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Advisers used by Co-operative Bank of Kenya to handle its ill-fated 2009 acquisition of Jamii Bora Bank were prevented from carrying out the full due diligence work that they were originally hired to do, financial analysts says.

A leading financial expert in the country, told media in a statement that, a combined decision by the regulator Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) and political influence from senior members of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government paved way for the purchase of the country’s lowest-rated bank in a ‘disastrous’ purchase.

In a silent warning, leading banking experts and officials note that scrutiny of the deal did not extend to assessing Jamii Bora’s corporate lending portfolio – which later proved the bank’s undoing.

Instead, an assessment of that part of the low-rank bank business was left to the Co-op itself.

Earlier it emerged that former’s corporate loan book had deteriorated to such an extent that it was the main cause of a more that Sh1.5 billion capital black hole discovered at the Co-op Bank after purchase and takeover.

Many in the banking industry note that the exposure might in the long run hit the operations of Kingdom Bank, a company that came from the amalgamation of Cooperative Bank and Jamii Bora.

“One of the issues the mid-tier banks have is scale. We can do a lot on costs – and we’ve done a lot on costs and will continue to be focused on that – but you can’t keep cutting costs, you need to generate more income. This is a mid-tier bank with a Sh-100,000 million balance sheet and a combination if it happened, would not create a challenger with the order- so not that dissimilar to Mayfair Bank.”

More mergers and acquisitions among the smaller Kenyan banks would be a continuation of a process that began seven years ago and which, as evidenced by the takeover by CBA Bank of NIC Bank to create NCBA and the creation of Kingdom Bank after the Coop-Jamii Bora merger.

Co-op Bank itself is no stranger to takeover approaches from financial buyers. However, CBK later clarified that its due diligence mandate was originally meant to encompass the whole of Jamii Bora – but was later restricted. KPMG and other institutions charged with due diligence did not explain why the poor due diligence was overlooked allowing for the creation of a new entity from what was CEO Gideon Muriuki’s original business entity, Kingdom Securities that even employed Nairobi Securities Exchange CEO Edward Odundo.

KPMG was not involved in the deal to buy Jamii Bora bank, a senior official at the company said. The same was confirmed by Coop Bank management.

Co-op Group declined to comment, saying that an ongoing review being conducted by a former civil servant, would be examining such issues. This revelation about the due diligence came as MPs gave a roasting to advisers used by the Co-operative Bank for its Jamii Bora deal.

The KPMG at the same time denied they worked on the transaction.

Shareholders said there had been “an enormous amount of writing on the wall”, warning that a deal of this kind was being struck at an unwise moment, given ongoing turbulence in the financial markets. Paul Muturia and other shareholders accused the bank of pursuing a deal because of their fee structure.

“Your fee structure is hard-wired to get a transaction,” Muturia said in a statement.

A senior Coop bank official admitted “demonstrably we didn’t get it right” but denied that he and his colleagues were motivated to do the wrong thing.

It might be “thoroughly sensible” to make a portion of a fee dependent on the success of a deal, rather than merely on its happening, he conceded, although he said it might be difficult to structure such an arrangement fairly.

He said he was “100 per cent confident” in the integrity of his own advice not being influenced by the promise of a fee.

Coop Bank has been fighting one accusation after another. From steamy sex scandals, the nepotism, to officially tribalising the top echelons and mounting customer complaints, they stand in the eye of any storm that engulfs the banking industry that is dominated by one community in the Kenya kaleidoscope.

As a deal to buy into non-performing Jamii Bora Bank gained pace, analysts were worried about due diligence done by Cooperative Bank which had in the past been hit by cases of fraud perpetrated by bank employees who work in cahoots with external persons to obtain money from the bank.

The bank was on the spot as having weaknesses in its IT systems, which was attributed to sources within the bank.

Co-operative Bank has in the past reported erratic systems of poor quality and that explains for instance the constant system hitches.

“The former bank chairman’s sons are said to have supplied IT systems to the bank. The same family have also been rumoured to be supplying and tendering with the bank,” says a former employee, sacked in 2017.

The downtime attributed to a technical fault left the bank’s ATM Services, Card transactions at Merchants and other Point of Sale outlets dysfunctional rendering transactions by its customers impossible.

The bank, then announced having moved almost 90 percent of its customer transactions to alternative delivery channels including mobile and ATMs, has 580 ATMs and over 11,000 Co-op kwa Jirani agents across the country and the number is set to increase with the opening of new ATM machines and branches in Northern and Eastern Kenya.

Malfunctioning systems have been reported on December 22, 2017 and the worst would be on July 22, 2014 when the systems failed leaving numerous customers stranded with all manner of complaints.

On the Jamii Bora Bank purchase, which is as good as done, financial analysts are wondering why a behemoth like Coop Bank with a big financial muscle can go for a bank that survive by ‘the Grace of God’.

Jamii Bora Bank had in the entire period of its existence remained stagnated, refusing to innovate and introduce any change in the banking industry.

The transaction required regulatory approval from the CBK, Capital Markets Authority and the Competition Authority of Kenya and in the tribal oligarchy and corruption perpetrated by Cooperative Bank management ensured that it was easy for CBK boss to give the nod at first sight of the application.

The Nairobi Securities Exchange-listed Co-op Bank commenced operations in 1965 and had the fourth highest market share (9.63 percent) in the banking industry at the end of last year.

In contrast, Jamii Bora, started in 2010 after the acquisition by City Finance Bank, and had a market share of 0.12 percent, putting it at position 38 out of 39 banks.

The deal will lead to changes in market share as well as expansion of Cooperative Bank branches.

Jamii Bora’s last published financials are for the first quarter of 2018 when it had assets worth Sh12.5 billion.

Its liquidity ratio was in negative 11.1 percent compared with CBK’s minimum of 20 percent as at end of March 2018, leaving it in liquidity deficiency of 31.1 percent.

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Sometime in December 2021, a woman walked into KCB Changamwe Branch to get a loan. The lady who had been a client of the bank, sought the services of one of the senior loans officers named Hannington Muthoka.

While in the process of applying for the loan, Hannington in scheme of things developed a relationship with the woman and they started being very close. Closer than close. So Hannington started abusing the relationship because he had all the client private data and with the relationship, he would access the client’s account whenever he wishes.

He started, not only taking money from the lady’s account without her permission, but also borrowing more using her credentials. In fact, Hannington managed to borrow money and bought a car using the lady’s credentials. The car is one among the Uber vehicles he operates in Mombasa.

The lady started getting into the financial red as the man even depleted more than Ksh 600,000 from her account. The lady complained and asked friends to advice the man to refund her money but the man refused and decided to plot an elimination.

