Bungoma MCAs led by the majority leader Joseph Nyongesa have today endorsed Senate speaker Ken Lusaka for the county’s top seat.
The MCAs say that the county’s first governor has what it takes to put Bungoma county in a good place once again.
Speaking at the Ken Lusaka command Centre in Bungoma town, the 35 MCAs said they will support Lusaka since he is capable of reviving the economy and the normal functioning of Bungoma county.

The County has a total of 45 wards in its 9 constituencies.
Lusaka is set to be received officially by Ford Kenya as the party’s gubernatorial aspirant on 11th March at Bungoma Posta grounds.
The majority leader Joseph Nyongesa said that they will pull their weight behind Lusaka and support him fully to see him win the elections come 9th of August this year.
His sentiments were echoed by Elizabeth Tindi, Tongaren MCA saying that during Lusaka’s regime, the number of bags of fertilizers distributed to the farmers was 700 and now it is only 300 saying that the county is directing the funds that are meant to help the residents on unimportant things.

Lwandanyi MCA Tony Barasa also campaigned for Lusaka saying that many projects have stuck since Governor Wycliffe Wangamati took over.
He noted that it is just wise for the people of Bungoma to vote in Lusaka for the second time so that he can come in and finish the projects that he started as the first governor of Bungoma.
“Many projects have stalled since Wangamati came in and we are certain that Lusaka is coming to complete them”, he said.
The MCAs said that they have resolved to spread the gospel to every resident of Bungoma county and with that, they are set to have several rallies in every subcounty.