his songs enlightened the society at large.

Situma wa Manyasi, one of his many ardent fans said he was a dedicated composer of music whose songs were enjoyed by many in the country.

His body has been preserved at Bungoma hospital mortuary as the burial arrangement kicks off.

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Bungoma county healthcare workers have been called upon to work and serve the community with passion and commitment.

Speaking at Mabanga where 187 recruited health care staffers were receiving their appointment letters, Governor Wangamati congratulated them and emphasized on them being committed to work hard and tirelessly towards the success of the service delivery in the health centers of Bungoma county.

“Health is so crucial in service delivery in this county and health services are real you can’t wait so please just do your best. Serve the county, serve the people of Bungoma county, “said governor Wangamati.

He further noted that through his leadership, those who will do well will be given an opportunity to grow in the county government but also cautioned those who will bore no fruits that they will have a problem.

“You have been given an opportunity, you must work and ensure that at the end of the day you are doing well at your work place and our commitment to you is that when you do well you will have an opportunity to rise within the county government and within the ministry of health,” he said.

He assured the residents of Bungoma that more funds will be directed into health which will see some projects finished like building 100-bed capacity hospitals one in Bumula and another one in Naitiri.

He expressed his satisfaction towards the coming up of devolution noting that it’s the best thing that ever happened in Kenya.

“The best thing that happened to Kenya is the 2010 constitution. A shilling spend at a national level compared to a shilling spend in the county government, a shilling in the county government level is more accountable and more transparent because at the county there are so many eyes looking at that shilling where its being spend.

“It is what is revoking us to vote in the building bridges initiative because we want more resources to come down for it will make it easier in increasing resources from national government to county government.

“When am here as a governor I understand the issues of Bungoma county better than a cabinet secretary sitting in Nairobi and so accountability and transparency is better at the county level and that’s why we are emphasizing on voting in BBI,”he noted

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Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati has today (Monday) hosted the US Ambassador to Kenya Kyle McCarter at his office in Bungoma town.

The Ambassador had paid a visit to discuss on issues in the county more specifically on the governor’s projects including the scholarships and vocational training and also skills and development among the people of Kenya focusing more on the residents of Bungoma.

Addressing the members of the press, Ambassador McCarter noted that their aim is to visit the whole country to create awareness and understanding to the people of Kenya so that they should always focus on what’s best for them and not for the interests of any politician.

He expressed his satisfaction to the county government’s projects more so on scholarships that have seen many students from humble backgrounds but with dreams acquire education.

He further appreciated the presence of vocational training centres which will give a chance to people with different skills but did not secure a chance to go to colleges to showcase their abilities.

“Just because one did not go to university does not mean they have no talent. Neither does it mean they can’t harness their talents to make as much money as the next person,” Ambassador McCarter said.

McCarter further committed support from the American government to improve the infrastructure and capacity of vocational training centres in Bungoma county.

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Western Kenya leaders allied to Deputy President Dr William Ruto were on Saturday barred from accessing Nzoia Sugar Company premises.

Led by National Parliament chief whip Benjamin Washiali, the Tanga Tanga members had gone to the the factory to discuss with the management aiming at reaching a solution to revive the lost glory of the company.

However, their efforts bore no fruits when the security team barred them from entering the company’s premises.

This act prompted them to address the public from the outside the company’s ground where they strongly condemned the act claiming that it was the government’s property and everyone had a right to access it.

The seemingly disappointed Washiali who was in the company of former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa, Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa, Matungu MP Justus Murunga, Webuye West MP Dan Wanyama, Sirisia MP John Walukhe and former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale expressed his dissatisfaction towards the act.

“We have come here as leaders to find a way to solve the challenge that is affecting us due to the collapse of the company and has therefore pulled down the economic prosperity of this region and yet they have locked us out,” he ranted .

Dan Wanyama called upon president Uhuru Kenyatta to intervene and help to revive the ailing miller.

The lawmaker noted that through its revival, the farmers, workers and even the surrounding community will benefit from the economic value of the company.

The very sentiments were echoed by his Bumula counterpart Mwambu Mabonga who also noted that the fall of Nzoia has been a nightmare to the region and hence contributed to the fall of developments in the region starting from the families which are struggling to make the ends meet.

He called upon the leaders to come on board and coordinate with the Nzoia managerial team to find a solution as soon as possible.

He also promised that when they have a parliamentary seating next month, the issue will be taken to the agricultural committee so as they also chip in to find a solution to this menace.

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Multinational technology company Apple through its Apple Appointed Independent Value Added Distributor for Africa Redington has launched the iPhones 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max in Kenya. The new generation of iPhones launched at the premier event in Nairobi, are the most powerful and most advanced iPhone models ever built.

The iPhones 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max come in 5.8” and 6.5” Super Retina XDR displays respectively and boast of all day battery life, the fastest chip in a smartphone, the brightest iPhone display yet and its most iconic feature; the all new triple camera system.