So the man planned how to eliminate the woman as he realised that he was going to lose his job at KCB. So he bought a knife and planned a murder while pretending that he wanted mediation between them. So when the woman insisted on getting her money back, he decided to stab her several times hoping to choke life out of her. But members of the public who witnessed the commotion teamed up and gave chase making him leave the knife at the back of the lady.

After the attempted murder, the woman was rushed to Aga Khan hospital where she is in the ICU. The case which happened within the jurisdiction of Port Reitz Police Station and was reported there, was mysterious called by OCS Changamwe who is a bossom friend and partner-in-crime of Hannington Muthoka. Hannington was booked at Changamwe but didn’t look as suspect but a man who could do anything within the station.

The man was mysteriously released this morning by OCS Changamwe on police bond. It has also been revealed that the man was charged with general assault and not attempted murder.

While the woman fights for her life, the man is free and both the OCS CHangamwe and KCB Changamwe Branch Manager are all trying to ensure that justice is denied.

Remember that Hannington Muthoka stopped stabbing the woman repeatedly when the knife broke. He was out to kill the lady. Police say there are NO WITNESSES. There are many witnesses.

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Most land-selling companies have been swindling unsuspecting innocent buyers for decades and we can report that the Kiambu land-buying/selling company Finsco Limited is no better.

What even makes it worse, is the possible involvement of the Principal Secretary in charge of irrigation PS Kimotho Kimani.

Documents in our possession show that the controversial and suspiciously philanthropic company owned by Mr. Mwaura among others who includes a sitting PS in the Ruto administration, has lately been selling hot air in the ongoing Murang’a plots, LR number 10875 owned by Hatwara estate limited. It’s not the first time the PS is involved in land-buying schemes as he was also in the “Legacy ” project.

The documents shows finsco Africa, faked a land search documents to push for a change of use for the 200 acre piece of land in the project named finsco limited Thika Grove Chania project, previously meant for agricultural purposes at the Muranga county government with the help of two CECs who gave the county Governor, Hon Irungu Kangata, misleading advice.

What is more worrying is that the land-selling company has been swindling unsuspecting victims where they pay for plots but can’t access them as most of these lands are still not ready for subdivision.

In the Muranga land, the owner had a loan with CFC bank of around 365 million shillings which is yet to be cleared for the bank to release the title deeds and hence the reason Mr. Mwaura had to fake a land search with the help of a Muranga CEC,Mr. Paul Mugo who previously worked for finsco limited, for the change of use.

Several complaints have been sent to the DCI offices along Kiambu road for investigations with reports indicating finsco limited ownership has bribed its way around the office and no arrests have been effected so far.

It’s yet to be clear how long Kenyans will continue being swindled by these land-selling companies with memories of the recently Gakuyo investments scandal still fresh in their minds.

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Blood clotting is necessary in our bodies as this stops the blood from uncontrolled flowing after a cut or injury; but it’s when blood clots are created when they’re not needed, that they can become life-threatening.

A blood clot can slow or block normal blood flow, and even break loose and travel to an organ (embolism), which can cause a heart attack, stroke, or a pulmonary embolism (PE), the top three cardiovascular killers.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs.

Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling but also can occur with no visible symptoms. 

More people succumb to the life-threatening conditions caused by thrombosis, the formation of a blood clot in blood vessels, than the total number of people who lose their lives to AIDS, breast cancer, and car crashes combined, every year.

This disquieting fact makes it clear just how important it is to ensure that we are all aware of the risk factors that play a role in the development of blood clots – especially as thrombosis is both preventable and treatable if you know the symptoms and contact a healthcare professional immediately if needed.

Dr. Henry Ddungu, of the World Thrombosis Day Campaign Steering Committee, provides insight into the eight factors that can help identify if you’re at risk for developing blood clots so you can prevent them:

  1. Getting older

Although any person of any age can develop a blood clot, the risk of thrombosis increases with age. Those over the age of 60 are at higher risk, because they’re more likely to have other health conditions that increase their risk of developing a blood clot.

  1. Gender

Thrombosis can impact anyone, no matter their age, background, or gender. However, the risks can vary for men and women. Men have an overall higher risk of thrombosis than women, but women have risks that men do not because of pregnancy, hormonal birth control, or even hormone therapy after menopause.

It is therefore important to take this into account when making any choices regarding family planning, pregnancy, or the treatment of menopause symptoms.

  1. Post-Surgery Recovery

Being in the hospital is a major risk factor for the development of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Indeed, up to 60% of all VTE cases occur during or within 90 days of hospitalisation.

At even higher risk, are patients who have experienced blood vessel trauma due to surgery. Orthopaedic, cardiothoracic, major general surgery, and neurosurgery are some of the types of surgeries that present higher risks for developing VTE.

  1. Smoking

Smoking can raise the risk of life-threatening blood clots as it damages the lining of blood vessels making it more likely for platelets to stick together at the damaged vessel lining and initiate the formation of clots.

Even significant exposure to passive smoke can affect blood coagulation activity.

  1. Patients with Cancer

The risk of VTE is increased, and common, in patients with cancer due to cancer-specific factors such as type of cancer, and cancer treatment as well as surgery and hospitalisation.

Cancer patients are four times more likely to develop blood clots than the general population. Blood clotting can have serious consequences for cancer patients as there is higher risk of recurrent thrombosis, the risk of bleeding during anticoagulation and hospitalisation is increased, while survival time is decreased.

  1. A Family History of Blood Clots

You’re more likely to develop blood clots if you have family members who have had dangerous blood clots. This is because inherited causes of blood clots are linked to your genetics.

People with a family history of life-threatening blood clots tend to develop thrombosis before the age of 45, although it is not very common.

  1. Being Overweight or Obese

Although being overweight or obese does not guarantee that you’ll develop thrombosis, weight can increase the risk of DVT as it puts greater pressure on the lower half of your body and increases pressure in the veins.

Additionally, other negative effects of obesity such as chronic inflammation can be a major catalyst for thrombosis.

  1. Immobility

When your legs remain still for long periods of time, it increases the risk of a blood clot as blood flow is hampered. Bedrest, hospital recovery, casts on legs, or even sitting for long periods of time while at work can result in a DVT which can cause pain. If part of the clot breaks off, it can also cause a PE which can be fatal.

Prevention of VTE

Your lifestyle changes may help prevent blood clots. If you have been confined in bed because of an illness, surgery, or an injury, move around as soon as possible. 

If you’re at risk for DVT, let your doctor know so they may give you medicines to prevent blood clots. When sitting for long periods of time, such as when travelling for more than four hours, try to get up and walk around every 1 to 2 hours; keep exercising your legs while you’re sitting; and wear loose-fitting clothes.

