Wanga elders have today warned Luhyas against electing people that crippled Mumias Sugar Company when they had power to save the only economic source in western province.
Speaking at a meeting in shiembekho restaurant in Matungu constituency, Mr. Peter Mumia Shitawa who is the current Nabongo warned Luhyas against electing those leaders that had evidence that would take Kidero to jail for freezing Mumias sugar on the governorship position.
Up to date millions of residents of Mumias youth dropped out of school as they soley depended on Mumias Sugar Company as their main source of income. Mr. Shitawa asked Luhyas not to vote for Ayub Savula and Bonny Khalwale as governor for it will be suicidal to their economy as people will languish in poverty forever.
Lugari MP and Kakamega gubernatorial aspirant in 2022 Ayub Savula who is a former journalist is said to have had massive intensive evidence against Dr. Evans Kidero, the then Mumias sugar company CEO.
The evidence could have seen Kidero’s property repossessed and Mumias sugar reopened.
When Kidero knew the massive evidence against him was going to bring him down, he approached Ayub savula with a bribe totaling to 300 million shillings.
Savula on the other hand rejected the bribe and asked Kidero to show him “how to fish” from the sweat of Luhyas.
This is when Kidero introduced savula to the business of importing cheap sugar from Uganda and repackaging it into Mumias sugar company packets.

The two became millionaires and hence the source of Savula’s massive wealth and intention to become the governor.
On the other hand former Kakamega senator Dr. Bonny Khalwale tabled massive evidence against Kidero in the senate.
This evidence was enough to impeach Kidero as the governor of Nairobi should he have been found guilty of corruption.
Kidero being a corruption mafia, he summoned the poor beggar khalwale to a hotel in Uganda and offered him a bribe worth 20 million., the money the polygamous khalwale could not reject and ended up selling the Luhya people to the dogs.
Should the people of Kakamega County listen to peter, the second Mumia, then it is obvious that Khalwale and Savula stand no chance of becoming governors of Kakamega county come 2022 and should not waste their finances on the campaigns.
Currently Kakamega County stands as one of the most developed counties after the introduction of devolved system of government.