 L-R: Christine Judy – Marketing Manager East Africa, Redington Telco, Mr. Amit Bose – Regional Sales Head,Redington Telco,  Mr. Jacob Kimani – Sales Manager Kenya Redington Telco and Ms. Simran Saleh.

Speaking at the launch event, Amit Bose, Redington’s Regional Sales head Telco, East Africa noted that the event was to celebrate innovation and evolution adding that With Redington ‘it’s not just a Transaction, it’s a Journey, it’s a relation to Cherish for Life.’ ‘

“As you may have come to observe from our advent with Apple in Kenya as a Value-Added Distributor, we are always excited about our legacy and partnerships with you all, bringing Apple products that you love, and connecting you to the people that love them as well. We are here to make the products within your reach and ready to support thereafter. It is my pleasure to tell you that we are happy to continue delivering the unrivalled Apple customer experience to our partners and loyal customers,” said Amit.

The iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max mark the latest additions to the iPhone family, now with amazing camera capabilities featuring a powerful new dual-camera system, Night mode, spatial audio, water and dust resistance, faster Face ID, wireless charging, all-day battery life, the highest quality video, Wi-Fi 6, six beautiful new colors and latest hardware accompanied with iOS 13.

“These are the first iPhone models to be christened “Pro”, and they, as you will experience truly live up to their name. Over the years, Apple has never put the “Pro” label on an iPhone the way it does with MacBooks and iPads. ‘Pro’ often means better processors and bigger displays. The iPhone 11 Pro and the 11 pro max has all that in display and processor plus a third telephoto camera that Shoots amazing videos and clicks photos with the Ultra Wide, Wide, and Telephoto
options,” said Christine Judy Redington Marketing Manager.

Redington, through its Authorised Resellers now offer VAS – Value Added Services such as 24 month warranty of products, 1 year on free screen or liquid damage and the latest addition that offers affordability with a % deposit and easy monthly installment scheme.

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Safaricom Interim Chief Executive Officer Michael Joseph has revealed how the telecommunication giant landed on Peter Ndegwa as the CEO of the company.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Citizen TV, Michael Joseph said the newly appointed CEO Peter Ndegwa was given the chance as a way of natural progression rather than giving in to demands.

Micheal Joseph was responding to questions from Citizen TV’s Yvone Okwara.

“I wouldn’t say we gave in to demands but becuase it is the right thing to do especially after 19 years of safaricom. By now a Kenyan should run the company,” he said.

Michael Joseph is a Kenyan-American businessman who was the founding CEO of Safaricom Limited, the largest telco in Kenya.

Currently, he is acting as the interim CEO after the death of former CEO Bob Collymore.

He is also the Chairman of Kenya Airways.

In the interview, Michael Joseph said it is true there has been pressure to get a Kenyan to replace Collymore.

There was pressure and it has always been there people asking why not a kenyan while others said why Kenyan and not just have the best person for the job,” he said.

He added, “This is the right time to define the right kenyan for the job”.

Micheal Joseph said Safaricom is not jus an ordinary company but has a specific DNA.

“It is not just about voice, data and SMS company but touches on financial services and impact communities in different corporate social resposbibilities. So this is a big company that touches on every facet of the Kenyan society.

Safaricom on Thursday announced that it had appointed Peter Ndegwa as the new Chief Executive Officer.

The Safaricom PLC Board of Directors in a statement Ndegwa’s appointment will take effect from April 1, 2020.

Ndegwa joins Safaricom from Diageo PLC where he is the Managing Director of Diageo Continental Europe.

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Did you think your M-Pesa transactions were secure? Not if KRA has its way.

The Kenya Revenue Authority now plans to track our M-Pesa transactions to establish if what you declare on your tax returns matches what goes in and out of your mobile wallet.

The authority needs to collect  Sh1.9 trillion this year to finance the government’s Sh3.02 trillion budget.

So just to be sure you at not shortchanging the state, KRA plans to access and keep track of your financial flows through M-Pesa, PesaLink, PayPal and other mobile money platforms.The data will help the taxman match it with your returns to see if the figures are consistent.

Also on KRA’s radar for revenue are companies operating digitally in Kenya but with foreign physical addresses, such as Facebook, Twitter, Uber and Amazon among others.

KRA officials told the Star authority is aware of evolving businesses in the country, most of which have gone digital, hence generating money online.

Joseline Ogai, KRA deputy commissioner for Research, Knowledge Management and Corporate Planning, and Maurice Orei, a deputy commissioner in charge of Policy, said the authority has embarked on data matching in an increasingly digital economy.

In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview at Times Towers, the officials said data matching will help it monitor the transaction and reconcile the tax returns with the financial flows relating to an individual or company.

“We are taking data matching very seriously as our next frontier in digital revenue monitoring. Soon, we will be able to catch tax cheats who make nil or few entries in their tax filings, yet the money they generate online is high,” Ogai said.

“You cannot say you file less in returns but the amount of money you handle in your M-Pesa, maybe generated from your side hustles, is high and you are not declaring,” he said.