You can also reduce your risk of getting blood clots by maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

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Are you ready to take charge and win a brand-new Infinix Note 30 smartphone? Infinix is pleased to announce its exciting competition, #TakeChargeWithNote30, where you can showcase your talent, unleash your creativity and take charge of your journey. Click this link to join the competition now https://snssdk1233.onelink.me/bIdt/1lr3ib79

Whether you’re a fashionista, a sports enthusiast, a gamer, or a DIY lover, this competition has something for everyone. Get ready to dance, create, and participate in an epic TikTok challenge that will leave you motivated and inspired. Let’s dive into the details and learn how you can join this incredible competition!

Here’s how to participate:

  1. Get creative and showcase your talent (fashion, sports, gaming, DIY, etc.) in a captivating TikTok video.
  2. Ensure to shoot your video in a well-lit environment
  3. Use the Infinix filter to spice up your video and make it stand out (this can be found in the filter segment of the Infinix Kenya account on TikTok @infinixmobile_ke)
  4. Ensure your entry is counted using the hashtag #TakeChargeWithNote30 in your caption.
  5. For more information, access the competition link on Infinix Nigeria’s Tiktok bio (@infinixmobile_ke).
  6. Share your video on your Tiktok account.

Just in case you’ve forgotten, the Infinix NOTE 30 is designed with cutting-edge all-Round FastCharge technology that supports multiple charging methods, including wired fast charging, wireless fast charging, reverse charging, bypass charging, PD 3.0 protocol, intelligent charging, and safe charging across multiple dimensions. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your phone, showcase your talent and send in your #TakeChargeWithNote30 entry today!

For more information, promotions and news, follow Infinix Kenya on social media:

Instagram: @InfinixKenya

Twitter: @InfinixKenya

Facebook: @InfinixKE

Tiktok: @infinixmobile_ke

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East African Cables has welcomed the court injunction stopping Equity Bank from placing it under administration as it announced that its operations would continue as usual.

High Court on Monday stopped attempts by Equity Bank to take over East Africa Cables and its parent company Transcentury PLC.

The Court Injunction issued on the appointment of an administrator to East African Cables took effect immediately ensuring business operations continue as usual.

“East African Cables PLC (“EAC”) would like to inform shareholders, partners, and the public that the company has obtained a court injunction in regard to the notice dated 16th June 2023 issued by Equity Bank to appoint an administrator to EAC,” said EAC chairman Michael G Waweru.

Waweru said the injunction is on the basis that the bank appointed an administrator while parties were engaged in negotiations.

He said: “I am glad that the brief setback that this unfortunate action had brought to the business is behind us and we can now focus on what we do best, providing quality cables to our customers across the region.”

In a press statement, Waweru decried the “ extreme and unfortunate action” by Equity Bank.

“ We have been in what we viewed as positive discussions with the bank up until a day before the appointment of the administrator, therefore the extreme and unfortunate action taken by the bank came to us as a surprise,” he said. “EAC is a renowned and astute business and we’ve been committed to meeting our obligations and continue to do so despite the prevailing challenging macro environment.”

The injunction by Justice Alfred Mabeya of the Milimani Commercial Courts put a stop to the appointment of the administrator and restrained them or their agents from performing any actions in the capacity of administrator of the company.

The move allows EAC to return to focusing on the business operation and strategy.

East African Cables is a household brand in the region, with the largest electrical cable manufacturing plant in East and Central Africa.

Since 1966, the company has played a key role in the electrification drive across the region, connecting households, factories, and streets with power.

EAC has over 200 employees in Kenya and Tanzania and works with a wide network of electricians, traders, distributors, consultants in the business ecosystem.

EAC CEO Paul Muigai added that “East African Cables is the undisputed number one cable brand in the region, we have built an admired brand that is powering nearly all homesteads, factories, streets in this country and beyond. We are synonymous with the electrification success of this country and are confident of our business model and the unwavering support from our customers, staff and shareholders. We are delighted to resume serving our customers in every corner of our country!”

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East African Cables PLC (“EAC”) has obtained a court injunction in regard to the notice dated 16th June 2023 issued by Equity Bank to appoint an administrator to EAC.

The injunction is on the basis that the bank appointed an administrator while parties were engaged in negotiations.

“I am glad that the brief setback that this unfortunate action had brought to the business is behind us and we can now focus on what we do best, providing quality cables to our customers across the region,” said Dr. M.G Waweru on receiving the injunction.

“We have been on what we viewed as positive discussions with the bank up until a day before the appointment of the administrator, therefore the extreme and unfortunate action taken by the bank came to us as a surprise. EAC is a renowned and astute business and we’ve been committed to meeting our obligations and continue to do so despite the prevailing challenging macro environment,”added Dr.Waweru.

The injunction puts a stop to the appointment of the administrator and restrains them or their agents from performing any actions in the capacity of administrator of the company.

This will allow EAC to return to focusing on the business operation and strategy.

East African Cables is a household brand in the region, with the largest electrical cable manufacturing plant in East and Central Africa.

Since 1966, the company has played a key role in the electrification drive across the region, connecting households, factories, and streets with power.

EAC has over 200 employees in Kenya and Tanzania and works with a wide network of electricians, traders, distributors,
consultants in the business ecosystem.

East African Cables CEO Paul Muigai added, “East African Cables is the undisputed number one cable brand in the region, we have built an admired brand that is powering nearly all homesteads, factories, streets in this country and beyond. We are
synonymous with the electrification success of this country and are confident of our business model and the unwavering support from our customers, staff and shareholders. We are delighted to resume serving our customers in every corner of our country!”

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The High Court has suspended the move by Equity Bank to place investment firm Transcentury PLC under receivership.

The basis for the injunction stems from allegations that Equity Bank unlawfully appointed a receiver while negotiations were ongoing, constituting a flagrant breach of legal procedures.

The court-issued injunction effectively halts the appointment of the receivers and restricts them or their agents from taking any actions in their capacity as receivers of the company.

The injunction, issued by Honourable Justice A. Mabeya on June 19, 2023, comes in response to a notice dated June 16, 2023, which Equity Bank had issued to TransCentury PLC.

Transcentury and its subsidiary, East African Cables were placed under receivership over a Sh3.01 billion-shilling loan facility advanced by Equity Bank Kenya Limited.

The court deemed the application urgent and ordered that it be served promptly with a response required within 14 days, leading to a hearing on July 3, 2023.

“For avoidance of doubt, the receivership is temporarily suspended pending inter partes hearing of the application.”

TransCentury PLC expressed its satisfaction with the court’s decision, highlighting the irregularity that tainted the entire process.

“We are delighted to see that the court has recognized the irregularity that marred this very unfortunate and ill-intended process. We considered the bank as a partner and were engaged in what we believed to be positive discussions to reach an amicable agreement, just one day before the receiver was appointed by the bank,” stated Shaka Kariuki, Chairman of TC Group, upon releasing the injunction announcement.

“TransCentury is a significant business in Kenya’s economic landscape, we are committed to meeting our obligation, and hence the reason why we embarked on a Rights Issue transaction at the beginning of the year. Despite the challenging economic environment that Kenya and the world at large faces, we raised money from our shareholders and were preparing to settle on an agreement favourable to the business and the bank.”

The court-issued injunction effectively halts the appointment of the receivers and restricts them or their agents from taking any actions in their capacity as receivers of the company.

This development allows TransCentury PLC to refocus on its business operations and pursue its strategic objectives.

Nganga Njiinu, CEO of TransCentury Group, expressed confidence in the company’s resilient team and their ability to recover the lost time.

Njiinu emphasized their commitment to their mandate of making a transformative impact on Africa’s infrastructure.

“TC Group is steered by a very resilient team and I am confident that we shall recover the time lost as we continue focusing on our mandate of impacting Africa with transformative infrastructure,” Njiinu said.

The company’s Boards extend their gratitude to shareholders, staff, and partners for their unwavering support as they strive to steer the business towards growth.

As the court proceedings progress, stakeholders eagerly await further developments in this case, which holds significant implications for both TransCentury PLC and Equity Bank.

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The move by Equity Bank to place the infrastructure based investment firm Transcentury and its subsidiary East African Cables under receivership over a debt of Shs 4.8 billion is a wake up call to President Ruto and his government.

As President Ruto strives to create a conducive environment for investors to create and grow businesses in order to create jobs, the predatory move by creditors like Equity Bank will definitely derail the KK government job creation agenda.

Equity Bank this week announced that Muriu Thoithi and George Weru of PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) have been appointed joint receivers of Transcentury with effect from June 16th 2023.

The bank also appointed Thoithi and Weru as joint administrators of East Africa Cables.

In an advertisement placed on local dailies, Equity Bank stated that “ The powers of director (of Transcentury) in terms of dealing with the company’s business and assets no longer apply. Any person who purports to hold, receive, use, or attempt to buy or sell, contract or otherwise deal with the company without the prior written consent of the receivers will be acting in contravention of the law and will be liable to legal action.”

The move has predictably alarmed the business community and every one else who cares about the Kenyan economy.

Everyone understands very well how such drastic and draconian actions by banks have in the past killed healthy companies, leading to massive job losses and sending thousands into poverty.

It’s common knowledge that receiver managers in kenya are like morticians whose clients never live after. Blue Chip companies such as Nakumatt, ARM Cement and Deacons East Africa never survived receivership.

Its still fresh in many people’s minds how the Kenyan horticulture sector suffered when the country’s largest flower firm Karuturi Limited was placed under receivership by Stanbic Bank over a Shs 383 million debt.

More than 3,000 workers lost their livelihood and Naivasha town has never been the same ever after.

The effects of the collapse of Nakumatt chain of supermarkets are still felt today.

Other companies which have suffered under these banks include Kinangop Wind Park, Pan Paper Mills, Spencon, Mumias Sugar and Eveready East Africa.

It is high time President Ruto intervened and saved local investors and businesses from these vulture-like banks who seem to derive sadistic joy in killing companies.

For starters the government must initiate amendments to the receivership laws to curb the cannibalistic tendencies of banks like Equity Bank who hardly care about public interest.
If not checked, the move by Equity Bank will take down another local success story and send thousands of employees into poverty during these hard economic times.

The banks must not be allowed to operate unilaterally without taking into consideration the interests of the staff, other creditors, clients, taxman, regional integration and the economy at large.

The president must intervene and bring together the business community to charter a new way forward for the country before these banks kill kenya’s economy.

Equity Bank must be told in no uncertain terms that its frustrating the government and the country’s economic aspirations .

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We take a look at some of the news affecting banks in the country after an unprecedented attack on some of the banking CEOs in the country on social media.

In the first of a three series story, we take a look at NCBA Bank and Cooperative Bank in what will be a look at how the leading bankers run these institutions of trust.

Much has been said about the lack of publicity in many banking institutions in the country, the alleged ‘pocketing’ of journalists to kill stories, scandals, fraud and shortcomings.

From a decision to win a tax exemption by NCBA Bank to the decision to allocate majority shares during the Cooperative Bank IPO, this article provides an eye-opener to many underhand dealings by the banks and the management.


Kenya’s founding Mzee Jomo Kenyatta family linked bank NCBA Group was accused of allegedly stealing Sh300,000 from an account held at the bank belonging to a lady named Tabitha.

In a post by prolific blogger Cyprian Nyakundi, a customer at the bank had written “7 weeks ago, over Sh300,000 was stolen from my @NCBABankKenyaaccount. The post drew haaundreds of tackles with a slew of accusations on the bank that enjoyed State patronage through its life.

“I’ve been chasing this up to no avail. Please help me retweet this to get their attention. More info on my IGTV. Will be sharing more on IG stories too”, Tabitha whose Twitter name is @CravingYellow) wrote.

In 2021, a NCBA customer was reportedly counting huge losses after the bank’s asset department sold his lorry after paying the bank Sh907, 000 before the lorry’s auction date, after a notice which was given by the bank.

A letter from the bank, Ref: 4521420097, dated January 22, 2021 previously requested the client, through Urban Digital Services, of repossession of his vehicle over the “inability to meet the monthly installments” as earlier indicated in a previous agreement.

Fred Omondi, after the NCBA notice, paid the bank Sh907, 000 on February 10, 2021 and disbursed the remaining amount, as demanded, to the bank, via MPESA. The bank, however, went ahead to sell Fred Omondi’s lorry KCY 274D, on February 22, 2021 after paying Sh907,000 on February 10, 2021 before the auction date.

In 2020, the financial institution was put on the spotlight after some of its customers wrote to the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) seeking help over fictitious transactions running into millions of shillings and unlawful Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) listing.

Last year, prominent lawyer Philip Murgor accused NCBA of wrongly listing him as a defaulter after lack of due diligence in the Fuliza Loan led to a person using details belonging to the Senior Counsel in the application of a Sh1,300 loan facilty.

Murgor accused NCBA of failing to verify the information before erroneously listing him with credit reference bureaus as a loan defaulter.

NCBA listed Murgor with credit reference bureaus on May 7, 2021, after its records showed that a mobile phone number registered with the prominent lawyer’s identity card had defaulted on the Fuliza loan.