The deputy commissioners said the new approach is based on the fact that the informal sector is fledgeling and the conventional way of tracking financial flows has led to a lot of leaks.

“When I pay my mechanic, I use a mobile platform such as M-Pesa as the transaction is quick and informal. So if you look at that person [the mechanic], you may think he has no income yet he has, but informally, and he does not declare,” Ogai said.

He said while most commercial entities with mobile payment platforms such as paybill tills have a mechanism of tax compliance, numerous others avoid the tills, requiring their customers to pay via M-Pesa but in the conventional way of sending money directly.

They too must be netted to pay their fair share, Ogai said.

The use of data matching, according to the deputy commissioners, is already paying off. They cited cases in which high-profile business entities were spotted for allegedly evading paying tax by manipulating the system.

In one case, Ogai said, the data KRA had in its system had created a pattern over the years but they changed suddenly over a period, raising suspicion.

“We have data from the annual returns. The data includes the amount of salaries the corporates pay, their revenues and the tax they should pay. If we get less, we must get an explanation,” he said.

Further, the taxman will now connect money trails to monitor payments in the economy so that “we see if people receiving the payments as well as those making them are declaring,” Ogai said

“We will be asking you, ‘Why are you declaring this much [if it is less], yet so and so received payments from you, suggesting that your earning is higher?,” he said.

The push by KRA to monitor your mobile money transaction record is not new.

In 2016, giant telco Safaricom rejected the Treasury-backed taxman’s quest to gain unfettered access to its customers’ mobile money records.

KRA justified its move then, as now, that it was after busting tax cheats and widening the tax base.

In rebuffing KRA, Safaricom said there were no legal regimes that would allow the taxman access to the customer data as it would be a breach of confidentiality.

To address this hurdle, the officials told the Star that KRA is pinning its hopes on the Data Protection Bill already before the National Assembly to clear any grey areas that have barred it from accessing individuals’ digital money data.

Section 7 of the Data Protection Bill, which is undergoing stakeholder participation before the Senate, gives public institutions a sweeping mandate to access personal data without first seeking permission from an individual.

“An agency shall, subject to Subsection (2), where it requires personal data from a person, collect such information directly from the data subject for a purpose which is specific, explicitly defined and lawful,” the draft law reads.

These lawful purposes include prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution, and punishment of crime or complying with an obligation imposed by law.

“It is not that there are no laws empowering KRA to generate revenue from online transactions. But the hue and cry that arose when we first sought to implement this approach will be addressed by the Data Protection Bill currently before the House,” Orei said.

The officials said KRA is under immense pressure to generate more revenue to fund government ambitious projects, such as the Big Four agenda. Such pressure is normal, they said.

Foreign companies

Ride-hailing services such as Uber and Taxify as well as online malls such as Jumia and Kilimall among others will be accessed through this arrangement.

Facebook, Inc., the American online social media and social networking service company, is based in Menlo Park, California. Twitter is also American, headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Taxi-hailing company Uber is headquartered in the same city.

All of these companies operate in the country but their revenue is repatriated to their home countries.

Orei said the tax authority has entered into international partnerships that would see it appoint tax representatives abroad to assist it with collecting revenues for companies resident there.

For example, he said, Amazon which digitally operates in Kenya but has physical office addresses outside KRA’s jurisdiction, will be taxed through an appointed tax representative.

The representative will then remit revenues to KRA.

“All the companies even PayPal, Facebook, Twitter and others will now remit their revenues to our representatives in the countries where they are domiciled for onward remittance to us to help the government fund its projects,” Orei said.

The international partnership envisaged will only be realised if MPs ratify an international tax alliance framework called the Mutual Agreement Contract (MAC), which the authority signed recently.

“The MAC framework is already before the lawmakers to ratify and domesticate. We hope they expedite this so that it starts rolling,” Orei said, emphasising that this was part of the wider policy to broaden the tax bracket and collect more revenue.

CREDITS: Source Link

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Royal Media’s Citizen TV senior political journalist Stephen has been crowned the Maa Male Media personality of the year.

At an award ceremony held at Carnivore Restaurant in Nairobi on Friday, Letoo trounced five other nominees.

Letoo was feted for his excellence in the journalism industry and his contribution to the empowerment and development of the Maa community.

Samburu West MP Hon Naisula Lesuuda was also crowned the mentor of the year during the event.

The Maa awards ceremony is a premier exclusive event that recognizes achievements of outstanding individuals, groups, organizations and businesses of the Maa Community in Kenya and Tanzania.

In Kenya, participants were drawn from Laikipia, Baringo, Samburu, Narok, Marsabit and Kajiado counties.

Some of the other categories that were hotly contested on Friday include Environmentalist of the Year and Radio Presenter of the Year.

The annual Maa Awards ceremony brings together Maa speaking people, organizers and sponsors to celebrate their culture, accomplishments and raise funds for charities that work with the community.

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