The phone number at the heart of the Sh1,300 loan dispute was, according to NCBA, registered using Murgor’s identification documents, but Murgor says the line is in another individual’s name.

During the suspicious merger of CBA Bank and NIC Bank, the entity is said to have benefited from a National Treasury tax exemption, benefitting from the patronage of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Last year, many people across the country complained about the alleged exemption that saw the Kenyan taxpayer feel change on hundreds of millions of shilling.

NCBA managing director John Gachora has said that the lender is ready to pay Ksh350 million in taxes waived by the state during the merger between NIC Bank and CBA Bank in 2019.

The media-shy and closely guarded bank CEO has been at pains to put the record straight on the illegality that continues to cloud the otherwise professional operations of the entity.

The announcement comes at a time there has been unofficial tax demands from the government to former President Uhuru Kenyatta and his family.

Gachora said that the law was followed when the waiver was awarded. He said if the court ruled otherwise, the bank would draw a Sh350 million cheque to the Kenya Revenue Authority the following day.

“People need to understand that the waiver was given to NCBA or the merging parties with over 26,000 shareholders behind the banks that were merging,” he said.

At the time of the merger, the Kenyatta family held a significant stake in CBA, while NIC was owned by business mogul Philip Ndegwa. Politicians affiliated to Kenya Kwanza administration claim that President Kenyatta used his influence to get the waiver.

“What I assure Kenyans is that should the court find that NCBA was not entitled to the waiver, the day the court makes that decision, the following day we will send a cheque of Sh350 million. That I can assure you,” the MD said during an interview

The current court case was filed by Busia senator Okiyah Omtatah, who argued that the process for the waiver was opaque.

Cooperative Bank

Down at Cooperative Bank of Kenya corruption laden Gideon Muriuki led institution, at the heart of the country’s banking oligarchy has been fighting one accusation after another. From steamy sex scandals, the nepotism, to officially tribalisng the top echelons and mounting customer complaints, they stand in the eye of any storm that engulfs the banking industry that is dominated by one community in the Kenya kaleidoscope.

As a deal to buy into non-performing Jamii Bora Bank gained pace, analysts were worried about due diligence done by Cooperative Bank which had in the past been hit by cases of fraud perpetrated by bank employees who work in cahoots with external persons to obtain money from the bank.

The Gideon Muriuki led Bank was on the spot as having weaknesses in its IT systems, which was attributed to sources within the bank.

Co-operative Bank has reported erratic systems of poor quality and that explains for instance the constant system hitches.

 “The former bank chairman’s sons are said to have supplied IT systems to the bank. The same family have also been rumoured to be supplying and tendering with the bank,” says a former employee, sacked in 2017.

The downtime attributed to a technical fault left the bank’s ATM Services, Card transactions at Merchants and other Point of Sale outlets dysfunctional rendering transactions by its customers impossible.

The bank, then announced having moved almost 90 percent of its customer transactions to alternative delivery channels including mobile and ATMs, has 580 ATMs and over 11,000 Co-op kwa Jirani agents across the country and the number is set to increase with the opening of new ATM machines and branches in Northern and Eastern Kenya.

Malfunctioning systems have been reported on December 22, 2017 and the worst would be on July 22, 2014 when the systems failed leaving numerous customers stranded with all manner of complaints.

There are those who found huge sums of money missing from their bank accounts, others could not access their funds, those whose payroll is processed by the bank had to wait for over 4 days to access their salaries.

This also applied to those who had deposited cheques, which took more than four days to clear.

On the Jamii Bora Bank purchase, which is as good as done, financial analysts are wondering why a behemoth like Coop Bank with a big financial muscle can go for a bank that survive by ‘the Grace of God’.

Jamii Bora Bank had in the entire period of its existence remained stagnated, refusing to innovate and introduce any change in the banking industry.

The transaction required regulatory approval from the CBK, Capital Markets Authority and the Competition Authority of Kenya and in the tribal oligarchy and corruption perpetrated by Cooperative Bank management ensured that it was easy for CBK boss to give the nod at first sight of the application.

The Nairobi Securities Exchange-listed Co-op commenced operations in 1965 and had the fourth highest market share (9.63 percent) in the banking industry at the end of last year.

In contrast, Jamii Bora, started in 2010 after the acquisition by City Finance Bank, and had a market share of 0.12 percent, putting it at position 38 out of 39 banks.

The deal will lead to changes in market share as well as expansion of Cooperative bank branches.

Jamii Bora’s last published financials are for the first quarter of 2018 when it had assets worth Sh12.5 billion.

Its liquidity ratio was in negative 11.1 percent compared with CBK’s minimum of 20 percent as at end of March 2018, leaving it in liquidity deficiency of 31.1 percent.

Who Owns Cooperative bank of Kenya?

In the past, Coop Bank has been accused of pummeling smaller banks and stagnating their growth, a case that was recorded in the acquisition of Spire Bank from Industrialist Naurdshad Merali in 2017.

The bank, bought by Mwalimu Sacco threatened the real existence of Coop Bank as the third biggest in the country and an immediate threat that most teachers in the country could have opened accounts there was going to be a real effect on the customer base.

The country has more than 200,000 teachers and an immediate switch is music to the bank manager’s ear.

Many economists says there is no logical explanation behind these constant system challenges that when resolved leave many customers in tears?

What is the CEO who is also the MD doing other than fighting over land, laundering money and getting embroiled in love scandals only to emerge the highest paid when customers get wanting services?

The insider intimated that the bank’s internal investigations have established a link between employees who know about malfunction in some of the bank’s IT systems and account holders who take advantage of the system.

While some of the cases have ended up in the court and others remain under police investigation, the bank, keen to protect its image, has hardly reported the full extent of the problem to authorities and has on occasions refrained from pressing charges against account-holders implicated in the fraud.

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Prof Simon Gicharu

Thousands of squatters in Naivasha, Kenya who were evicted from a land that they claim was allocated to them by the former government of President Daniel Moi (deceased) have written to Kenya Commission for Human Rights seeking their intervention after Simon Gicharu , the founder and chairman of Mount Kenya University reportedly bought it through rogue land officials and influential politicians who served in the government of retired president Kenyatta.

In a letter dated 9th June 2023, directed to Kenya Commission of Human Rights, the 3,000 squatters notes that if the situation is not contained , they remain vulnerable and their leaders who have been fighting Mr Gicharu’s atrocity may remain in jail after they were arrested by police while protesting about the latter but they could not afford a cash bail or bond of Sh 200,000 and are now rotting in prison.

‘’We are over 3,000 squatters living in Naivasha,Nakuru county who have lived in 16,000 acres that was allocated to us by former president Daniel Moi given our vulnerable situations.The squatters are drawn from Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania.Few months ago, Simon Gicharu who owns Mount Kenya University with the help of another tycoon Benjamin Kipkulei acting for Uhuru era politicians and rogue police officers used police and arrested some of our members,’’ reads part of the letter

‘’They are still in remand since they could not afford to pay a cash bail or bond that was being asked by the court of Sh 200,000.We kindly ask for your intervention because no one is listening to us and the media has been bribed not to air our grievances.We have been to the Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika office and county commissioner’s office but they seem to be compromised too.We have documents to show that this land is ours,’’ reads the letter further that is copied to the office of the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Last month, the squatters had promised to match to Mount Kenya University campus in Nakuru to show their disappointment with Simon Gicharu for grabbing their land but they claim some leaders were bought off.

Locals who spoke to this publication said they have lived there for decades and in the year 2019,the government set up a local school for 3,000 squatters and promised them part of the land will be subdivided to them since they had no where to go.

Last month , Mr Gicharu who locals says landed last week with the chopper to inspect the eviction and subsequent uprooting of the crops where the houses were burnt.

‘’We have nowhere to go, Simon Gicharu who owns Mount Kenya university claims he bought this land from the government and now wants us out. He is using the police to defeat justice, the media has been compromised, they come to interview us and later get money from Gicharu and never air our grievances,’’ Mary Mwathi, 78, says in a video seen by this publication when the group camped at the office of Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika and Regional commissioner seeking an audience with them over the matter.

Most farmers claim the specific area they have called home is called Ndabibi and Kosovo.

Mr Gicharu has already funded the construction of a police post in the contested land as an effort to deter the squatters from resettling in.

The new development comes just days after Kikuyu Member of parliament Kimani Ichungwah and majority leader in the National assembly questioned how Mount Kenya university has been the only private university in Kenya that has been receiving the highest number of government sponsored students at the expense of other private and public universities.

The outspoken legislator noted that Simon Gicharu who owns the university behaves like a cartel to get higher student placement funded by taxpayers in exchange for bribes.

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Infinix today announced the release of its new NOTE 30 Series, which includes the NOTE 30 Pro, NOTE 30 VIP, and NOTE 30.

This latest offering from Infinix features the brand’s hallmark charging capabilities, with an improved All-Round Fast Charge solution that can reach up to 68W wired and 15W wirelessly.

In addition, the NOTE 30 Series boasts a smooth and responsive 120Hz refresh rate display and an ultra-clear triple camera system with lenses up to 108MP.

Furthermore, Infinix has partnered with JBL for upgraded tuned sound, and created Ultra Powerful Signal technology, offering users incredible performance and efficiency like never before on an Infinix device.

“At Infinix, we designed the NOTE series with the aim of providing users with a powerful phone that can keep them connected to the world, anytime and anywhere. To achieve this, we developed the first-ever All-Round Fast Charge solution, which not only delivers speed but also ensures safety, intelligence, and flexibility. With this solution, users can take charge of their lives in all scenarios, 24/7. All devices have a premium display, ultra-clear camera, JBL-tuned sound system and advanced connectivity capabilities. We are confident that the NOTE 30 Series is a top choice for power users seeking an unbeatable value.” – Liang Zhang, Deputy General Manager at Infinix.

The Fast Charge Revolution

Infinix’s NOTE 30 Series comes packed with groundbreaking new charging innovations. The NOTE 30 Pro features 68W All-Round FastCharge, which can charge its 5000mAh battery from 1% to 80% in just 30 minutes. It also supports a 15W wireless FastCharge, a first in its price segment. The NOTE 30 and NOTE 30 VIP support a 68W All-Round FastCharge which rapidly powers up the devices on the go. All models have unparalleled durability, exceeding the industry average by withstanding 1,000 full charging cycles while retaining 80% of their energy.

The NOTE 30 Series introduces Infinix’s all-in-one solution for charging. Reverse Charge enables the device to work as a power bank for other devices in emergency situations.

Bypass Charge filters the current to supply power directly to the main board, which controls the phone’s temperature, resulting in an average temperature drop of 2℃ – 7℃.

These advances in temperature control keep the device cool, allowing users to charge and play games simultaneously.

The series also includes Intelligent Power E-IQ further advancing the charging experience with AI algorithms and security measures that protect users from overcharging.

Finally, PD 3.0 is fully supported, allowing the charger to fast charge other smart devices alongside the user’s NOTE 30 Series device.

The Perfect Companion for Mobile Entertainment

The NOTE 30 Series portfolio of devices features a 120Hz refresh rate display that benefits from Infinix’s Smart Refresh and Magellan Engine.

These features enable the device to adjust its refresh rate based on the user’s scenario, providing a smoother experience while consuming less power. Whether gaming or watching videos, the NOTE 30 Series’ display enriches the viewing experience.

Moreover, all models include an eye-care mode with TUV Rheinland Certification, which protects users’ eyes during extended screen time.

Infinix’s NOTE 30 Pro offers a viewing experience like no other. The 10-bit AMOLED display has a peak brightness of 900 nits, a 5,000,000:1 contrast ratio, 1920Hz PWM Dimming, and 360Hz Touch Sampling Rate. This means users can expect a responsive, vibrant display in every situation.

The ultra-thin bezels and stereo dual speakers, which are sound by JBL and certified by Hi-Res, make the NOTE 30 Series an industry standout for its audio capabilities.

Next-level Performance

Focusing on performance, the NOTE 30 Series is fully equipped with powerful internals specifically designed to empower the user to get more out of their day.

The NOTE 30 Pro and NOTE 30 4G use powerful MediaTek Helio G99 processors, with a 6nm process for energy efficiency and high performance. With Vapor-Chamber Liquid Cooling technology on the NOTE 30 Pro, the device stays cool under pressure, thanks to a patented 10-layer material with a 2,000mm2 chamber area.

Meanwhile, the NOTE 30 5G features a MediaTek Dimensity 6080 6nm 5G processor and dual 5G SIM support, providing users with lightning-fast 5G speeds.

The NOTE 30 Series is proud to introduce its latest innovation: self-developed Ultra Power Signal (UPS) technology.

Designed specifically for weak signal environments, this groundbreaking technology is optimized for weak signal user scenarios, including basements, elevators, suburban areas, and landscape handheld.

With a new antenna design and proprietary algorithms, UPS technology greatly improves signal performance in signal jitter, signal dense, and signal weak conditions.

It can intelligently switch antennas, accelerate the network, and reduce the lag rate when using low-latency applications such as gaming, downloading content, and watching videos.

The NOTE 30 Series has achieved a remarkable up to 40% increase in cellular signal strength and a 100% increase in WiFi signal strength in landscape mode, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted entertainment experience.

Capture With Clarity

Infinix is proud to announce that the NOTE 30 Series features an impressive triple camera system.

The Infinix NOTE 30 Pro and NOTE 30 VIP come with a whopping 108MP ultra-high pixel primary camera that captures every moment with maximum sharpness and crystal-clear transparency.

Meanwhile, the NOTE 30 model is equipped with a 64MP primary camera to cater to different user needs. Additionally, all three devices feature automatic color gradation technology to enhance image quality when under backlighting and glare conditions.

The camera capabilities of the NOTE 30 Series are further enhanced with features such as Dual View Mode, which allows users to capture moments with both front and rear-facing cameras simultaneously.

Sky Remap adjusts the sky in photos, while the Street Photography Filter helps users master the art of street photography. With all these features, users can capture stunning images that meet their exact specifications. Moreover, the NOTE 30 Pro’s 32MP selfie camera with Style Makeup helps users show off their multi-faceted personality.

Additional Key Features

The NOTE 30 Series boasts an impressive 8GB+256GB of memory, with an Extended RAM technology upgrade of 8GB+8GB (equivalent to 16GB) for superior multitasking performance and storage capabilities.
Running on XOS 13 built on Android 13, the NOTE 30 Series delivers a sleek user interface, new sound design and motion graphics. XOS 13 also offers upgraded PC connection 2.0, Lightning Multi-Window, and Notepad features, ensuring a personalized and intuitive experience.
With the NOTE 30 Series’ Multi-Functional Near Field Communication (NFC), users can enjoy the convenience of short-range wireless technologies, making it possible to share payloads of data such as transit passes or charge to credit cards.

Pricing and Availability

The NOTE 30 VIP, NOTE 30 Pro and NOTE 30 will cost Ksh 45,999, Ksh 33,999 and Ksh 27,999 respectively, and will be available in Classic Black, Interstellar Blue, or Sunset Gold. Prices and availability for the NOTE 30 Series will vary from retailer to retailer.

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David Wanjohi is a name that has become synonymous with fraud, deception, and betrayal in Nyeri and the surrounding areas. The man who used to be a pastor has since turned his back on his religious beliefs and resorted to conning people out of their hard-earned cash.

Wanjohi’s downward spiral started when he began to crave wealth and material possessions. He believed that he could not achieve this through legitimate means, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He established a company called Biz Guide Investments Limited, which he used as a special purpose vehicle to defraud unsuspecting Kenyans.

One of his victims, Alex, had known Wanjohi for over 20 years and had no reason to doubt his intentions when he asked for a loan of one million Kenya shillings. As a friend and a pastor, Alex believed that Wanjohi would use the money for a legitimate business venture. However, Wanjohi disappeared without a trace after receiving the money, and his phone was turned off. Alex tried to contact the Nyeri church where Wanjohi used to be a pastor, but it was closed indefinitely.

Other sources close to Wanjohi have also confirmed that he has swindled many of his friends and associates by borrowing money and issuing fraudulent securities as collateral. He has also been seen hiding in Nanyuki after being arrested in Nyeri for failing to pay for lodging. Wanjohi even went as far as borrowing a vehicle from a friend and was caught trying to cross the border with a ready client in Uganda.

It’s clear that David Wanjohi has no regard for his friends, associates, or even his own religious beliefs. He has chosen a path of deception, greed, and betrayal, which has left many people devastated and struggling to recover their losses. His actions have not only harmed individuals, but they have also tarnished the reputation of genuine pastors who genuinely serve their congregations.


“I’ve never felt more betrayed or violated in my life.” David Wanjohi was someone I trusted as a pastor and a friend, but he used that trust to cheat me of a large sum of money. It’s been a harrowing experience, and I pray that justice finds him soon. I would encourage anyone who knows him to avoid him.” – Mary K., a victim of Wanjohi’s deception.

“I knew David Wanjohi for many years and considered him to be a man of integrity and honesty.” I had no reason to suspect him when he approached me with a business proposal, so I invested heavily in his company. It wasn’t until long later that I realized the whole thing was a hoax and that he had used my money for his own gain. It was a difficult lesson to learn, but I’m happy for the experience since it taught me to be more cautious in my interactions with others.” – John M., yet another victim of Wanjohi’s deception.

It is crucial to highlight that the names mentioned in this article, such as Mary K. and John M., are pseudonyms and not the real identities of the people whose lives have been impacted by David Wanjohi’s acts. These names were used to shield their identities for their own safety and to avoid any potential legal complications that could result from using their real names. It is critical to respect these people’s privacy and avoid seeking to identify them in any way.


It’s crucial that the public be warned against dealing with Wanjohi and his company, Biz Guide Investments Limited. If anyone has any information about Wanjohi’s whereabouts, they should contact the police or the email provided in this article: fraudreport254@gmail.com to prevent him from conning anyone else.

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Just a day after former president Uhuru Kenyatta held the Jubilee National Delegates Convention (NDC) at the Ngong Racecourse, the registrar of political parties Ann Nderitu has approved his ouster.

Nderitu addressed her directive dated May 19, 2023 to Joshua Kutuny, Deputy Secretary General of the Kanini Kega faction.

She also confirmed the approval of David Murathe and Jeremiah Kioni as Vice Chairman and Secretary General respectively.

Uhuru’s faction during the NDC expelled a dozen officials in an attempt to reconstitute a National Executive Committee (NEC) dominated by President William Ruto loyalists.

The Kenyatta-backed camp axed Kanini Kega, the Acting Secretary General according to changes ratified by a Ruto-backed NEC.

Monday’s meeting also removed Sabina Chege whom the Kega-led group named as Acting Party Leader replacing Kenyatta in changes upheld by the Political Parties Tribunal.

In its judgment delivered on April 16, the tribunal said that the notice for the National Executive Committee meeting issued on February 2 and the subsequent NEC meeting on February 10 which imposed Kega was conducted in line with the party Constitution.

Also removed alongside Kega who served as the Director of Election prior to the leadership coup are former Cheragany MP Joshua Kutunny (Deputy Secretary General) and Former Taveta MP Naomi Shaban (Deputy Party Leader, Outreach).

Others are Jimi Angwenyi (Deputy Party Leader), Kinoti Gatobu (Deputy Party Leader, Operations), Peter Mositet (Deputy Party Leader, Programmes), Nelson Dzuya (National Chairman)  and Kitui Woman Representative Racheal Nyamai (Deputy Director of Elections).  

Kenyatta’s camp led by besieged Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni announced Chege’s replacement as House Deputy Minority Whip with Embakasi West David Mwenje.

It named new officials who include Maoka Maore  (Deputy Party Leader, Operations), Saitoti Torome (Chairman), Pauline Njoroge (Deputy Organizing Secretary), Jamleck Kamau (National Director of Elections) and Maison Leshoomo (National Women League Chairperson).

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Infinix has announced its new collaboration with HARMAN’s legendary audio and technology brand JBL, to bring Sound by JBL audio excellence to the next generation of their highly-regarded NOTE Series.

At Infinix, the user experience is a top priority, and sound quality plays a fundamental role in that experience.

Together with the 75-year legacy of acoustic quality and expertise that the brand is renowned for, the upcoming release of the NOTE Series will be enhanced by the Sound by JBL tuning along with the latest innovations from Infinix.

Users can look forward to an upgraded audio experience in the next generation of Infinix’s NOTE Series, thanks to this exciting new collaboration with JBL. Stay tuned for more information on the release date and features of the new series.

“We’re incredibly excited about our collaboration with the JBL brand here at Infinix. Our hardware expertise combined with JBL’s acoustic technology means we can provide an enhanced audio experience to customers worldwide. With a device that delivers upgraded sound quality, we’re confident we’re in exceeding users’ expectations.” – Liang Zhang, Deputy General Manager at Infinix.

Integrated with JBL Tech
When building the NOTE Series, Infinix collaborated closely with JBL engineers to optimize the software system of their new generation NOTE Series.

The software processing within the Note series was tuned to deliver JBL’s signature sound that ensures well-balanced mid-tones as well as rich bass, along with high-quality and faithful sound reproduction.

“The JBL brand is all about delivering the fullest sound experience, and we are therefore extremely proud to collaborate with the Infinix team to deliver superior audio through Sound by JBL.

Rooted in a shared passion for sound, we know the Infinix team is committed to audio excellence in their mobile devices, and we will continue to work together bringing upgraded sound quality to more consumers as we look forward to deepening our cooperation with Infinix for more product development.” – Roumu Hu, Vice President and General Manager, HARMAN Embedded Audio.

Infinix intends to introduce this new technology in their upcoming phone models, starting with the next release of the NOTE series.

The launch is scheduled for May, so customers can look forward to experiencing the enhanced sound quality of this innovative technology very soon.

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Trouble is brewing at Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) as disappointed staff bitterly complain about corruption, nepotism and mismanagement by acting Director General Prof Elija Songok.

According to sources within the institution, morale is at historic low and important research work has ground to halt due to graft.

To make matters worse, there has been no substantive DG or CEO at Kemri for three years since Prof Yeri Kombe retired. Prof Sam Kariuki who was in acting capacity until March 2023 took a sabbatical leave due to frustrations.

He handed over to Prof Elija Songok who was imposed by the Principal Secretary for Health Engineer Peter Tum. Songok had been serving as the director of research.

Songok was elevated to the position in dubious circumstances reeking of nepotism. Tum, PS for health is a village mate (they are actually next door neighbors) to Songok. They have a relationship going back decades and are close family friends.

When Tum’s children were studying in Canada, it’s Songok who hosted them in his house.

Curiously, Songok is earning double salary as the acting DG Kemri and also as a staffer at University of Manitoba in Canada. He is actually a Canadian citizen is its curious how a dual citizen can be appointed to head such an important Kenyan institution.

The biggest case of corruption involves a product developbed by Kemri known as Ujiplus.

While serving as the director of research, Songok led the team of researchers that came up with Ujiplus, a herbal flour to be used in fighting neglected tropical diseases.

Ujiplus is a fortified herbal formulation designed to be taken as a school meal snack for both nutrition and deworming.

Scientists at Kemri developed the integrated deworming and nutritious porridge but in a move that stinks of corruption, Songok grabbed the product and is privately selling it.

Usually when Kemri comes up with a product like this, it is sent to the commercial department which sells it to generate revenue for the research institution.

In a move that should interest EACC, Songok founded a company known as Terik Foods and Nutraceuticals Limited which now produces and sells Ujiplus yet the product was developed by Kemri.

Interestingly, Terik is the name of the sub clan in Nandi community where he hails from.

To make matters worse he has roped in his 2 sons into this corrupt scheme. The boys operate a shop just next to Kemri headquarters in Nairobi where they sell the Ujiplus. The sons also live in his official Kemri residence.

When Tum served as the CEO of KMTC, he had a personal assistant known as Barnabas Kimatoi. The he has since seconded the same guy to serve as Songok’s PA.

There are also irregular appointments and promotions happening under Songok’s watch at Kemri.

He has promoted his cronies and partners in dubious dealings to influential and lucrative positions.

Songok has removed Dr Kizito Lubano as director of research and development and replaced him with a Dr Nelly Mugo with who Songok has business interests with.

Dr Mugo runs an NGO known as Partners in Health Research and Development (PHRD) which is funded by Kemri. She runs the NGO with a Dr David Bukusu whose spouse Prof Elizabeth Bukusu also work at Kemri.

Another case of conflict of interest involves Dr Onono Maricianah who runs an NGO known as Kargeno Group. Kargeno group focuses on sexual reproductrive adolescent and child health.

Songok has appointed Dr Onono to be director of scientific programs and partnerships while still running the NGO.

In another case of malpractice at Kemri, the director, legal, Martin Machira whose contract is lapsing in August 2023 is irregularly pushing the HR committee of Kemri board to renew his contract.

Machira has blatantly continued to engage external lawyers are exorbitant cost to the institute against government directive when he should be the one going to court to represent the institution.

Another issue if the irregular hiring of the internal auditor. When James Mwangi was serving as internal auditor, he exposed a lot of rot in the finance department including the cash purchases totaling Shs 52 million which were highlighted in Auditor General Report 2020/21.

So the finance director Antony Wachira hatched a plot to get Mwangi out of the way. Wachira colluded with an intern who he had an affair with to falsely accuse Mwangi with attempted rape. The intern entered Mwangi’s office at noon and started screaming that Mwangi wanted to rape her.

When Mwangi was suspended over the issue, Wachira arranged for his own cousin Patrick Gitau to be seconded from treasury as the acting internal auditor.

When Wachira was made the acting director of Corporate Services, he used the position to confirm Gitau as the internal auditor even before Mwangi’s case was heard and determined.

Mwangi was eventually cleared by court and reinstated to his job but his office had been irregularly filled. Now Kemri has 2 internal auditors.

Another problem causing low morale within Kemri is the failure by Songok to pay some 2.27 billion shillings owed to unionisable staff as extraneous allowance.

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